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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Those who are resistant to change are destined to perish


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"Happiness can change into unhappiness just for the sake of change."

- Jack Kerouac


“All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.”

"Changing just for the sake of change is unwise."

– Ellen Glasgow


Change for the sake of change isn’t a good thing. That is what random gear at this point in the game is. It's just a change because they can. This change doesn't move the game forward but instead goes backwards to a time many of us remember with the PVP loot bag fiasco and it's random gear. It was nothing short of terrible.


BW needs to stick with how gamers got to choose an item once they had the token. Galactic command isn't bad. Command ranks isn't bad. Everyone getting a chance at end game gear isn't bad because gamers are putting in time. Random is the BS part of all this.


Random gear from a loot crate? That is historically bad game design and should never have been implemented.

Edited by Quraswren
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"Happiness can change into unhappiness just for the sake of change."

- Jack Kerouac


“All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.”

"Changing just for the sake of change is unwise."

– Ellen Glasgow


Change for the sake of change isn’t a good thing. That is what random gear at this point in the game is. It's just a change because they can. This change doesn't move the game forward but instead goes backwards to a time many of us remember with the PVP loot bag fiasco and it's random gear. It was nothing short of terrible.


BW needs to stick with how gamers got to choose an item once they had the token. Galactic command isn't bad. Command ranks isn't bad. Everyone getting a chance at end game gear isn't bad because gamers are putting in time. Random is the BS part of all this.


Random gear from a loot crate? That is historically bad game design and should never have been implemented.

Would've loved the system they made if they kept ops and pvp drops the same. This way raiders/pvp'ers can get their gear like they used to, without RNG, but it still allows more casual players to get some gear, even if some rng is involved.


Alternatively they could just give us some kind of currency to spend each time you level up your rank, to remove RNG.

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"Those who are resistant to change are destined to perish".


So here's an idea to change things a little bit. Let's make wheels... squared instead of round. Just for the sake of change and let's see how that goes.


Some things need no change because if they work fine the way they are why mess with their design?!

Edited by demotivator
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I was just trolling the people like you because you think these changes are bad.

The people in gen chat, they're the garbage of the population, often.


I am happily in a guild that's growing and doing more content every day. Running everything from Ranked WZs to NiM content. I've never been happier in this game.


So I'm saying good riddance to all the complainers because you can't see the benefits of these new updates


If you really are in a NiM raiding team then the specter of having to waste time grinding unrelated non-Operations content to maybe earn gear for Operations (if the RNG Gods favor you that day) before you can resume your Progression Ops raiding shouldn't sit well with you. The "complainers" as you so snidely write them off as are just players providing their negative feedback to the devs on changes that a very large segment of the player population seem to wholeheartedly reject - the RNG change was actually in the early game and taken out for the reasons people are saying. It is only before changes are made that you can affect their implementation. However since you appear to be the troll type something tells me that if the "complainers" waited until launch to give their feedback you'd criticize them for not speaking up earlier before the changes were implemented.


If you like the changes good for you but don't talk down about people who have legitimate complaints about what was released in the livestream.

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Now you have to keep in mind that those crafters have to get that piece first. AND THEN they have to succeed on the reverse engineering. And many won't. Not on their first try. So they just destroyed a piece of armor that they might not be able to get again for God knows how long.


Do you see the problem yet? Or are you just trolling for the lulz?


Not only that, but even once you get the schematic, it'll require such rare/expensive exotic crafting materials that only come from winning rolls in ops, that you'll be lucky to make one high end item!

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This is nothing like that. You don't have to beat specific bosses at all. You can do whatever the hell you want and still work on your gear. You can do the HMOPs you want to in order to get the gear you want.

There is no limit to the gear you can get.


Come back after you have run 100 things and find you are simply looking for the chest piece for your set but have now got your 35th bracer drop.


RNG for gearing is an absolute terrible idea. And it will no go over well with the majority of the player base. They tried this once already with PvP gear and had to fix it quickly because it was a terrible idea then and it is a terrible idea now.


It would be far better to have a dialog box come up with each rank with all the gear for your particular class (tank, DP or heal) and have you "Select One Reward".


Additionally, when you reach a rank is that one box for all your characters or do you have to be on that character when the next rank pops to get gear?

Edited by Wayshuba
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Hot Rod quote. lol.


For real though, the playerbase is so rooted in this old-school loot system, I really don't care if you all leave. You will all get replaced in droves when all the new players arrive. I'm not even worried.


I can't believe people think the changes are bad. These changes fix everything that's wrong with the old-style mmo elitist attitudes that people get from the old **** system.


Loot is going to be streamlined. It won't require you to down a specific boss to get a chance at rolling for a specific piece of gear. You can work at your gear at your own pace without interference.


I personally LOVE the new changes. And I look forward to playing with all the new players coming in. I have so many people I'm playing with, I laugh at these forums with all these people complaining. LOL


If it gets rid of the loot ninjas, the elitists, and the people who can't let go of old and broken systems, then good riddance!


Love the logic of this


Because the implementation of RNG based factors on gear acquisition is supposedly 'new' at some point in 2016 LUL! "Resistant to change..."

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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Those who think all change is progress are useful idiots.


Seriously though, it is common sense that when you change a thing that people are used to, some of them will not like the change. What's important to understand is how many of those reasons reflect sentiments that only the established niche will hold, and how many of them are actually pertinent to those are not yet even present to express an opinion.


In other words, is the change going to bring about an environment that's significantly better, in order to justify the bad feelings and lost customers of today?


It's ancient history now, but some of us old fogeys remember a game called Star Wars: Galaxies, and a thing called the "combat update." A change which was so monumentally stupid and short sighted that it effectively killed a successful MMO and the company that made it.


Sometimes the complainers are telling you things you need to know, and are too invested to see on your own.

Edited by Wintermutes
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