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Warzone Commendation Grants in 4.7.3


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This is Allison and this is my favourite suggestion on the SWTOR forums. Credits are easy and comms and crystals require more effort and generally provided better rewards, at least let us funnel them towards our new gear and shinies.


Since new gear and shinies will be purchasable via credits, isn't that exactly what they did?

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Is this not a little short notice for people that have a lot of commendations to change it on Tuesday. Would it not be better to give them a little more notice than just one day.


I am not a pvp player so doesn't affect me but I know people who are and posting this one day before doesn't sound right to me especially for those that don't play except on the weekends.


I would think it would be better to give them a 2 week notice before making this change.

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Since new gear and shinies will be purchasable via credits, isn't that exactly what they did?


All depend atm for 1k basic comms we get 33 grade 6 gifts, also with wz comms u can buy decos and stuff will we get same amount of money that we will buy same omount of gifts, decos, gear or what ever. If they are transforming them to credits, also thats the worthless thing to do in my opinion.


EDIT: Also for comparison 1k basic comms can be 1 month of hard work, or leveling from 1/65 wia whole story. if that would mean 1 million whats nothing those days compare to 8 heroics of Nar Shaddaa x 4 ppl = 900k for 30 min.

Edited by micmitja
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What about other comms like Ziost and EC etc. that have no real place in end game content any more, will they be transferred into credits as well. Cause us players be two dumb too understand coms and this here way you be making it so it just credits with hyper inflation and crates for us here special subscribers given us a chance of winning a random piece of gear we may or may not have any darn use for.
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Let us choose how to use them.... because... choices matter.


Let us buy legacy WZ comm grants now and in 5.0 after we hit 70, they can be traded for CXP.



I disagree. I don't think it would be fair for people to "insta-gear" in 5.0 just because they played PvP and saved/bought them prior to the new system. Even if they extended that to the PvE crystals (which I have a ton of), I would object as well. Everyone who wants the new gear should have to get it the same way.


At best, I would accept CXP rate boosters perhaps.


An alternative idea to credits, however, would be to have companion gifts sold by crystal, with the ability to "buy credits" with them as well. There's already a price set on these, which is 30 common for a rank 6 legendary, and 10 for a rank 5 purple.

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Why in the blood hell of everything sacred are you converting my Warzone commendations into CREDITS? ***.


I have earned these commendations and now you're telling me they are being turned to a currency that is so *********** easily obtainable in the game. Are you even for real?

Maybe you're misunderstanding what's happening here.

Your precious warzone comms are being removed from the game entirely so there are really only 3 options:

1) Exchange them for credits.

2) Let you keep them forever with no ability to spend them.

3) Take them away from you and give you nothing.


Which would you prefer?

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Maybe you're misunderstanding what's happening here.

Your precious warzone comms are being removed from the game entirely so there are really only 3 options:

1) Exchange them for credits.

2) Let you keep them forever with no ability to spend them.

3) Take them away from you and give you nothing.


Which would you prefer?


option number 4. convert them into GC experience. but that would be far too reasonable. which doesn't seem to be bioware's MO right now.

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I'm not sure how this will function properly. Some players have hundreds of thousands of commendations across toons. It will be hard to find a middle ground that both feels rewarding to players who have just a few thousand while also not overflooding the market by millions of credits for those that do have a lot.


I'm not sure on the current math but a full set of 204 gear is less than 10,000 commendations. Even if we say it takes 10k and they give 1 credit per commendation, would anyone feel rewarded with 10k credits for their work to obtain a full set of gear? Let's say it's 10 credits per commendation. I'm not even sure I'd be happy with 100k credits, but if we take that number to someone with 200k commendations, do we really want to throw 2 million credits at them?


It will be a tough balance either way.

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Based on current inflation in game where any good stuff its in millions mostly 30/50/100 mil + it really doesn't matter how much credits they throw at anyone.


Also those ppl that got 100/200k comms + thats year worth of progress or repetition how much is that worth 2 mil for 1 year of worth countless hours of what ever. when u can group with 4 ppl on fleet whats never been problem and do 3 planets of heroics in 1.5h for same amount.

Edited by micmitja
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I disagree. I don't think it would be fair for people to "insta-gear" in 5.0 just because they played PvP and saved/bought them prior to the new system. Even if they extended that to the PvE crystals (which I have a ton of), I would object as well. Everyone who wants the new gear should have to get it the same way.


At best, I would accept CXP rate boosters perhaps.


An alternative idea to credits, however, would be to have companion gifts sold by crystal, with the ability to "buy credits" with them as well. There's already a price set on these, which is 30 common for a rank 6 legendary, and 10 for a rank 5 purple.


I was not asking for the ability to insta-gear in 5.0, simply stating their current value to me and many others. With 5.0 however, you will be able to insta-gear for credits.


My concern is that they are changing a currency that allowed you to buy something unavailable through GTN or CM or crafting... PvP gear. Thus PvP comms are more a representation of time spent. CXP would seem the most logical conversion. IMO xD

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Let's say it's 10 credits per commendation. I'm not even sure I'd be happy with 100k credits, but if we take that number to someone with 200k commendations, do we really want to throw 2 million credits at them?

Yes? Otherwise 200k WZ commendations would be worth less than 3 rounds of heroics on tatooine.


