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What does Kotor got to do with ToR


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Lore and timeline wise how are they connected besides being Star Wars.


In KoTOR 1, we played as a man who lost his memories, allied with the Republic. Revan. In KoTOR 2, we played as The Exile, who appears in ToR. Towards the end, she left for the Unknown Regions and died at the hands of the Emperor, Revan was captured. That's how it fits in. We also meet HK-47 in all three games.

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SWTOR happens 300 years after KotOR 1 and 2, and in addition to several references to events of those games (mostly KotOR 1) and the book that came after them, both Revan and the Exile appear as NPCs in this game.


There is a cult of Revanites on Dromund Kaas, which dark side players can do quests for.


The Exile (player character from KotOR 2) appears as a force ghost that directs Republic players to where Revan is being held captive, and they free him in a series of mid game Flashpoints. The empire then kills Revan in their own series of mid game flashpoints.


Later, in the second expansion pack, Revan (or someone pretending to be him) returns at the head of a huge army and threatens to wipe out both the Empire and Republic, who have to band together to stop him.

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The wiki has a run down of the story and major characters for KOTOR.


SWTOR is sort of a sequel to KOTOR, although set 300 years later in the timeline. The protagonist for KOTOR is a major character in SWTOR (mentioned many times, shows up in a Flashpoint, central character of the Shadow of Revan DLC), Satele Shan is the descendant of Revan and Bastila Shan, and Vitiate/Valkorian was Revan's primary nemesis (albeit behind the scenes). The planet Taris that you visit during the game was also a major location in KOTOR, although in KOTOR you visit it while it's still a thriving megacity like Coruscant. Taris gets destroyed during the events of KOTOR and was carried out on Darth Malak's orders in a failed attempt to eliminate Revan and Bastila.


There are lots of small mentions of characters from KOTOR as well. For example in the Smuggler storyline one of the relics you're smuggling in exchange for ship upgrades to get Nok Drayen's treasure is the preserved head of the Sith Lord Darth Bandon. Bandon is a killed by Revan during the events of KOTOR.

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