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So, HOW MANY of you guys will continue playing after the first free month has passed?


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I'll continue playing, but much less than at start, and only with the occasional game card. Why? Well, the massive difficulty cliff-rise at about levels 24-25 is the main reason for me. I don't have the time to sit through 3+ hour flashpoints and raids and Heroics every day just to keep up with mobs 3-4 levels *below* my characters. I got things to do with my life that keeps me fed and clothed, I can't abandon that for what is, ultimately, just a game.
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Unless some sort of radical changes happen..... Like having NPC's actually fight you, (instead of just standing there waiting to get whacked), some sort of challenge, (now level 24 and it's been an easy cake walk so far), I'll be gone....


The game is only a diversion right now. It's nowhere close to a long lasting MMO. It's made for kids.

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Just curious! Not trolling or anything.


But I am absolutely curious who will still subscribe and who will still not!


And try to be at least sincere :)



p.s. I am for sure!


I am, hoping that they wont make drastic changes like the Slicing nerf again, it needed one, but they totally killed it and you can tell that they did not test it before patching...


Hoping for minigames!

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Depends, i'll be 50 soon and i've not heard any good things about end-game so far. If it's just a couple of easy raid instances and a PvP grind wintrading on Ilum, then I will unsubscribe and wait for Bioware to bring out some much needed content. Will not pay for a game with almost nothing to do at 50, especially when world PvP is such a disappointment. Edited by Hurlbag
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Probably not. I can't even get into the game because the technical flaws are so extensive. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't notice them every few minutes and wasn't constantly reminded of them. No draw distance slider? Really? I own a custom gaming rig and I've got to watch grass pop up 15 feet in front of me because Bioware can't be bothered to throw in a draw slider. Awesome. Now every time I move I get to see crap get drawn right in front of me and am constantly reminded of this game's limitations. Like "Hey, look what I can't do that every MMO since WoW has somehow managed to accomplish".


Memory leaks? That seems to be a Bioware staple since DA:O. Why stop now?


No addon support, current UI adjustment almost makes DCUO look progressive, the LFG is wretched to the point of insulting, no search in auction house. All of this screams lazy programming and trying to get away with the bare minimum.


Another exciting installment of Bioware attempting to get away with doing the least amount of work possible for the quick buck. I'm not surprised by any of this. I suppose the only surprising thing is that this was not simultaneously released for consoles. It was obviously created with them in mind.

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No addon support, current UI adjustment almost makes DCUO look progressive, the LFG is wretched to the point of insulting, no search in auction house. All of this screams lazy programming and trying to get away with the bare minimum.


This, there are so so many small issues like this that just really make you wonder, for a game that's been in development for so long and had so much invested, WHY have they not been addressed? they are such simple problems, but collectively all these small problems really disappoint me and many others - it feels like a step back in gaming, and insulting since they charge extortionate price for this 'MMO'.

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Already canceled. The CSR is just extremely sad.

As long as things work fine they'll gladly take your cash but for the people who are having problems ( not me personally since I can play practically as much as I want to) they really don't have any intentions to help.

I mean just take something as basic as a search function on the forum. They'd rather have new threads started, that get buried quickly, than having longer ones where people with the same problems can reply and keep reminding them of their existence.

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lol Ive wasted money before on games but no way I sub for this garbage.

I look forward to reading the forums in 6 months to see the remaning fanbois hoping others will come back.


Sharding so my world feels empty....then the final dagger was exploring tatooine and hitting a exhaustion zone......that was it logged off never to return....exhaustion zone???? really lol?

Some of these decisions baffle me , I dont get it. Exhaustion zones to limit exploring....sharding to limit populations.....2 of the most improtant things of a mmorpg and they decide to limit them....simply amazing.

Edited by DarthDolemite
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