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Improve your FPS!


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8800GTX / C2D E6600 @ 4GB RAM here,


everything is highest, I just had to deactivate the shadows. 20-30 FPS depending on situation, but you don't need high FPS in a MMO anyway.


25-30 will suffice, but now when you get stressed and it drops to unplayable while having high fps is safe from that occuring. Example being 20 on 20 or so pvp with all the companions animations etc..

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25-30 will suffice, but now when you get stressed and it drops to unplayable while having high fps is safe from that occuring. Example being 20 on 20 or so pvp with all the companions animations etc..


Sure, but not even WoW does that on my machine. In Raids with AoE Spellgasms I have about uuuh .. 8 FPS :rolleyes: *wee*

Edited by Granyala
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This is how its supposed to look (NO antialiasing active).





The game does need lots of optimazation. On Core2Duo @ 3.5 (overclocked from 2.8) and GTX580 it runs nice on planets, 15sh FPS on crowded Fleet and 20sh at Warzone which is unacceptable.


Obviously it's unacceptable because your CPU is unacceptable. It's a MASSIVE bottleneck on your 580.


2500K & GTX560Ti here and I get 60fps with everything on max and 2xAA even in warzones. This game needs a nice quadcore CPU and uses a lot of ram too, 4GB just won't cut it anymore going into 2012.

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I cant prove anything to you and I have no problem if you believe im wrong. Just saying after lurking forums and googling seen many people post high end machines and get garbage FPS.


I hear ya, not opposing. Things is, these post are everywhere, on any given game forum. Not all are legit though


A little off-topic if you'll permit me: I regularly am called upon, by friends to have a look at their disfunctioning pc's. So far I have met hardware failure only once (crashed HD).

In all other cases I was able to trace the problem to a single difunctioning application. ONce removed, the machine would run perfectly again.


Also people underestimate the Windows Registry and the influence it can have on performance. Cleaning that regularly (say once every 7 months or so) really helps. A single corruption there and the whole system could be left crashing every 5 minutes.

Edited by Rhysahn
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Obviously it's unacceptable because your CPU is unacceptable. It's a MASSIVE bottleneck on your 580.


2500K & GTX560Ti here and I get 60fps with everything on max and 2xAA even in warzones. This game needs a nice quadcore CPU and uses a lot of ram too, 4GB just won't cut it anymore going into 2012.

yep and the image i posted isnt all that great BUT. it was on an ATI 5870 - 8gig RAM.

I Dont even need all that power to run this. :)

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As I had mentioned the game wont look absolutely amazing (mine still looks great with the set up I am using) but this is more so for plays who are having major FPS problems as I have noticed a lot of people complaining about it.


So if you just want to play the game and improve FPS that is more so what I was aiming to assist with. Although I see in some of the responses people would rather lag to hell for the sake of beauty. lol


Thanks for all the replies!

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I just upgraded from a 7300 LE to a GTS 450 and i get 50-60 FPS in Char selection menu, 30-50 in ship, and 7-11 FPS in forests, 7-16 in fights. i also use GameBooster 3 and updated all my drivers. i need to increase my fighting FPS!


here's the specs..


0101 - Operating System : Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.111025-1629)

0102 - Language : English (Regional Setting: English)

0103 - BIOS : Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04

0104 - Processor : Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.40GHz

0105 - Memory : 2046MB RAM

0107 - Page File : 608MB used, 3328MB available

0108 - Windows Dir : C:\WINDOWS

0109 - DirectX Version : DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

0110 - DX Setup Parameters : Not found

0114 - DxDiag Version : 5.03.2600.5512



02 - Processor



0201 - Caption : Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.40GHz ~3391MHz

0202 - Current Clock Speed : 3391MHz



03 - Video Adapter



0301 - Card Name : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

0302 - Manufacturer : NVIDIA

0303 - Chip Type : GeForce GTS 450

0304 - DAC Type : Integrated RAMDAC

0306 - Display Memory : 1024.0 MB

0307 - AdapterRAM : 1.00 GB

0308 - Current Mode : 1280 x 960 (16 bit) (60Hz)

0309 - Monitor Name : Plug and Play Monitor

0310 - Driver Name : nv4_disp.dll

0311 - Driver Version : 6.14.0012.6759

0312 - Driver Language : English

0313 - DDI Version : 9 (or higher)

0315 - Driver Beta : False

0316 - Driver Debug : False

0317 - Driver Date : 3/8/2011 05:43:00

0318 - Driver Size : 6407808

0319 - VDD : n/a

0320 - Mini VDD : nv4_mini.sys

0321 - Mini VDD Date : 3/8/2011 05:43:00

0322 - Mini VDD Size : 9925280

0323 - Device Identifier : {D7B71E3E-5105-11CF-9541-5C3400C2CB35}

0324 - Vendor ID : 0x10DE

0325 - Device ID : 0x1245

0326 - SubSys ID : 0x14503842

0327 - Revision ID : 0x00A1

0330 - Video Accel : ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D



0338 - OpenGL : 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-0845)



04 - Memory



0401 - Total Memory : 2.00 GB

0402 - Free Memory : 1.40 GB

0403 - Total Pagefile : 3.85 GB

0404 - Free Pagefile : 3.25 GB


0405 - Bank Label : N/A

0406 - Speed : 533 MHz

0407 - Total Width : 64 Bits

0408 - Capacity : 512.00 MB


0405 - Bank Label : N/A

0406 - Speed : 533 MHz

0407 - Total Width : 64 Bits

0408 - Capacity : 512.00 MB


0405 - Bank Label : N/A

0406 - Speed : 533 MHz

0407 - Total Width : 64 Bits

0408 - Capacity : 1.00 GB


06 - Motherboard



0601 - Model : 0C7195

0602 - Manufacturer : Dell Inc.

