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Why does Galactic Command take so long?


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Evidence from the recent livestream suggests that GC is going to be a substantial grind. At the very low GC level of 8, it takes 3 Uprisings (or about 90 minutes of group content) to finish a GC level. The end reward is a box that contains gear, but not necessarily set gear. Remember that these boxes are still much too low rank at level 8 to be endgame gear; we'll be expected to have better gear than this to complete content like Veteran Uprisings (which of course reward more GC points).


It's really looking like the pace of gearing is slowing substantially for no good reason in KOTET, on top of all the other reasons that the GC system is dissatisfying (like removing gear drops from everything in the game).

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TIME OUT!!! The fact that one can potentially get set bonus gear from solo and small group content play at all is a HUGE change.


Participation in large group content - PvP and Ops - will always be the most efficient method of top tier gear acquisition...as it should be.

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TIME OUT!!! The fact that one can potentially get set bonus gear from solo and small group content play at all is a HUGE change.


Participation in large group content - PvP and Ops - will always be the most efficient method of top tier gear acquisition...as it should be.


They were doing a group content and it took them ages. On low level, where one could think the pace should be fast as you need the basic gear to do the basic stuff.

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TIME OUT!!! The fact that one can potentially get set bonus gear from solo and small group content play at all is a HUGE change.


Participation in large group content - PvP and Ops - will always be the most efficient method of top tier gear acquisition...as it should be.


We're not talking about endgame gear that's the equivalent of 220/224 right now. This is the basic GC stuff you're getting at Rank 8.


The actual endgame gear will have a much longer grind. This is the short part of the grind (although mathematically it may be likely to not get a set of gear before exceeding the GC rank where you start getting higher gear).

Edited by meleti
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So now we're complaining about the grind in what can easily be solo content?


Now mind you, I rarely group (I play at very odd hours and no longer know the boss mechanics in most ops etc).


But honestly are what we after is a npc vendor that we just click on for free the best high end game armor and weapons? Oh and locate the vendor right next to the port in location on fleet (so we don't have to like move to them or make a wrong turn in fleet.

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Well, consider there's no guarantee you get a set gear from the crate. Then consider you have no guarantee you get the piece you need to switch to HM stuff. Believe me, SM OPS are BORING. We just did S&V SM in 5 people without a wipe. With 2 newbies!!!

Also there's no new content.


And from what we can see the progress is slow.


So, after we consider the randomness, slow progress and the fact we don't have any new content we are angry. Why? Because the challenging content is locked behind RANDOM BOXES WE WILL TAKE FOREVER TO GRIND.


I am talking from the view of a person who is the next in line after the raid leader. 8 player challenging content isn't SM content. Believe me. ANd the rest is beyond gear-wall.


Though I still don't know how fast it will be in operations so I'll give BW a doubt about the speed.

Edit> the stream is 1:26 long. This is by far the longest operation(7 bosses) with some of the longest fights(Styrak, Olok, Cartel Warlords).

Edited by Deaconik
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So now we're complaining about the grind in what can easily be solo content?
No. We're complaining about the grind to get basic gear to play the stuff we've had in-game for 5-years. There should be no grind to get back to doing HM EV...none. There shouldn't be a 3-month+ grind to get ranked PvP going again...just to do the content we can TODAY, we are looking at months of grinding...which is worth complaining about.
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If a person has been having a hard time finding interest to play stale old content they have done already with full gear; what incentive is there for them to grind gear just to be able to play the same stale old content again? Its a grind where you are working for no new goals other than to get back where you were.
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But honestly are what we after is a npc vendor that we just click on for free the best high end game armor and weapons? Oh and locate the vendor right next to the port in location on fleet (so we don't have to like move to them or make a wrong turn in fleet.


That's an absurd reduction.


So now we're complaining about the grind in what can easily be solo content?


This isn't solo content.


At least Keta got my point ;)

This isn't a solo system however; it's everyone's system. Solo players, group players, and Ops players alike.

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And this isn't even really to complain as much as I just can't even fathom what BWA is thinking here. They're positioning SWTOR as an MMO that's roughly as hardcore as games like WoW and FFXIV that demand to be the only game you play - but they're choosing not to deliver any additional new content along with raised expectations of how much their player base will be playing to acquire gear. It's becoming a hardcore game without the large amount of content a hardcore game requires.


