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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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3) That is a fairly complicated question to answer, so, a few caveats. First, how many Command Crates you would earn from playing an Operation, for example, is dependent on a few factors. What is your current Command Rank, what difficulty is the Op, how many players are in the Op, etc. It is faster to level from Command Rank 1-2 than it will be at higher Command levels. The team is still turning the dials on CXP, but as we get closer to launch I will try to provide a more exact example of how much CXP you could earn in an Op/how many Crates.




"How many players there are".

Does that mean there's a fixed amount cxp per Mob that will be divided by players? So if one would for example 4man a SM Op they get more points each than when there are 8?

Or is it just depending on if it's 8 or 16m content?

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You just don't get it, I'll let Icykill to tell you how rich a PvP player is, because rewards for WZ are so fruitful!


Or I can tell you how rich is a person who does only challenging content(WHERE YOU NEED THE GEAR). I do only WZs and HM/NiM OPS, as the rest is so easy my companion can do it alone. So, hmmm, let's think, I have 10 millions credits. Right now crafted 220 relic costs between 2 and 3 m on TRE. Cannot wait how I craft(for what?) or buy the gear.


That's why I cancelled the subscription. RNG stopped me playing Division and made me promise never ever buy a game from Ubisoft. I get that BW wants to get into the same class.


I make at least a million a toon each week on pvp alone just by reaching my conquest goal. Pvp in my opinion is the most effeciennt way to make creds. There's no repair fees. Creds rewarded for matches/dailies/weekly. Sell all the decos you get from the conquest goals. Sell all the mats. Buy pvp decos with your excess comms and sell them. It's all profit. If you only have 10 mill at this point then you prolly don't have much time to play each week. Or you spend it on cosmetic stuff you don't need.

I find most peeps that don't have much creds waste it on making their toons look cool and other crap they don't need

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1. Gear dropping from GC boxes should NOT exeed 208-216 rate.

2. Operation tokens MUST stay as they are.

3. RNG must be eliminated.


Only in this case this GC s***t is gonna work. Period.


No noobs should have access to high-end gear. That's the freaking law of MMORPG's.

If you are not participate in high-end content - you cannot have high-end gear.


EAware prooved that they cannot handle RNG properly. Im sick of this crap in CM already. This should NEVER impact actual gameplay.


Player who participate in HM/NiM content should NEVER be rewarded by RNG boxes. Becouse it's insulting and discourage from doing ANY HM/NiM content.

Edited by Kingsbount
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I make at least a million a toon each week on pvp alone just by reaching my conquest goal. Pvp in my opinion is the most effeciennt way to make creds. There's no repair fees. Creds rewarded for matches/dailies/weekly. Sell all the decos you get from the conquest goals. Sell all the mats. Buy pvp decos with your excess comms and sell them. It's all profit. If you only have 10 mill at this point then you prolly don't have much time to play each week. Or you spend it on cosmetic stuff you don't need.

I find most peeps that don't have much creds waste it on making their toons look cool and other crap they don't need


I'm a girl, of course I spend it on stuff I don't need... you should see my wardrobe

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I make at least a million a toon each week on pvp alone just by reaching my conquest goal. Pvp in my opinion is the most effeciennt way to make creds. There's no repair fees. Creds rewarded for matches/dailies/weekly. Sell all the decos you get from the conquest goals. Sell all the mats. Buy pvp decos with your excess comms and sell them. It's all profit. If you only have 10 mill at this point then you prolly don't have much time to play each week. Or you spend it on cosmetic stuff you don't need.

I find most peeps that don't have much creds waste it on making their toons look cool and other crap they don't need

Or, you know, log in, have fun, spend 180 000 for repairs since you are actually trying to beat a boss you haven't on a higher difficulty. And then repeat this again on another day.


I don't know man, my repair bills are actually quite high, because I don't mind wiping. Not with my guild not with pug. Yes, I don't mind wiping with pug as long as there's a progress. Yesterday I joined DP SM pug , "just" 100k for repairs. But as I like Oricon operations I can pug them if I'm bored.


With what you say I wouldn't log in.


Also as it looks I am a girl to as my wardrobe is astonishing. Yet I cannot send the Temptation(old Lightsaber BOP) to my inquisitor :(

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You've made a fatal flaw in your reasoning: the assumption that all content is designed for everyone. This is false. Just as hard and challenge modes exist in other games to challenge and reward a minority, so do raids and hard modes in MMO's exist to challenge a minority. With this increased difficulty, increased stats are required to not get utterly crushed, hence the need for raiders to have better statted gear.


Unless you play every single difficulty mode, and get every single achievement in every single game, by your logic, you have never gotten what you paid for out of the game. Raid content clearly wasn't designed for you, this doesn't mean you should actively seek to punish raiders for it.


the assumption that all content is designed for everyone.


