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Another cross server statement


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I know that cross server is not being looked at because of flooding players coming back to the game, but on a-lot of servers, ranked does not pop at all. Also pve content does not pop. I think cross server for group content would be a HUGE quality of life improvement for group content. TY Edited by Going
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Group content? In an MMO? Talk about wall of crazy! :p


I don't really stand with the overall complaining for more group content, because the game revolves around group content, and i'm OK with the break from it to a more story-driven experience. Do i want to see more fresh content added....YES, but there is group content in the game to fill in for now.

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I know that cross server is not being looked at because of flooding players coming back to the game


What flooding of players? I play on what used to be the busiest server of the game & now at peak times you have to wait for queues. Planets aren't that busy. There is NO flooding of players coming back to game. There is just the few here & there that pop up over time.


Cross server queues are not being looked at because BW/EA said they will NEVER do it, several years ago. They have stuck by that statement, tooth & nail. The engine couldn't handle it either.

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What flooding of players?

Cross server queues are not being looked at because BW/EA said they will NEVER do it, several years ago. They have stuck by that statement, tooth & nail. The engine couldn't handle it either.



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What flooding of players? I play on what used to be the busiest server of the game & now at peak times you have to wait for queues. Planets aren't that busy. There is NO flooding of players coming back to game. There is just the few here & there that pop up over time.


Cross server queues are not being looked at because BW/EA said they will NEVER do it, several years ago. They have stuck by that statement, tooth & nail. The engine couldn't handle it either.


I didn't see it myself, but someone in another thread mentioned that in the live stream server mergers were brought up due to dwindling populations and they said it won't be happening because of the expected huge increase in new players... I think that's where the comments are from.

What I want to know is where are all these mystical new players coming from.. are Bioware cloning them in a basement somewhere?

Did they find Kamino, did Master Syfo Dias travel back in time and place an order for the grand army of Bioware.. are we being manipulated by the dark side and we don't know?.. oh wait... doesn't EA own Bioware.. yep that should answer the question about the dark side

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I didn't see it myself, but someone in another thread mentioned that in the live stream server mergers were brought up due to dwindling populations and they said it won't be happening because of the expected huge increase in new players... I think that's where the comments are from.

What I want to know is where are all these mystical new players coming from.. are Bioware cloning them in a basement somewhere?

Did they find Kamino, did Master Syfo Dias travel back in time and place an order for the grand army of Bioware.. are we being manipulated by the dark side and we don't know?.. oh wait... doesn't EA own Bioware.. yep that should answer the question about the dark side


Bioware during the live stream mentioned that during the release of KOTFE and a couple months following, they saw on their metrics that servers were near reaching capacity so if they had done server merges in the way they have "planned". There would've been queues for people to wait in in order to play the game so their current game-plan seems to be to see if they get the same thing when KOTET releases because if so then they most likely will continue with the current server setup and if they do not see the same new player/old player surge then they might look into server mergers towards the beginning of 2017.


So I think that's more or less admitting they realize that some servers are dead pretty much but they don't want to kill off a bunch of "dead" servers and merge them and then release a big x-pac like KOTET and then find out that they just caused a bunch of possible subs or current subs even to leave the game because they're sick of waiting to get into a server because Bioware tried to cater to the people left on dead servers and merged them into megaservers.


So I'd just say pray that not enough people come back to the game so Bioware will finally merge servers.

Edited by JargoFett
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Bioware during the live stream mentioned that during the release of KOTFE and a couple months following, they saw on their metrics that servers were near reaching capacity so if they had done server merges in the way they have "planned". There would've been queues for people to wait in in order to play the game so their current game-plan seems to be to see if they get the same thing when KOTET releases because if so then they most likely will continue with the current server setup and if they do not see the same new player/old player surge then they might look into server mergers towards the beginning of 2017.


So I think that's more or less admitting they realize that some servers are dead pretty much but they don't want to kill off a bunch of "dead" servers and merge them and then release a big x-pac like KOTET and then find out that they just caused a bunch of possible subs or current subs even to leave the game because they're sick of waiting to get into a server because Bioware tried to cater to the people left on dead servers and merged them into megaservers.


So I'd just say pray that not enough people come back to the game so Bioware will finally merge servers.


