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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Less incentive to raid


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I think 5.0 is going to kill raiding.


I think there is a very small majority of players who do hard mode/nightmare raiding for the achievements, but I think there is a majority of raiders who do raiding for the gear/set bonuses, not to mention those who just want a good time.


By removing gear drops from bosses, and allowing people to grind heroics or warzones in order to get the same gear, I think it's going to kill raiding in general, specifically progression raiding.


Would people rather sit in group finder for ages in a story mode, or stand on fleet looking for a hard mode raid, spending a few hours doing that raid for XP? Or would they rather do heroics with a smaller group and earn a few million in that same time?


There hasn't been a new raid in 2 years, so I think that there are going to be less hard mode raiders when 5.0 hits, it's going to slow down how many new people start getting into progression/hard mode raiding because those new people will just get the gear from other sources. Still of course, there will be a small minority of those who do hard mode either for the enjoyment of it, or because they are selling runs for the unique drops. But in my opinion, most people are going to jump into raiding JUST to level up their command level.


I might be completely wrong about all of this, and I hope that I am, but this is just the impression I'm getting from what's been said.

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I think 5.0 is going to kill raiding.


Where have you been?


The "hope" is strong with so many of you, clinging to it like a starving person to a piece of moldy bread...


Raiding died with 4.0, I said almost a year ago that we had at best a 50/50 chance of ever getting another one, then 6 months ago I said that the odds were strongly in favor of never...


Now it is 99%... Anything is possible, so it'll never go to 100%, but lord the people who cling to this really are not living in reality...

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Where have you been?


The "hope" is strong with so many of you, clinging to it like a starving person to a piece of moldy bread...


Raiding died with 4.0, I said almost a year ago that we had at best a 50/50 chance of ever getting another one, then 6 months ago I said that the odds were strongly in favor of never...


Now it is 99%... Anything is possible, so it'll never go to 100%, but lord the people who cling to this really are not living in reality...


I know this, but it's going to kill it.......even more! :rak_01:

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I know this, but it's going to kill it.......even more! :rak_01:


Whole games are created from scratch and released in the time since we've had a new raid...


The people who say "I'm hoping to hear something" are just kidding themselves, raids take some work to make, they don't take THAT much work...

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I'm pretty sure they're going to quote few people playing ops (mostly due to these changes and no new ops) to justify them not making new ops in their January livestream.


They'll never say it, they have no reason to, what with people clinging to hope...


Instead they'll come out with something like Eternal Championship and call it "group content".


When is the last flashpoint we got? People think we're getting 16 man raid content when we aren't even getting 4 man group content?


What world do people live in?

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So were you raiding just for the gear or were you raiding because you enjoyed it? If you were raiding because you enjoy this part of the game then non of these changes should make a difference. If you were doing it just for gear then maybe it was not as fun doing it as you claim.


If anything this may encourage more players to at least give group content ago.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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If you are still here for the raiding, you can leave right now. Everyone will now gear the same way, amd only those who bother raiding will gear up faster, but not better. This is a welcome change, at least in my case. No more looking for guilds, gearing up and trying to geat into ops groups.


Now i get to play my toon solo, do all solo stuff at my own pace, and even get great rewards at the end. As i said, if you are still here for raiding, you may leave already. All these changes are totally focused on attracting new, solo-type players.

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If you are still here for the raiding, you can leave right now. Everyone will now gear the same way, amd only those who bother raiding will gear up faster, but not better. This is a welcome change, at least in my case. No more looking for guilds, gearing up and trying to geat into ops groups.


Now i get to play my toon solo, do all solo stuff at my own pace, and even get great rewards at the end. As i said, if you are still here for raiding, you may leave already. All these changes are totally focused on attracting new, solo-type players.


Unless players were raiding because for them it's more enjoyable than other parts of the game. Which to me should really be the only reason to raid. If they were doing it just for gear then I don't feel sorry for them.

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Unless players were raiding because for them it's more enjoyable than other parts of the game. Which to me should really be the only reason to raid. If they were doing it just for gear then I don't feel sorry for them.


Do you realize that to be even able to enter HM Op we'll need to grind SM fro MONTHS?

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Unless players were raiding because for them it's more enjoyable than other parts of the game. Which to me should really be the only reason to raid. If they were doing it just for gear then I don't feel sorry for them.


OK, raiding is fun, but right now experienced raiders can run several operations and they will have the good gear to start doing HM/NIM content. Not saying priority OPS, you can run some easy HM operations to get full 216/220 to start doing NIMs. If the progress rate to get the new gear will be much slower than the current one, how many raiders will stay here "forever" locked on easy mode to get RNG crates for gear they need?

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Unless players were raiding because for them it's more enjoyable than other parts of the game. Which to me should really be the only reason to raid. If they were doing it just for gear then I don't feel sorry for them.


I enjoy all aspects of the game, but especially raiding. I've had lots of fun times with my raid group, but sadly due to BioFail, they are almost all gone. I used to raid 3 times per week at least, now if on either side guild we have signups for 1 raid per week, it's a good day. My imp guild is dead, as people have unsubbed, and more will unsub; I go to my rep guild and with a guild that has about 300-400 uniques, I am alone in the guild.


BioFail has made SWTOR a joke. And the new changes are even worse than imagined. It's going to kill the game entirely.

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