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GSF Suggestion


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I hope that the devs read these posts. That said, I would like to see the points earned by ships in GSF be at least account wide. GSF appears to be the only aspect of the game that is pay to play. I have 5 mastered ships and if i want to put points on ships I am forced to spend real money for cartel coins to move points for that account. If the point were account wide or better yet legacy wide players could gear ships in a more timely fashion. I believe that the player base in GSF would increase. Many people do not play GSF because gearing is so difficult. Just my thoughts...
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Yup one of my pet campaigns is to have the req transferrable. So many of my characters I want to fly on, but they've got minimal req for their ships, whereas others have 100s of thousands of spare req not doing anything.


I feel I earned it, so I should be able to spend it how I wish, even at a slightly disadvantageous exchange rate, or with the need to spend a few ( a few mind) CCs doing so.


Buying blocks of 5.5K CCs and using all the req on ships you don't fly to gear up the one(s) you do can get IRL expensive if you're doing it several times over.


But the devs never come here, so you may as well ask for left-handed paint and a unicorn as well.

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