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Also it cant be hard to do. At start ppl were able to avoid lvl sync by logging out during taxi. So it must be simple to turn it off.

I facepalm whenever someone says "oh it's easy!" About the coding and devolper side of the game...

Edited by MACharlieV
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I want a pass which will make me stay lvl 65!! That means when i go to Voss i will be lvl 65 and the planet will be level 45 or what ever that planets level is. When i fight the World Boss on Alderran he will be lvl 38 again!!


Thats what i want.




It is not like a level 65 synced down to 45 (or whatever) has ANY trouble with whatever content is available.


I wanna see you 2shot NiM Pilgrim on Voss :p


So basically you want to be able to solo content that was NEVER intended to be soloed. TOO F***ING BAD.


As for the agro range complaint, I get it, it's annoying, but not nearly as annoying as some make it out to be. There are options:


#1 just mount up and run through. not always available, but even when not available you can still just run through mobs and 90% of the time they eventually evade. And even if they don't, cluster them up and AOE them down. Which leads me to...


#2 in the immortal words of Bestia - "kill them, kill them all." As others point out a capped character with level sync will take all of 2 maybe 3 GCDs to kill groups of mobs. You realize that is less than 5 seconds right? So you have to kill an extra minute's worth of mobs. BFD!

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It is not like a level 65 synced down to 45 (or whatever) has ANY trouble with whatever content is available.


Its not like i want something new, we had this before, before 4.0! So bacially i just want the old game back, whats wrong with that?

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That would be grossly unfair to anyone who had level sync on while you were around. No.


This. Even if you said not in PVP instances (which I'm pretty sure wouldn' t work, as most people would likely want this feature for the lowbie-massacring and would complain if they couldn't), I can just see the trolls deciding to go around one-shotting all the stuff on planets that lower-level characters need for heroics or whatever. Trolls gonna troll.

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This. Even if you said not in PVP instances (which I'm pretty sure wouldn' t work, as most people would likely want this feature for the lowbie-massacring and would complain if they couldn't), I can just see the trolls deciding to go around one-shotting all the stuff on planets that lower-level characters need for heroics or whatever. Trolls gonna troll.


There are side effects to every scenario, but having level sync mandatory is just terrible. Also its easily to turn off.

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Normaly yes, I wouldnt want to get some achievements easier than people before me, but in this case many of the people who got these achievements DID get them before 4.0 when we were all overlevel for everything! People went to kill world bosses, did all heroics and many other things that required a group or were just annoying to do at "current level".


Do you really need to be overleveled for heroics? Maybe for H4s.


I soloed heroic 2s and 2+s on shadow/assassin tank on level or max 2-3 levels above the intended level. I did almost all of them. Didn't try all of them on Makeb and ones with a lot of droids were difficult but I managed to do some of them. Also did use Sage healer + Qyzen and Commando healer + Aric as "tank" combos. That was end of 2.x and whole 3.x.


Engineers' Tale on Belsavis, no companion, squishiest dps class in the game.


I would argue that game is too easy currently.

Edited by Halinalle
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Do you really need to be overleveled for heroics? Maybe for H4s.


I soloed heroic 2s and 2+s on shadow/assassin tank on level or max 2-3 levels above the intended level. I did almost all of them. Didn't try all of them on Makeb and ones with a lot of droids were difficult but I managed to do some of them. Also did use Sage healer + Qyzen and Commando healer + Aric as "tank" combos. That was end of 2.x and whole 3.x.


Engineers' Tale on Belsavis, no companion, squishiest dps class in the game.


I would argue that game is too easy currently.


This is not about heroics, its more about the previous state of the game which i liked and want it back.

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That would be grossly unfair to anyone who had level sync on while you were around. No.


This. /notsigned


It wouldn't just be a huge advantage in PvP instances, it would also allow players to bypass mobs to get to quests objectives, crafting materials, and treasure chests (with subsequent gear and credits) faster than someone with level sync on. On top of that, players that use this pass would be able to one-shot mobs on every planet, significantly reducing the time it takes to level and move through the story. That is a Pay 2 Win item.

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This. /notsigned


It wouldn't just be a huge advantage in PvP instances, it would also allow players to bypass mobs to get to quests objectives, crafting materials, and treasure chests (with subsequent gear and credits) faster than someone with level sync on. On top of that, players that use this pass would be able to one-shot mobs on every planet, significantly reducing the time it takes to level and move through the story. That is a Pay 2 Win item.


As I wrote, since it would be a pass anyone could buy it, so not that unfair!

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Tbh the devs did say the whole point of level sync was so you gain rewards on planets that are lower level than you still, including XP rewards.


In my opinion, at level max level you have no need to gain XP from kills at lower levels, and also you have no need for the level sync that levels you up for things.


Meaning at Max level the level sync is worthless, In that sense I think they should do one of the 2 tihngs


1. Create a level sync instance for players at max level who wanna just get achievements, (Deny them of taking heroics in this instance)


2. Turn off level sync once you hit max level.. kinda as a reward for hitting max level on that character

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Tbh the devs did say the whole point of level sync was so you gain rewards on planets that are lower level than you still, including XP rewards.


In my opinion, at level max level you have no need to gain XP from kills at lower levels, and also you have no need for the level sync that levels you up for things.


Meaning at Max level the level sync is worthless, In that sense I think they should do one of the 2 tihngs


1. Create a level sync instance for players at max level who wanna just get achievements, (Deny them of taking heroics in this instance)


2. Turn off level sync once you hit max level.. kinda as a reward for hitting max level on that character


Thats why it should be an option. You should even take it from the story point of view. You have gained lvl 65 you are now an OP Jedi, all powerful with no one to match you in all of the galaxy!! Yet you get knocked down of your speeder by some animal on Tatooine!


Kinda silly, isnt it? At max level you should feel max level, oneshoting stuff, not aggroing low lvl mobs etc.

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1) regardless of level you should always be ripped off your speeder when taking some hits. Even the best UFC fighters would fall from a motorcycle if they were smacked while riding by, what makes you think your character is any different? Most speeders being open cockpit and the like, even if not knocked off you would guarentee a crash.


2) the planets are pockets of time that never move on. This is why Tython is always dealing with the same things no matter what your level or what you have accomplished. Click on some of the npcs after you finish your class story on Tython some time, they still even refer to you as padawan. Just as every other planet is locked into whatever time they were. This is why level sync actually makes MORE sense. The original class stories cover a time period of YEARS. You aren't doing all of this in days or weeks, hell we know between act 2 and 3 for the JK was 6+ months as it gets mentioned directly to you.


3) world bosses were meant to reward people at level fighting them, they were never intended to be soloed and level sync solves this. It also solves the soloing of flashpoint problems and allows the max levels to actually be pushed (just listen to the crying every time rishi or blood hunt pops up as the fp, most just leave immediately). You will notice though that the ones that do not have tacticals don't get ran as often due to their mechanics.


4) even the best swordsman in the world, or the best marksmen, dies as easily as the next guy. Yes, their skill and experience may help them avoid things, plan their strategies better. It only takes a licky hit to down someone. We are fragile things, it takes less than a pound of pressure to break human skin with an edge, a weak lucky hit to the right area of the body and it is game over. Which is another good reason for level sync...enemies should still be able to hurt you. [[ though with the easymode/godmode healing companions these days even that threat requires you to pull 4 groups in a heroic to feel threatened ]]


If you just want to run around one shotting everything why play the game? Also you still CAN one shot things as a 65 in non heroic areas of act 1.

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