* create an character.. play the story can be completed by EVERYONE

* play PVP can be completed by EVERYONE

* play GSF can be completed by EVERYONE

* play FP can be completed by EVERYONE

* play H2 can be completed by EVERYONE

* play Dailes/Weekly can be completed by EVERYONE

* SM OPs can't be completed by EVERYONE


Now find one content that is being missed in 2yeras because it can't be played by EVERYONE.. hhmm interesting why?


It is all about that you can enter the content at any time anywhere.. and complete it

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Or, you know, log in, have fun, spend 180 000 for repairs since you are actually trying to beat a boss you haven't on a higher difficulty. And then repeat this again on another day.


I don't know man, my repair bills are actually quite high, because I don't mind wiping. Not with my guild not with pug. Yes, I don't mind wiping with pug as long as there's a progress. "just" 100k for repairs. But as I like Oricon operations I can pug them.


With what you say I wouldn't log.


Also as it looks I am a girl to as my wardrobe is astonishing. Yet I cannot send the Temptation(old Lightsaber BOP) to my inquisitor :(


Before my imp raid team disbanded because people left after the announcement of NO NEW CONTENT, I like paid 600K in repairs in one week, wiping on hard bosses.

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But if you didn't see the change how the OPs starter quest giving has been changing with every expansion... they where for a reason. Why someone should work for a ingame content that takes a lots of time and only few/not all can play it... it is a waste of time.... anyone can play the Uprising any one anytime can join..... compare it to op's availability and barriers...


It is not an OPs MMO.... it is about your story , your SW fantasy.. if in your fantasy you are surrounded by your guild mates or just solo saving the galaxy it is your fantasy.

Because it is both SOLO and MMO it will never be excellent in only one


Anyone level 50 to 65 can get into sm ops and get 216's with set bonuses. I'm sorry ops take effort??? Your complaints are based on the fact that you aren't a raider. So why do you need raid gear? People who do the hardest content deserve the best gear. Plain an simple. If you're only doing easy mode crap then your easy mode gear should be sufficient. I had like 6 toons to raid with last expac an they all took like 2 weeks to get geared for hm's

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Done pvp

Done all the heroics

Done all versions of the flashpoinrs

Done all raids

Done every quest

Done all the crating (which is boring)

Played gsf and didnt like it

Done all alliance alerts


Ok so that leaves uprisings and the new chapters left to do. Sorry not enough to keep me interested. If you notice with bioware changing the names of stuff its trying to make you think you are keeping something new and creative when really you are just getting new flashpoints. Now dont give me the ******** that oh but they have 3 levels of difficulty crap when we already have that.

I play this game to raid with my guild. The bolster system made it great to quickly get some sm gear drops and to move into HM in 2 weeks. Now i have to rely on RNG for me to get gear. Nah sorry. Oh and since the announcement all my raid teams folded.

I also wont wait to try the new gearing system because it is for level 70 only and if it is like the older xpacs i cannot get to level 70 unless i buy it and i do not want to buy it because the system they have described seems like a piece of **** to me.

At the end of the day i will put this game in my archive section


I haven't played the game since January 2017 till June it really , really, really helped me to enjoy the game once more.. even more

Try it may or may not help you

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I haven't played the game since January 2017 till June it really , really, really helped me to enjoy the game once more.. even more

Try it may or may not help you


I will be moving on.

If i left for 6 months id still come back to glorified flashpoints (uprisings) and 9 chapters of story which to me is not worth my money anymore.

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Anyone level 50 to 65 can get into sm ops and get 216's with set bonuses. I'm sorry ops take effort??? Your complaints are based on the fact that you aren't a raider. So why do you need raid gear? People who do the hardest content deserve the best gear. Plain an simple. If you're only doing easy mode crap then your easy mode gear should be sufficient. I had like 6 toons to raid with last expac an they all took like 2 weeks to get geared for hm's


People who do the hardest content deserve the best gear. in a true MMO sure i agree


why ppl that deserved the best ranked rewards got...

why ppl that deserved the best OPS and the best rewards get how many OP's in the 2 years....


Why the ppl that payed for creating BIS gear can obtain it if they need it or not have fun their way and obtain it.. maybe we deserved it?


I want to do OPs but if i have an lucky time and get to op's i have to skip the content, conversations, trash mobs, scenery, views, hidden places...all what is left is some loot and achievement... the content and story is still waiting to be experienced

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Or, you know, log in, have fun, spend 180 000 for repairs since you are actually trying to beat a boss you haven't on a higher difficulty. And then repeat this again on another day.


I don't know man, my repair bills are actually quite high, because I don't mind wiping. Not with my guild not with pug. Yes, I don't mind wiping with pug as long as there's a progress. Yesterday I joined DP SM pug , "just" 100k for repairs. But as I like Oricon operations I can pug them if I'm bored.


With what you say I wouldn't log in.