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Hello people anther good way to increase your fps 15-30 depending on your pc. Go to start type advanced system settings. for vista type system and then click on advanced system settings, no click settings under performance check adjust best for performance in visual effects tab and advanced tab.


You can also go into your swtor config and set your graphics settings lower then you can in game which will increase fps as well.

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I've tried everything (including checking page 2 on google) that I could find.


  • Game Booster
  • Forcing settings to beyond low in client_settings.ini
  • Changed how the game is launched by windows
  • Setting windows aero to classic
  • Forced all my NVidia settings to performance instead of quality
  • Cleaned registry with ccleaner
  • Playing on a 1 month old W7 installation
  • Turned off windows indexing
  • Installed additional Directx updates
  • Etc.



My laptop pulls off around 60 fps when I launch it with around 30 in combat. After 5 minutes my gpu gets hot and it drops to 10~20 fps in combat and depending on the environment it's 15~25 out of combat.


I've been playing Aion on low/medium graphics for 2 years on decent FPS (this game stutters more, but better FPS). So with all the above active I tried running Aion and I got 100 FPS............


Aion is an eye candy game with horrible optimization. With a hot GPU I pull off 4x more FPS there then here in SWTOR which btw is far older and in theory should be playable on lesser machines.

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Obviously it's unacceptable because your CPU is unacceptable. It's a MASSIVE bottleneck on your 580.


2500K & GTX560Ti here and I get 60fps with everything on max and 2xAA even in warzones. This game needs a nice quadcore CPU and uses a lot of ram too, 4GB just won't cut it anymore going into 2012.


actually I have 8gb but my ram usage even when I'm streaming or recording it never goes above 50%

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  • 3 weeks later...

As pointed out by one of the users here, hardware isn't always the case. And comparing your performance to other games is of course a source you can use in argumentation wether or not the graphics-engine is crap or not.


I play Battlefield 3, Crysis 2, Skyrim on Med\High settings, and it runs smooth (40-60 fps). I can play SW:TOR on High settings, it runs smooth (60-90 fps), and instantly when I run into other players in groups, like in warzones and on fleets etc. my fps drops down to 5-10.


If three different type of cars have the same engine and weight, but one car runs 70% slower than the other cars, there is flaw in the design.


BioWare has taken critisism for making a crappy graphics-engine, and they stated that - "There is nothing wrong with the engine. The problem is your computer."

That tells me one thing: It's something can't fix, or aren't willing to do something about because it will involve a major tweak in the coding of the game.

Edited by texassplit
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  • 7 months later...
so pretty much... make the game look like sh*t and it will run beautifully :cool:


<nods in agreement>


I never had performance issues, with all settings to high, probably due to my SSD disks and i7 processors. But with the latest patch, all of a sudden I do have issues :((

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so pretty much... make the game look like sh*t and it will run beautifully :cool:




i appreciate the OPs candor and hes trying to help people but i shouldnt have to turn down the graphics and make the game look like its 16 bit on a game that runs on DIRECT X 9 FFS!


until bioware accepts responsibility for their pos engine , lots of people simply will not put up with the hassle nor play a game that has to look like utter garbage to even have some semblance of stable fps

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Good god, the elitism in this thread.


Graphic whores, listen up. Get off your pretentious high horse, and make the game PLAYABLE. Would you HONESTLY rather play with ****** fps, and great textures/shadows?


oh the irony....



yes because telling me that my 2 thousand dollar gaming rig is the problem is the right thing to do and i should use it to play a game at 800x 600 because of crappy programming...


no thank you , ill continue to play games that actually use my hardware and run on something that wasnt released 3 years ago (direct x9)

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I hear ya, not opposing. Things is, these post are everywhere, on any given game forum. Not all are legit though


A little off-topic if you'll permit me: I regularly am called upon, by friends to have a look at their disfunctioning pc's. So far I have met hardware failure only once (crashed HD).

In all other cases I was able to trace the problem to a single difunctioning application. ONce removed, the machine would run perfectly again.


Also people underestimate the Windows Registry and the influence it can have on performance. Cleaning that regularly (say once every 7 months or so) really helps. A single corruption there and the whole system could be left crashing every 5 minutes.


your entire argument is invalidated by the fact that there have been HUNDREDS of users that simply formated their pc and reinstalled windows.....


FFS its not adware, its not registry crap, its the ****** hero engine, and biowares unwillingness to accept their part of the blame tells me that its never , never going to get fixed

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system specs: AMD Phenom II x4 @3.2 8gb 1600MhZ ram ATI Radeon HD 4670 1gb DDR3


if you notice I'm on fleet and Running at a stable 67 fps. I have high settings on all but shadows and run at x4 AA





i cna get good framerates looking at walls on fleet too...

i have your same setupi pretty much btw, except i have 2 vid cards

still get too much stuttering for my liking

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Obviously it's unacceptable because your CPU is unacceptable. It's a MASSIVE bottleneck on your 580.


2500K & GTX560Ti here and I get 60fps with everything on max and 2xAA even in warzones. This game needs a nice quadcore CPU and uses a lot of ram too, 4GB just won't cut it anymore going into 2012.


guess what?


game runs better on single core cpus , hows that for a kicker?


the funny part is , it has also been proven that in most cases, cpu is NOT getting maxed out yet it still lags out, its not our pcs , period, its ****** , outdated coding on a half assed engine adapted to their needs

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