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5.0 Gear Reasoning


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1) > 190 PvE players will now not be a problem coming into PvP

2) PvE/PvP end game content now will be mostly accessible at will by any endgame player



1) RNG & Duplicate Gear

2) Community/Player Base - concerning but at least they get to keep the gear once they get it after subscribing


My greatest concern is what will happen to the community/player bases, there may be some advantages like ranked/raids getting a population boost (potentially) but this seems like a bit of a risky strategy.

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Right now, if you are even the most highly skilled PVPer you can't just jump into Nightmare Ops with your PVP gear and vise versa.


This way you can just build your GEAR and do both without hindering your teammates gear wise.


I wonder what the valor level will be required for ranked? Hopefully something like 60-70.

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Leaving preferred out in the cold is 100% a big mistake. Also getting the gear after months of grind will make it very unfriendly to new players.


you have no idea how long it will take, and you have no idea how gear will be in the mean while... since they did confirm that the not set is going to be craft able, I can't see a game ending change besides now we don't have to worry about people not bringing expertise in WZ or people saying 208 pvp gear can't be good enough for a raid...


This is a good change.. except for it being random... we should be asking for new raids , team pvp modes (like LoL), and make pvp zones on each world regardless of instance (like den).

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I would be ok with their idea if they got rid of the RNG part and minimize the extra hidden level grind part. I have a feeling that those extra 100 levels are there to intentionally take a while. Just like they think mobs with more hitpoints means harder. They are going to use a grind to make up for lack of true content. Edited by TechTheHic
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you have no idea how long it will take, and you have no idea how gear will be in the mean while... since they did confirm that the not set is going to be craft able, I can't see a game ending change besides now we don't have to worry about people not bringing expertise in WZ or people saying 208 pvp gear can't be good enough for a raid...


This is a good change.. except for it being random... we should be asking for new raids , team pvp modes (like LoL), and make pvp zones on each world regardless of instance (like den).


Yes, there is no difference if i hit you with supercrit and buffed Furious Strike or not. :rolleyes: As far as having idea how long it will take, I suggest you use google.

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Yes, there is no difference if i hit you with supercrit and buffed Furious Strike or not. :rolleyes: As far as having idea how long it will take, I suggest you use google.


soon as I posted I knew I'd get this guy... its going to take me so long cause I'm so unlucky to get the best gear the game, omg he gets an auto crit, not fair... I want to play in the big sand box.


set gear is better but not match breaking, in GSF people destroy others in stock, compared to CM ships. It won't be any harder then current system... infact you can do it solo and still get the same gear. if they took the random out of it, and made it a token so I could spread the gear out across my characters (like a UA piece is now) I wouldn't even have a single issue with it.

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Right now anyone can grind out a set of 204s PvP gear in a day or two. That's not a huge leap from the max tier, and gives you a full set bonus. It meant that new 65s could become competitive really really quickly.


If ANY of you think you're going to be able to grind out a full set of max minus 1 tier in a couple of days with this new system, I'm gonna go ahead and ask for a hit on what you're smoking.


It's going to widen the gear divide *considerably*, and it's also going to ensure that the best geared players in PvP are those who run PVE when ranked warzones are not popping.


I don't do PVE. Whether I continue to play after this ***** show goes live will depend largely on how long it takes to gear up running warzones only.

Edited by Jherad
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Right now, if you are even the most highly skilled PVPer you can't just jump into Nightmare Ops with your PVP gear and vise versa.


This way you can just build your GEAR and do both without hindering your teammates gear wise.


I wonder what the valor level will be required for ranked? Hopefully something like 60-70.


you still would need 2 sets of gear....are u gonna take your accuracy pve build to warzone?

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Right now anyone can grind out a set of 204s PvP gear in a day or two. That's not a huge leap from the max tier, and gives you a full set bonus. It meant that new 65s could become competitive really really quickly.


If ANY of you think you're going to be able to grind out a full set of max minus 1 tier in a couple of days with this new system, I'm gonna go ahead and ask for a hit on what you're smoking.


It's going to widen the gear divide *considerably*, and it's also going to ensure that the best geared players in PvP are those who run PVE when ranked warzones are not popping.


I don't do PVE. Whether I continue to play after this ***** show goes live will depend largely on how long it takes to gear up running warzones only.


Maybe, but bolster + old gear set bonuses is more than enough for regular warzones. Actually getting Ranked games is a myth on most servers so I'm not sure that changes much. The only thing about this that annoys me is the RNG boxes.

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two sets of gear was a bad idea from launch!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And this won't fix it... I will still have 2 gear sets.


I don't want sustained optimization in PvP. I don't do sustained. I don't want accuracy in PvP, in PvE it takes about 1/3rd of my tertiary stats. I don't want Defense in PvP and I want as much HP as I can while I want max mitigation in PvE.


Only healer can say they can use one set of gear for both PvE and PvP.. And it's not optimal. PvE is still about sustained healing. PvP can be about burst healing depending on a few things.

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