Also as it looks I am a girl to as my wardrobe is astonishing. Yet I cannot send the Temptation(old Lightsaber BOP) to my inquisitor :(



I too raid. Spend a couple hours straight on raid nights wiping on progression bosses. I don't even look at the repair bills and i have hundreds of millions of creds. Idk what you're doing differently but i bet its your spending habbits

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People who do the hardest content deserve the best gear. in a true MMO sure i agree


why ppl that deserved the best ranked rewards got...

why ppl that deserved the best OPS and the best rewards get how many OP's in the 2 years....


Why the ppl that payed for creating BIS gear can obtain it if they need it or not have fun their way and obtain it.. maybe we deserved it?


I want to do OPs but if i have an lucky time and get to op's i have to skip the content, conversations, trash mobs, scenery, views, hidden places...all what is left is some loot and achievement... the content and story is still waiting to be experienced


Ya. You most certainly should not be running around "exploring" its called common courtesy. If you're in an ops then at a minimum its with 7 other people. So no you shouldn't be wasting their time. If someone complains that you are watching the cut scenes then explain that its your first time there and they will understand. If you're watching cut scenes for the sake of it then ya. Refer to my previous comment on common courtesy. I can't even tell what you are crying about at this point?

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Anyone level 50 to 65 can get into sm ops and get 216's with set bonuses. I'm sorry ops take effort??? Your complaints are based on the fact that you aren't a raider. So why do you need raid gear? People who do the hardest content deserve the best gear. Plain an simple. If you're only doing easy mode crap then your easy mode gear should be sufficient. I had like 6 toons to raid with last expac an they all took like 2 weeks to get geared for hm's


This is exactly what im talking about.


If BW whant to help new people to get ready for ops with GC - fine.

But the MUST completely rework current project.


Gear from boxes should be ONLY 208-216 rate.


All tokens from HM/NIM content should stay as drop. They fine as is.

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I will be moving on.

If i left for 6 months id still come back to glorified flashpoints (uprisings) and 9 chapters of story which to me is not worth my money anymore.


Edit. Wrong post. I agree with you though

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Ya. You most certainly should not be running around "exploring" its called common courtesy. If you're in an ops then at a minimum its with 7 other people. So no you shouldn't be wasting their time. If someone complains that you are watching the cut scenes then explain that its your first time there and they will understand. If you're watching cut scenes for the sake of it then ya. Refer to my previous comment on common courtesy. I can't even tell what you are crying about at this point?


I really wish you and all raiders get OPs on 2017

Or you could get an OP's DLC/expansion every 4-6 months so you can buy it and play it with your friends

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People who do the hardest content deserve the best gear. in a true MMO sure i agree


why ppl that deserved the best ranked rewards got...

why ppl that deserved the best OPS and the best rewards get how many OP's in the 2 years....


Why the ppl that payed for creating BIS gear can obtain it if they need it or not have fun their way and obtain it.. maybe we deserved it?


I want to do OPs but if i have an lucky time and get to op's i have to skip the content, conversations, trash mobs, scenery, views, hidden places...all what is left is some loot and achievement... the content and story is still waiting to be experienced


We got zero ops in the last two years. And no you don't deserve BiS cause you paid for the game like everyone else. Put on your big boy pants and go and earn it.

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We got zero ops in the last two years. And no you don't deserve BiS cause you paid for the game like everyone else. Put on your big boy pants and go and earn it like everyone else


with 5.0 i will go and earn it like everyone else .... doing what i like and can... because everyone will deserve it.

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with 5.0 i will go and earn it like everyone else .... doing what i like and can... because everyone will deserve it.


According to the new plan of catering to the lowest common denominator you will get it. Of course there won't be anyone to play it with. Since anyone with an ounce of skill is going elsewhere. And subs will reach an all time low. And then for reals this game will be turned into knights of the eternal cartel market. Have fun with that. It will be your dream come true. Best gear just for showing up

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Before the 5.0

The BiS gear Heaven was reserved for few that deserved.

so many casuals in gear Hell


With 5.0

The RNG Hessus will come with promise of BIS gear Heaven for everyone.

Just believe in BW and do your daily bonus GC content


Spread the Good News the New Era is coming

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Before the 5.0

The BiS gear Heaven was reserved for few that deserved.

so many casuals in gear Hell


With 5.0

The RNG Hessus will come with promise of BIS gear Heaven for everyone.

Just believe in BW and do your daily bonus GC content


Spread the Good News the New Era is coming


Right. There is a reason for that. Its called progression. If you aren't doing the hardest stuff then you don't need the best gear. Wait till you start bragging about your gear and then someone inspects your achieves and finds out even with BiS gear you cant down DF. They're just going to point out that the only thing your good at is luck and not skill

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Right. There is a reason for that. Its called progression. If you aren't doing the hardest stuff then you don't need the best gear. Wait till you start bragging about your gear and then someone inspects your achieves and finds out even with BiS gear you cant down DF. They're just going to point out that the only thing your good at is luck and not skill


Must be a raider thing-I've never seen anyone brag about gear. Of course, I don't obsessively look at players accomplishments in a freaking video game as evidence of anything about them either.

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