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Choose Your Colour Dye!

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I would absolutely love (and be your BFF!) if you could allow us to purchase the colour dye that we want for a higher price like 360CC or 450CC heck I'd even pay 1000CC to have a specific colour. I just don't have the millions to purchase it off the GTN and the current surprise dye boxes only give me colour combinations that I can already craft. :(


I'd do just about anything for a purple/black dye. :D Please...let us pay more to pick our colour! Pretty please with a cherry on top?!

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I would absolutely love (and be your BFF!) if you could allow us to purchase the colour dye that we want for a higher price like 360CC or 450CC heck I'd even pay 1000CC to have a specific colour. I just don't have the millions to purchase it off the GTN and the current surprise dye boxes only give me colour combinations that I can already craft. :(


I'd do just about anything for a purple/black dye. :D Please...let us pay more to pick our colour! Pretty please with a cherry on top?!


They do occasionally make the Black/Black, White/White dyes available for direct sale on the CM.


The Black/Black sells for 2000 CC and the White/White for 1000 CC's, usually.

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I would absolutely love (and be your BFF!) if you could allow us to purchase the colour dye that we want for a higher price like 360CC or 450CC heck I'd even pay 1000CC to have a specific colour. I just don't have the millions to purchase it off the GTN and the current surprise dye boxes only give me colour combinations that I can already craft. :(


I'd do just about anything for a purple/black dye. :D Please...let us pay more to pick our colour! Pretty please with a cherry on top?!


I said once or twice and i will say it again. Put all CC market Items up for sell. Take them out of the packs and let use buy them item and Sets. Like for Armour sets. or already have every thing but you just need the helmet, let me buy the dang thing out right. U see a weapon you want or a color crystal, let me buy them individually out right. Stop with playing the odds game. Cause i tell u now i spend those free CC i get for sub, and nothing more. Now if i can go to the market and i see this that and those things, i'll spend some real cash then if i didnt have cc to buy.

Just Saying........

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