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Title: Grandmaster


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I defeated Darth Malgus in one on one combat during the False Emperor Flashpoint.


Since Satele couldnt defeat him alone I am stronger than her and should be the rightful grandmaster of the jedi order. So I want my story to involve making council decisions!!


Otherwise i challenge satele to a duel and I will destroy her!! :rak_01:

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I defeated Darth Malgus in one on one combat during the False Emperor Flashpoint.


Since Satele couldnt defeat him alone I am stronger than her and should be the rightful grandmaster of the jedi order. So I want my story to involve making council decisions!!


Otherwise i challenge satele to a duel and I will destroy her!! :rak_01:


Who said the Grand Master is the strongest of the Jedi? He/She's the wisest Jedi, which also comes with a good combat skill, but often not the best.

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I defeated Darth Malgus in one on one combat during the False Emperor Flashpoint.


Since Satele couldnt defeat him alone I am stronger than her and should be the rightful grandmaster of the jedi order. So I want my story to involve making council decisions!!


Otherwise i challenge satele to a duel and I will destroy her!! :rak_01:

Well, of course you are stronger when you are at the height of your power than Satele was when she was little more than a padawan. This should not be a surprise, nor should it really be something to brag about.

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I'm suspicious of this. Last time I was solo in a TacFP, the kolto stations refused to work.


That is true, but I had a couple of mates "carry" me to the boss then I told them to suicide at the start.

Ill remember to record a video for next time I face malgus again.

Dont know why people are surprised.

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Who said the Grand Master is the strongest of the Jedi? He/She's the wisest Jedi, which also comes with a good combat skill, but often not the best.


This. For combat prowess, the Battlemaster title is more fitting. And is available for any Jedi Knight who defeats Revan at the end of Shadow of Revan.

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I defeated Darth Malgus in one on one combat during the False Emperor Flashpoint.


Since Satele couldnt defeat him alone I am stronger than her and should be the rightful grandmaster of the jedi order. So I want my story to involve making council decisions!!


Otherwise i challenge satele to a duel and I will destroy her!! :rak_01:


Guess what I really don't think you are the only one that did that since there are countless Jedi playing. I have 3 Jedi that are 65 and two are consulars, one sage and one shadow. Combat isn't all that is required to be a grandmaster. It takes someone with wisdom, tact and compassion which I feel you are strongly lacking.

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