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Sentinel barely lives


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I was well aware that sentinel was based on dps not health. But i often fine myself weak without the constant heal with my companion. This quite worries me. any tips? lvl 32


While Sentinel/Marauder is not known for it's 'tanking' skills =p, It does have some very good DCDs which can go a long way in helping survival in solo play. Your healing companion should go a long way in keeping you on your feet, given the general power levels of companion. That you are choosing not to employ your companion in a healing function is a bit puzzling. Sents/Maras have no form of self-healing [unless your anni/watchman, but even still their self-heals are weak], at level 32 you still do not have your full array DCDs, so at this time, there is all the more reason you should be employing your companion as a healer.


The state of your gear may play some part in your difficulties, but unless you are using gear with substantially lower level minimum requirements than yourself [10 or greater], it is less likely that it is your gear causing you the difficulty.


I didn't find survival particularly difficult during leveling in solo play [storyline]. I would recommend you always employ your companion as a healer, as a Sent DPS shouldn't be a problem and thusly you shouldn't need to employ your companion in a DPS function. While there may be times using a companion in a tanking function might be more advantageous than as a healer, those times are few and far between. As pure DPS class, you really should essentially using your companion as a healer much, if not all of the time.


Some general survival tips -


Try not to pull more than one mob at a time.

Kill weakest adds first and save the strongest ones tll last so you are not taking unnecessary damage while fighting the stronger opponent from adds that are quick to dispatch.

Always heal to full health between every pull.

Use cloak of pain on or near cool down while fighting. There's really no reason not to, its one of the best DCDs in the game with the added benefit of a short cooldown.

Always use the best medpacs available [closest to your level, purple rated].

---------- Do not stand in stupid --------- [this is a big one]

Remember you are not a tank, so don't play like one.

Use all your skills. [using interrupts is a great way of avoiding unnecessary damage].

Unless you are facing trash, give your cool downs time to finish their CDs between pulls so you can use them if needed.

There is no getting around level sync. just because you are level 34 doesn't mean that when you are on "lower level planets' you have the advantage. level sync lowers you to the level of the planet with regard to some of your vital stats.

Keep your companion on heals. There's very little reason not to most of the time.

And as has already been touched upon, keep your gear up to date.


Hope some of this might help smooth the way for you some. Good luck.

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Don't forget Rebuke, and use your PvE stuns like Blade Storm and Force Sweep. Actual CC will also keep you from taking damage, like Awe and your companion should eventually get a long mez if it doesn't already. Edited by Troelsen
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