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Everything posted by jpadrig

  1. As I had mentioned the game wont look absolutely amazing (mine still looks great with the set up I am using) but this is more so for plays who are having major FPS problems as I have noticed a lot of people complaining about it. So if you just want to play the game and improve FPS that is more so what I was aiming to assist with. Although I see in some of the responses people would rather lag to hell for the sake of beauty. lol Thanks for all the replies!
  2. Hey Everyone So like most people I want the smoothest and best looking mmo experience I can get, especially when the game looks this good. My machine is good, it handles the game but I was encountering some major drops in FPS in Warzones and on the Fleets. For me its my processor thats letting me down, I'm above spec everywhere else so I went on a hunt to see how I could improve my FPS without getting a new motherboard and cpu and this is what I have found. You might find it handy! 1. Reduce all settings in your video cards control panel to performance. Lower everything that deals with picture quality, oddly enough you probably wont notice that much difference. Anti-Aliasing should be set to low on your control panel and in game. When I did this I got about 15-20 FPS increase 2. Play around with your resolution. My native resolution is 1920x1020 and it can help to reduce this. When you get really low the game looks terrible and you cant really read anything. Oddly enough after todays patch (Dec 27th) I noticed a great increase in stability and am now playing on my native resolution with no difference in FPS. 3. Reduce your colour! This one was a surprise. I dropped my colour down to 16 bit in my preferences and my FPS shot up across the board! 4. Some people aren't aware that having the shader work in anyway will slow the game down on older machines. Turn shadows off if you are experiencing FPS drops. Same goes for bloom. Also if you want to really fine tune your settings get a free program called FRAPS it tracks your FPS in game so you can see what works best on your own machine. This stuff worked for me and it may not work for you but theres no harm in trying right! I went from 4 FPS in Warzones to 15-30 FPS which is more then playable. Went from 3 kills to 37 and 5 medals in my first WZ after doing this. The game still looks good, not eye bleedingly good like this game can look but it works for me! Feel free to leave more ideas and suggestions!
  3. I am having the same issue. I can run with everything on high (bloom and shadows included) but the moment I hit a pvp civil war map (hutt ball being the worst) my fps drops through the floor. I just saw this video, haven't done it myself but it seems like an option at least I think there is a memory leak or something going on, doesn't make any sense to me.
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