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What class should I pick?


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what do you think what class should I pick?

I've just retunred to the game a month ago and I would like to start a new toon.

My question is what do you think which class fits more to the story? (Original Story, Shadows of Revan, KotFE and the new one KotET)


Which one has the better story: Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior?

Which class should I choose: Guardian / Juggernaut or Sentinel / Marauder?

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what do you think what class should I pick?

I've just retunred to the game a month ago and I would like to start a new toon.

My question is what do you think which class fits more to the story? (Original Story, Shadows of Revan, KotFE and the new one KotET)


Which one has the better story: Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior?

Which class should I choose: Guardian / Juggernaut or Sentinel / Marauder?


Any of the force classes work, it's more pick your poision, I've done JK and JC through the whole story so far and gotten the SI and SW over half of the way through FE.


Pick your poison.


Far as Sent/Marauder vs Guardian/Jugg, simple choice of 2 sabers and meh armor, or 1 saber and great armor.

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Any of the force classes work, it's more pick your poision, I've done JK and JC through the whole story so far and gotten the SI and SW over half of the way through FE.


Pick your poison.


Far as Sent/Marauder vs Guardian/Jugg, simple choice of 2 sabers and meh armor, or 1 saber and great armor.


Not only this, but Sentinel has active defenses and stuff that easily overshadows Guardian(no matter the H <-> M Armour difference). Sentinel is more active overall, Guardian more reactive.


Sentinel can also be a pain to control tbh. So many abilities, often multiple things to use at the same time, secondary resource that is kinda useless until 50 etc...but that's the charm of a Sent for you.

Edited by Cuiwe
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Jedi Knight is vanilla.

Sith Warrior is chocolate.


If we're talking the fit to the overall story throughout the whole game.


Mara / Sent is beastmode, fast-paced annihilation, mainly if you choose the specialization that gives you the alacrity boosts.


Jugg / Guard is slower-paced, more of a straight mack truck this-is-gonna-hurt-you-more-than-its-gonna-hurt-me, especially in tank mode.


If you've played classes in MMOs where you had a 1 second GCD and got used to that, go Mara / Sent and choose the alacrity specialization (can't remember the name off-hand). By 65, you'll have a number of boosts that make the combat feel a lot closer to that speed.


If you want a more relaxed rotation, go Jugg / Guard.

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A bonus of going Jugg/Gaurd with the single lightsaber, is it matches the cut scenes more. Dual sabers, and sometimes it just doesn't show the second one.


This is true and watching the Assassin/Shadow fight arcan with the Dual saber treated like a single blade almost made me gag.


Though the Sorc and Sage also have the same single blade scenes as the Jugg/Guard.

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Ok, SOR is awesome with all characters really. I've yet to play with a Consular/Trooper/BH, but the rest have been amazing. The amazing part is how the ending changes based on LS/DS and your class. Although my SW/SI Revan conversations were similar in nature.


My LS agent - After SOR, HECK YEAH WE WON!

My LS Jedi Knight - We've lost...terribly lost. I was in awe.

My SW - Revan used her as an example of how to live. The feeling at the end is all right. A win for the day.

Same for SI, although since she was LS, she had a slightly different Revan convo.


I found the atmosphere of the ending wildly varies based on your choices of class/LS/DS.


My favorite classes all around would for SOR - Ziost- KOTFE would be Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Knight. I found SOR to be epic on my Sith Warrior. And I feel Kotfe is fine, but I've turned her into a "neutral" character and not a FULL ON DS. Revan changed her. I think anything full on DS in KOTFE, suffers terrible consequences. I still choose DS things, but you won't find me giving an oppressive speech. I did choose to elaborate on how I'd make betrayers suffer though and even Vette was shocked. :D


The Jedi Knight is an interesting play through as well.


I loved the agent story 1-50. I became the double SIS agent for real and there's a little thing for that at the end of SOR too which I thought was neat. But nothing compares to my SW in terms of story. The awesomeness of SOR with a SW is just cool (but that's me, others may not think so).

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Jedi Knight Guardian

Sith Warrior Juggernaut.


These two classes represent the iconic Luke and Darth Vader fantasies, and have more connection to the overall plot of the story regardless the expansion, they fit right in.


The only non-force using class that fits into KOTFE is the Agent, but that is because of their companions and what happens to the Agent in their main story.



Valkorian and the Agent is Jadus and the agent all over again, and Skorpio becomes one of the main baddies.


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A bonus of going Jugg/Gaurd with the single lightsaber, is it matches the cut scenes more. Dual sabers, and sometimes it just doesn't show the second one.


Don't know about Sentinel, but there is NO CUTSCENE in SW class story where marauder used 2 lightsabers. In fact, story-wise Warrior clearly picked juggernaut route, because he uses force push in cutscenes.

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