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Out of the Blue Tweet from BioWare


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When, you ask? When I realized it was faster to grind Galactic Command XP to earn gear for pvp and operations in GSF than in the actual pvp or operations.


Too soon? :cool::rak_03:


Yeah, probably too son, but your insight serves you well.:D

I expect it's like those butt-dial things, someone rolled over on their phone and tweeted something from a month after it launched

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I checked out the Twitter post and was very irritated when skimming through the comments. It's frustrating to read so many people stating their hatred or indifference for GSF when I personally find it one of the funnest and most exciting things to do in SWTOR. Most of these people all seem to have one thing in common: they have absolutely no skill and no understanding of how to play.


I understand there are many players out there who dislike any form of PVP and will refuse to participate. That is their prerogative, but what I've never been able to understand is how so many players fail to appreciate free-form space combat set in the Star Wars universe. Dog-fighting in space has always been one of the most quintessential hallmarks in Star Wars! GSF is a wonderful, exciting little gem that allows players so much freedom in pitting their skills and tactics against one another in ways that the rest of the game is simply incapable of doing. Why so many people fail to recognize that is beyond me--and I say this knowing all the existing issues and complaints that have been stated in the forums for the past 2 years. GSF is a game that requires a lot of skill, tenacity and perseverance.


This is a good thing.

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It's frustrating to read so many people stating their hatred or indifference for GSF ...

Flew with my guild during PTS and when it launched. I burned out in a month. Took others a bit longer. A few flew until we migrated to a different game. The PvP mode(s) were OK-ish but we would have been 10x happier with it if there was a PvE mode.


People are very bitter over GSF for what it could have been and some of the brain-dead design decisions BINO took. Sadly this seems to be a recurring theme with the studio: Create a new shiny! Drop it when it's not universally loved.

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Dog-fighting in space has always been one of the most quintessential hallmarks in Star Wars!


That there may be the problem. Half the time, GSF matches end up with a bunch of gunships camping and sniping away, and/or bombers holed up in a nook. Hardly the exciting dog-fighting we see in the movies.

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I checked out the Twitter post and was very irritated when skimming through the comments. It's frustrating to read so many people stating their hatred or indifference for GSF when I personally find it one of the funnest and most exciting things to do in SWTOR. Most of these people all seem to have one thing in common: they have absolutely no skill and no understanding of how to play.


I understand there are many players out there who dislike any form of PVP and will refuse to participate. That is their prerogative, but what I've never been able to understand is how so many players fail to appreciate free-form space combat set in the Star Wars universe. Dog-fighting in space has always been one of the most quintessential hallmarks in Star Wars! GSF is a wonderful, exciting little gem that allows players so much freedom in pitting their skills and tactics against one another in ways that the rest of the game is simply incapable of doing. Why so many people fail to recognize that is beyond me--and I say this knowing all the existing issues and complaints that have been stated in the forums for the past 2 years. GSF is a game that requires a lot of skill, tenacity and perseverance.


This is a good thing.


^ Exactly this. I actually used to be one of those people that hated any kind of PvP, and refused to even try GSF on principle. Then one day I queued up and gave it a shot. Much to my surprise, I loved it! It has easily become my favourite part of the game. I think more people just need to give it a fair chance. The helpfulness of the community, and reading all of the great player created guides was a huge help to me as well.

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That there may be the problem. Half the time, GSF matches end up with a bunch of gunships camping and sniping away, and/or bombers holed up in a nook. Hardly the exciting dog-fighting we see in the movies.


I understand what you're saying, as gunship and bomber spam has been a common gripe for quite a while now, but even something as contentious as gunships and bombers balling up together can be a fun challenge provided there are enough players on your team who know what they're doing. Rookie players are almost certain to experience the worst of it since they are most vulnerable and most unaware of what to do in those situations. It seems to me that the ones who are most critical of GSF tend to be the ones who understand it the least.


Personally, I think a large part of what makes GSF fun and interesting is the endless combination of countermeasures that is available to every player. Analyzing the opposing team's ship composition and tactics and figuring out how to overcome them is one of the many challenges a lot of us enjoy about GSF.

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haha he said "Funnest"



as to the comments about XP...

with purchased bonuses in legacy tab, a xp booster and the games current xp boost. I am getting 150-350k exp per match.


Starskream, Firestar, Hardtop, ...pretty much anytime you see a toon named after a transformers character its me. :hope_01::csw_snowspeeder::csw_vadertie:


Keep calm and OOTINI! (and then fix GSF)

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