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Guys playing girl characters.


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Lol. Because of all the hate posts... I'm going to reword this.


I pretty much like to RP no matter what server I'm on. I found this post here that pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.



I don't believe that not wanting to RP a female character makes me sexist...


So what do you think about guys rolling female characters?


I think you have a very closed mind, OP. If men couldn't relate to women; couldn't understand how they work and think and act, then no male in the history of the human race would ever have been able to pen a believable female in any work of fiction or otherwise. And, I daresay, no man would ever be able to truly love a woman; to understand how the differences of spirit fill in the gaps in our own flawed personas. We are only perfect united.


Girls and women are not some seperate species -- they're members of the human race, and bound and governed by largely the same emotional strings as men are. I am pleased to say that I am well connected with my feminine side, even if I don't happen to be female myself. I have peered inside the music box, and I believe I recognize how the gears are aligned, even if the clockwork is arranged in a slightly different manner than my own.


Coming to understand and embrace the strengths, weaknesses, and shared qualities of both sexes is a powerful, even glorious experience of spiritual zen.

Edited by AJediKnight
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Anyone that actually sees a female character in a game and assumes it's a girld playing the character is naive. I would estimate 99% are fat middle aged blokes in a string vest, unshaven and belching at their monitors as they slobber over their family size bag of crisps.
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Basically there are two kinds of people. The kind that sees their character as a version of themselves, and avatar basically. And then there's the kind who sees it as a character they control. Neither of this is 'good' or 'bad', it's just basically a matter of taste and personality.


I'm one of the latter. The characters I roll are characters, basically a bit like the The Sims. I tell them what to do, etc. Because of this, I'm not 'limited' in picking something that I can identify with. Same with the RP choices, I personally am against most of the dark choices but my Sith Sorc who's basically a complete lunatic always makes dark choices. This is because she isn't 'me', and for characters I can just pick whatever looks nice in my opinion. And since I like looking at girls more than at boys, most of my characters are female, in most games I play.

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Anyone that actually sees a female character in a game and assumes it's a girld playing the character is naive. I would estimate 99% are fat middle aged blokes in a string vest, unshaven and belching at their monitors as they slobber over their family size bag of crisps.


And what about you? have you been hitting on to many female chars desperately trying to find an online girlfriend with no luck?

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Lol. Because of all the hate posts... I'm going to reword this.


I pretty much like to RP no matter what server I'm on. I found this post here that pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject as well.



I don't believe that not wanting to RP a female character makes me sexist...


So what do you think about guys rolling female characters?


I like how you researched to find that thread but couldnt find any of the other similar threads to post in. This tired old topic comes up about every two weeks.

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It bothers me more so when people question others for what sex they chose to play as. Why does it matter? I am more bothered by cyber RPers and people who question others motives more than I am seeing some man play as a woman, unless he acts like a woman in real life too, then I keep my space.


Edit: I'm same as some posters above. I don't get my kicks from "RPing" I just play the game and let creeps "pretend."

Edited by Swirly
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I am a straight male who is married, and I exclusively play female characters. I haven't thought too deeply as to why I prefer playing the opposite sex prior to reading this thread, but after some thought I came up with the following:


Female characters are more visually appealing to me. I don't find them attractive per se, certainly not sexually attractive, but they are easier on the eyes, to me at least.


I find the voice acting of my Inquisitor to be better when voiced by the female actress, but I cannot say the same for the Bounty Hunter actress, although I have no intention to switch.


I also find it more believable that the slender female could be stealthing around in the shadows waiting to attack versus say male option 4, to me I don't feel that's believable at all when stealthing around.

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I don't no really. I always select female characters. They always seem to have better styles and abilities. I enjoy looking at them more than their male counterparts (insert cyber colloquialism for MMO fetishes).


Plus I always get amusement from a small female character whom looks weak but wipes the floor with people. Probably stem from Anime. I dig it.

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In the days of Everquest you'd find many guys playing chicks because they would essentially be rewarded by other players. Chicks in MMO's in those days were very rare. So every acne faced fat kid facerolling the keyboard would get a digital woody at the notion that the person you're powerleveling or whatever was a chick irl who thought you were just the most powerful character evar!!


I used to say MMORPG was an acronym for Many Men Online Roleplaying Girls.


I have no problem with playing female characters, in fact my first toon was a female Sith Inq. I'm of the school of thought that, given the choice, I'd much rather stare at the backside of some little female hottie than some giant muscular dude.

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My WHOLE IRL friends, our Guild (NOT NECESS B.T.M. and M.I., these actually are multiple former guilds comprised into ONE HUGE GUILD per side Republic Scum...er I mean Republic and Sith Empire), and 90 percent of the other people that I know, but don't necessarily play with usually follow this statement (I know and talk with approximately 32 people, 6 of them real life girls 3 of them wives AND gamers):


Guys roll Girl Toons, 99%, unless class/race is not available. (ONE guy actually plays a black human male, don't ask, he worships Mace Windu...IDK either :rolleyes:)


Girls roll Girl Toons, unless class/race is not available.


WHY YOU ASK? Most guys don't want to stare at a guy running towards something, fighting something etc for many hours a day.


ALSO WHY? Secondarily, its also downright halarious when other people in game say something like:


Your Hot!

Friend me?

Wanna join my guild, (cause you're hot)???

Here take this, hands credits, gear, mats...(you're still hot!)!?!

Are you really a group of all girls playing? (Not sure if your really hot...)

WOW, is your whole Guild all girls?!? (nieve 12 yr olds that apparently HAVE talked to girls IRL...maybe not...)



Maybe we have a perverse sense of humor, maybe not, however I believe that it is up to the individual, it just so happens that all they guys I play with roll GIRL TOONS, now even the two that joined the guild, became our IRL friends and initally HAD A FIT with us guys for rolling girls are NOW rolling girls themselves!!! :D


Everyone has their own preference, thank goodness your account does not include a lock that says, Well according to your credit card you may only play a white, male, body type 4...yadda yadda yadda...


Let the questions begin with, "Is any of them HOT/SINGLE/Live in ____Town OMG NOWAI ?!?"

in 5...4...3...2....:p

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BTW, those of us in MY guild when asked NEVER actually LIE and say something like why yes we are hot girls, not burly hairy men...


We tell them the truth that we are guys...

I don't actually agree with rolling a cross gender toon and then SAYING YOUR X GENDER IRL. Thats a lil too much RP for me and my friends.:cool:

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I have played MMOs for over 10 years now and so does my wife.


We both have played male and female characters, because that is just what they are CHARACTERS.


I prefer not to play female characters because every 5 seconds you get some pimply teenager living in his moms basement trying to hit on you. That really is the biggest drawback.

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Admittedly, TOR is the first time I've considered playing a female as my character the second I saw the butt on the body type 4 females.


I could easily stare at that for hours while grinding Rakghouls.


Whoever you are at BW who created that model: me thinks you had a little too much fun sculpting it!

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So I saw this hawt female character and I was like "Hay gurl, you so fine." and they wuz like "Aww thanks :)" Then I wuz like "cam?" and they wuz like "Sure." And then she turned it on and it was a fat dude in an Admiral Akbar mask with a sign saying "IT'S A TRAP."


Worst Saturday of my life

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Admittedly, TOR is the first time I've considered playing a female as my character the second I saw the butt on the body type 4 females.


I could easily stare at that for hours while grinding Rakghouls.


Whoever you are at BW who created that model: me thinks you had a little too much fun sculpting it!


Might as well enjoy the sites, er Imean graphics... You are paying for the game, right? :p

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