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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stealth WZ comm transfer removal = cancel


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I mailed some to an alt before the patch and forgot to get them out of the mail on the alt I sent them too... I logged into day and they'd been returned to the sender character and bound...

I know I should have removed them from the mail... but it really peeves me because the sender was lvl 36 and the one I sent them too was lvl 61... now my lvl 36 has 30k in WZ Comms.

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Did you just actually say... "higher quality"? with a straight face?


I said 4.0, from a technical standpoint, was a higher quality release than 3.0/SoR's repeatable content. I'm equivocal about whether the KotFE story was better or worse than the SoR story arc from a story quality point of view; I suppose SoR hid the railroad tracks better, and didn't have billions of skytroopers. The SoR story's quality was more consistent (at least partially because it was shorter and didn't have to break up pacing for a monthly release schedule). SoR wins on repeatable group content because it had some; except the technicaly quality and balancing was atrocious.



You must be joking, 4.0 was sad in so many respects in terms of quality... it plays and looks like a 10 year old game, which it largely is...


Yes, it's a 10-year-old game. Would you rather they actually did a SWTOR 2 and trash all your 5 years of accumulated junk and make you start from scratch again?


(I removed the bit about TFA because it sold more tickets worldwide than this game has ever had concurrent subscribers; possibly has ever had cumulative subscribers. And movies don't have ongoing maintenance expenses. The movie industry does not work like the computer gaming industry, even though there is increasingly an overlap of talent pools because computer game makers would like to make movies).

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The change just shows as alot of time how incompetent and unprofessional this dev crew can be.

The only viable (on a developers side) to remove the tokens and bind the remaining one month before the launch, was to prevent people to stock them up past the 200000 limit on a single character. Because a to be decided" announcment might make them valuable as in "exchanged at a fabolous rate" for the new xp or token system..


However, no matter how you look at it, it was a piss poor handling, leaving anyone currently leveling pvp alts or just reroling stranded in a bad situation.


Considering the are currently likely to end up to exchange the tokens to credits, makes it even more insulting.


And one month is a real long time. By one month most burned through all an expansion could offer.


There is really no pro for this move, just con.


The community would be far better of instead of trying to play the white knight to help get the devs to move on and change bad decisions. Believe me, developers don't feel ebcouraged by rage posts and white knights dicking it out.


If i'd be a dev within an ivory tower, i'd not listen to the ramblings of the pepple. Be it against my decisions or about self declared defenders baiting others into flamewars. Pepple stuff for pepples. But a strong clear message from all below me couldn't be ignored.

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