This is why they shouldn't be converted to credits at all, any exchange rate players are happy with will just cause more inflation on GTN prices.

Edited by Mubrak
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Hey folks,


It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.





What will happen to the decorations that can be currently bought with warzone commendations and data crystals?

Will they become available for credits on the same vendors after 5.0?

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What about other comms like Ziost and EC etc. that have no real place in end game content any more, will they be transferred into credits as well. Cause us players be two dumb too understand coms and this here way you be making it so it just credits with hyper inflation and crates for us here special subscribers given us a chance of winning a random piece of gear we may or may not have any darn use for.


Tokens for non-statted gear appear to still be A Thing - see the Galactic DvL rewards.

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Based on current inflation in game where any good stuff its in millions mostly 30/50/100 mil + it really doesn't matter how much credits they throw at anyone.


Also those ppl that got 100/200k comms + thats year worth of progress or repetition how much is that worth 2 mil for 1 year of worth countless hours of what ever. when u can group with 4 ppl on fleet whats never been problem and do 3 planets of heroics in 1.5h for same amount.



if they gave us anywhere near what they represented as a time investment, that was not rolling heroics or ops for mats/gear/cred... well, that would just hyperinflate the economy even more.

There are some broke players who may love a low amount of cred for comms. Yet, I'm willing to bet, if you have a ton of comms.. you also have a ton of cred... and would prefer, emphatically, a different option.


So again, please Devs please, let us choose.

Legacy WZ grants can be used as CXP grants or boosters* when we hit 70.

Leave WZ comms as is, if we want cred.



* props to Zhiroc for the booster idea

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No one should have a head start on CXP.

Everyone needs to start from zero.


For goodness sake, why not let the vets have a (one-time) leg up?


(Full disclosure, I have next to no WZComms right now, and I'd probably have some difficulty sc****** together all my common crystals to meet cap on one character, much less higher-grade ones)

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Honestly Eric, I think the studio needs to rethink this conversion to credits approach.


I get that the WZ coms and Crystals become obsolete. That part is fine in my view. Games evolve over time.


HOWEVER.... converting them to the games most generic and devalued of in game currency (credits) is going to leave a lot of people with a really sour taste. Why? Because WZ coms and Crystals are earned for effort and have traditionally provided access to items that could not be purchased with credits. Moving to 5.0.... everyones attention will be on earning CXP to follow the path to items that cannot be purchased for credits or other currencies.


Suggestion for consideration: Run your internal balance and analytics data and determine an appropriate conversion rate from WZ coms and crystals -----> CXP. It will create good will with players in conjunction with the changes in 5.0 as previously earned coms and crystals were in fact earned and used for item acquisitions.... which is a methodology now being replaced with a new earned currency.....CXP.


ALSO.... you really need to give players more then 24 hours notice of this sudden shift to binding coms. Not everyone plays every day, much less reads the forum. This jumping out from behind a rock with such short notice is not going to go over well.

I think hell just froze over, cause for once, I agree with you in pretty much every way. :p


The only thing I would add is... I can understand not wanting to convert into CXP, since everyone is supposed to be on equal footing with an expansion. But... finding something more meaningful than credits would be greatly appreciated. Especially with us having no idea what the conversion rate will be and how much credits will be worth at that point in the game.


Here is an off-the-cuff suggestion: Put in a vendor with 5.0 that allows us to convert them into credits OR a special token that gives us access to some old items with legacy binding. Old armors that can only be obtained from certain level drops, for instance. That is just one example of old items that comes to mind (I'm sure others can think up a laundry list). The idea being that it's not something essential or over-the-top and it doesn't mess with entry into KOTET, but it also makes people feel like their currency was worth something.

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Season 6 Commendations will also convert to credits as they would have become WZ Comms, which are also becoming credits.

So, just to be clear, Season _7_ tokens will remain, so that people can actually buy their season 7 rewards come Nov 29?


(Not that I have any, since i didn't participate in ranked this season, because I'm terribad.)

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What will happen to the decorations that can be currently bought with warzone commendations and data crystals?

Will they become available for credits on the same vendors after 5.0?


That is a very good question. I wondered about that as well.



And guys, couldn't you have warned people of this a bit sooner. Some people might not even see this update till it's too late and just one day seems a bit unforgiving.

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Their status quo coming from the dark vs light event was that things you did prior had no bearing on the things that you had to do going forward. I'd be kind of perplexed if they decided to give warzone comms a head start on gearing in 5.0, which would seem to fly in the face of that attitude.


And I'm aware they did pve comm conversions previous, and didn't touch them at all the last time. But there is also a difference between pve currency, which couldn't be traded at all without converting it to goods, and uncapped currency which can potentially allow someone to store hundreds of thousands.


Trading them for credits though is unlikely to give anyone a satisfactory amount to be worth it, or will drastically alter the economy considering the amount of comms some people are likely to have stored and could bank between now and 5.0.

Edited by RudbekAlliance
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I think we were all hoping the comms would get converted to galactic command xp - to reward us for our efforts; the crystals and wz comms are far harder to get than credits.


If not, I hope they're at least a good chunk of credits


I totally agree, would love to see it converted into Command Rank Exp, as especially PvP Comms were used to get the gear you will then get from the Galactic COmmand system.

ANd if not i highly recommend a 1:100 ratio for warzone comms, and a higher one for the crystals....

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