Looking at SWTOR compared to its competitors on the market, there's so much less content but just as high or higher expectations of player time commitment. And that seems patently insane.


I don't usually post here and I don't intend to start doing so, but this is just unfathomable game design for SWTOR going forward.

Edited by meleti
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No. We're complaining about the grind to get basic gear to play the stuff we've had in-game for 5-years. There should be no grind to get back to doing HM EV...none. There shouldn't be a 3-month+ grind to get ranked PvP going again...just to do the content we can TODAY, we are looking at months of grinding...which is worth complaining about.


They don't get it Tux. They don't get that raiders think sm is mindnumbing or that people want to be able to play ranked. They don't understand it being solo pve heroes.


My raid team wants to get back into where we are in progression as fast as possible because we have things to finish. Doing sm is insanely boring. But who knows how long it will take to get back into something we enjoy. If some are super lucky and get gear right away but some aren't and keep getting crap, I wonder what will happen to my team, and other teams.

Edited by Krazhez
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actually looking at it you can do 3 vet (depending if your group know what there doing) because uprising in a hour it only took them 19 minute to do the whole vet uprising (excluding the there first attempt at the uprising leading to a wipe) and about 3 to 5 on story mode in a hour, cause it only took 13 minutes to do one story. it reasonable amount considering there not that long and you are in a small group. operation and pvp are probably going to go to where you get the most CXP Edited by commanderwar
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They don't get it Tux. They don't get that raiders think sm is mindnumbing or that people want to be able to play ranked. They don't understand it being solo pve heroes.


My raid team wants to get back into where we are in progression as fast as possible because we have things to finish. Doing sm is insanely boring. But who knows how long it will take to get back into something we enjoy. If some are super lucky and get gear right away but some aren't and keep getting crap, I wonder what will happen to my team, and other teams.


Well if the group are friends and enjoying the company and the game, they won't mind the slower going and just laugh and have fun. Besides, in other MMO's typically your tanks get geared long LONG before the DPS are ever geared properly. Healers typically are a run behind the tanks. These people end up running raids and such long past the point they are getting anything from it, so now it will be random who it is...now DPS will need to wait on others for a change very likely.

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They don't get it Tux. They don't get that raiders think sm is mindnumbing or that people want to be able to play ranked. They don't understand it being solo pve heroes.


My raid team wants to get back into where we are in progression as fast as possible because we have things to finish. Doing sm is insanely boring. But who knows how long it will take to get back into something we enjoy. If some are super lucky and get gear right away but some aren't and keep getting crap, I wonder what will happen to my team, and other teams.


Some of us solo scrubs do get it. Some of us understand that we need the PvPers and the raiders to be happy, or we will truly be playing a solo game, AND paying for it monthly.


Any MMO needs all kinds of players. The hardcore raiders, the crafters, the ones playing dress-up and so on.

As a solo scrub, I may not personally care about new OPs, but I do care if YOU aren't around to possibly buy my stuff off the GTN, or sell me a deco I can't get myself.

I'm very aware that I, as a casual solo scrub, will eventually end up in the same gear you have (if either of us p(l)ay long enough to get there). I'm equally aware that I won't need it, because I don't have any intention of doing the most difficult content. And I am aware that you, who DO need it to be able to enjoy the game, will have to take a long break in your progression to get back to where you are now.


I feel for you. I also feel for the serious PvPers who will have to put up with people like me (if not me personally) who jump into WZs only for some quick CXP.


Do I want the shinies? Of course, since they're being offered to me. Do I think it's fair that I should get them? No. The solo parts of the game are too easy as it is.

"....but you can replay content on a more difficult mode! You need gear for that!" That's what other casuals will say. But WHY? I have no interest in doing the same content again and again, only this time the mobs have more health. And interrupt you more. ...and then I still have to do the same thing again on my next alt.




Anyway. Some of us solo players do understand our fellow players' worries. Some of us aren't any happier than the raiders or PvPers. I just wanted you to know that.

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Anyway. Some of us solo players do understand our fellow players' worries. Some of us aren't any happier than the raiders or PvPers. I just wanted you to know that.


I appreciate that, and it's not like I don't want you to get gear, if gear makes people enjoy their solo content to race themselves or whatever have at it. Its nice to be able to get gear with anything you do. Its the rng that's the problem. Maybe they'll weight it against pieces you have, so you don't get so many duplicates, or something. No idea, but i do hope it works and it doesn't suck.

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