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What is the Logic behind removing Iconic Class Abilities?


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Umm, namely?

But well, the exception proves the rule.:)


Thanks btw for your PM. Hadn't thought of these, tbh. But for most fights you won't be able to use that. Or, to word it better, it would be more benefical to use a different utility set :)


I'm surprised you don't remember. It was the first time they were planning to completely redo energy management for sorcs/sages. It was on the public PTS (odd to have to say that) and it created a big ole *****torm.

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I guess it comes down to the difference between move and move out.


Indeed. But he did not say they "canceled" it and will simply replace it with forum threads. He did however promise some information coming via threads in the short term, and he kept that commitment.


Honestly, I fully expect class ability changes to be the very last of any live stream. Why? Because it is probably the least stable of 5.0 content on their internal betas right now. Class abilities are such a passionate issue with players to begin with... putting out things that never make it live just pours gas on the bonfire. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Oh Really?!....



Now... if they do not reschedule it, then you would be correct, but that is not yet the case..

Take a look into what they showed in the last stream:


The shedule doesn't include it anymore and Eric specifically states that they are doing the posts instead of the stream.

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I am trying to get precise information [...]


Others have already given you good explanations so I won't repeat them especially since you don't find me articulate.


Let me just say that when one is not familiar with a topic it may be prudent to refrain from making value judgments (force pull as a "superfluous choice" for example).

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You're right. People will adapt(or, which is more likely, just leave) ...


I agree, I have a character in each class and each discipline. I'm not terribly happy with the announced changes and with Shadow and Bounty Hunter (powertech) in particular. What I'll likely do is give 5.0 a try, but if i find it annoying or less enjoyable i will not "adapt,' I'll just leave the game. Major changes in classes are disruptive regardless of the rationale. There will be fallout.

Edited by Keta
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Oh Really?!....



Now... if they do not reschedule it, then you would be correct, but that is not yet the case.


As for them never changing or pulling something before a patch goes live, they actually do it fairly often. More often they pull something because there are what they consider game breaking issues, and release it later when they get it stabilized. But for major expac patches like this... they do indeed change things at the last minute as well..... All you have to do is compare unreleased information on the internet with live patch information and actual game play after patch so clearly see this.


Here is the stream schedule they gave us in the stream last week:



Steam Plan


Nov 10 Livestream with special guests

Nov 17 – New planets/story insights with Charles

Nov 23 – KOTET wrap-up and Q&A


You can look at the stream to see this (38.32) or even check Dulfy for it. If you will go to 40.29 you will hear Eric talk about the class changes where he says they are just putting the class changes in the forums.





Edited by casirabit
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Others have already given you good explanations so I won't repeat them especially since you don't find me articulate.


I do not find these "explanations" sufficiently clear. They lack clear argumentation and leave too many gaps, especially for someone like me who only has a very basic understanding of the class. That's why I asked for more clarity. But what you need to understand is that when people ask critical questions, it's not because they necessarily disagree with you but that it's an attempt to understand the logic behind it. When I see a hole or gap I ask about it. My point is not to prove you wrong but to fill the gaps that are visible. These gaps may not exist for you, but not everybody has the same knowledge. Also I know a lot of people do things a certain way because they were told it's the best way but cannot explain why or if it's really true. I want to filter that, because that way I can explain it myself rather than saying, well that's what someone else told me.



Let me just say that when one is not familiar with a topic it may be prudent to refrain from making value judgments (force pull as a "superfluous choice" for example).


Superfluous has as primary meaning that something is more than is needed or required. That's exactly how it seems to me. Now I was asking if it was necessary, required and never got any cofirmation about that. So if you can do without it, it's more than is needed. That's not bad or good in how I use the word. For me it's a neutral term. I know it can be used more strongly but there it is. You assume that I use it as a judgement but you are incorrect about that. You could've asked what I meant with it or why I used the term to begin with but instead you prefer to use the worst interpretation. Many skills are superfluous, that's not a bad thing by itself.


When a skill is superfluous it simply means that it does more than is required to make the class viable. Doesn't mean it's not nice to have or bad. Now I have asked the question whether or not it's a required skill. I will ask the question one more time, maybe this time you want to answer it, but can you beat all bosses without using pull? Or is it a vital skill you can't tank without?


If it's vital then it's required. If it's not then it's superfluous but with the understanding that that doesn't make it a bad skill. It's not a judgment, simply a classification for the purposes of determining what is vital for the class and what isn't. Doesn't mean that non vital skills have to go, just means they are not as important as the vital ones.

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I dont understand why people are making a fuss about this now when this has happened twice in the past.


So when was the last time they took an advanced class only skill, gave it to another adanced class and later on deleted it from the class that originally had it?


In case you're aiming at orbital strike: It's till in the game and never was an operative only skill. So that comparison is kinda off. Also, this was done because operatives are supposed to be a melee class(And no, I don't get the reasoning behind taking snipe from them and adding a 30m Utility for overload shot either)

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So when was the last time they took an advanced class only skill, gave it to another adanced class and later on deleted it from the class that originally had it?


In case you're aiming at orbital strike: It's till in the game and never was an operative only skill. So that comparison is kinda off. Also, this was done because operatives are supposed to be a melee class(And no, I don't get the reasoning behind taking snipe from them and adding a 30m Utility for overload shot either)


If they didn't want operatives to OS, they shouldn't have made it a high level shared skill at launch. No, it's not an exact parallel to how BWA is hosing assassins, but it was about as popular. It's ok to be pissed at the removal of phase walk, just don't downplay the players of other classes reactions to their nerfs.

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