Pity they didn't consider all the other things they announced that are likely to cause more subs to quit than if they'd merged servers

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Pity they didn't consider all the other things they announced that are likely to cause more subs to quit than if they'd merged servers


Well, to be perfectly honest, most of what they have announced so far for the most part is preliminary overviews of changes to come. They've not yet gotten into the details of it but yet people are already screaming they're unsubbing because they don't like just the overviews.


Which is OK with me because while I may not like some of these changes in the game. We've begged and asked them for a change to the system for years so I'm just glad to see that something is being done and talked about and the people who hate change in general are leaving the game so that's also OK with me.

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We've begged and asked them for a change to the system for years so I'm just glad to see that something is being done and talked about and the people who hate change in general are leaving the game so that's also OK with me.


Not all 'changes' are created equal.


Nobody - I mean *nobody* was asking for a return to the days of battlemaster bags.


By all means get rid of the ridiculously broken bolster/expertise system in warzones. But don't replace it with something old that was *reviled* back in the day. Default gear templates for specs would have made sense. This is just clownshoes.

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So, what i'm getting out of this thread is that BW won't merge servers because they are pretty populated for 1 week every few months( new content releases) which in their eyes, justifies dead servers the rest of the time.

doesnt sound like logic to me, but im just a working class man

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Not all 'changes' are created equal.


Nobody - I mean *nobody* was asking for a return to the days of battlemaster bags.


By all means get rid of the ridiculously broken bolster/expertise system in warzones. But don't replace it with something old that was *reviled* back in the day. Default gear templates for specs would have made sense. This is just clownshoes.


Yea, I guess I was poorly spoken in this considering the more I hear about these changes... they seem to have taken the cries for change as a cry for reversion and taken us back to a like-launch system, which is the absolute opposite I think anyone wanted. I truly do hope that in the further details they explain the system will work better then speculated because as it stands now... I'm doubtful.


So as kind of like you said, This is just like asking someone for a pair of shoes and they give you a pair of clownshoes. :(

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Well, to be perfectly honest, most of what they have announced so far for the most part is preliminary overviews of changes to come. They've not yet gotten into the details of it but yet people are already screaming they're unsubbing because they don't like just the overviews.


Which is OK with me because while I may not like some of these changes in the game. We've begged and asked them for a change to the system for years so I'm just glad to see that something is being done and talked about and the people who hate change in general are leaving the game so that's also OK with me.


Personally I think a full disclosure dump of what to expect is preferred to dribbling out info over 3 weeks. Better to rip the band aid off in one hit, that try and do it slowly and cause everyone pain.

How much rage and anxiety does it generate by dribbling out info. And poor Eric, who is only doing his job and can only report what the developers have done and what he is allowed to report, becomes enemy number one and the most hated person at Bioware. That must really take it toll on him and I feel sorry for him.

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And poor Eric, who is only doing his job and can only report what the developers have done and what he is allowed to report, becomes enemy number one and the most hated person at Bioware. That must really take it toll on him and I feel sorry for him.


Til he be cashin' them phat cartel market checks to pay for his WoW subscription.

Edited by frosttj
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Not all 'changes' are created equal.


Nobody - I mean *nobody* was asking for a return to the days of battlemaster bags.


By all means get rid of the ridiculously broken bolster/expertise system in warzones. But don't replace it with something old that was *reviled* back in the day. Default gear templates for specs would have made sense. This is just clownshoes.


Im pretty sure bolster will be remaining, especially in pre 70 pvp. So far I haven't seen any mention of it being removed from lvl 70 pvp either.

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Im pretty sure bolster will be remaining, especially in pre 70 pvp. So far I haven't seen any mention of it being removed from lvl 70 pvp either.


Over in Hottie's thread there is some Q/A on page 3 (I think) where it is confirmed that differing stat levels in gear will be in affect for PvP. That's how I read it anyway. That sounds a lot like bolster goes away for lvl 70. They don't say how MUCH difference there is in the various levels of "level 70" gear. If it's minor, then I don't really care. If it's major, that sucks majorly.

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So, what i'm getting out of this thread is that BW won't merge servers because they are pretty populated for 1 week every few months( new content releases) which in their eyes, justifies dead servers the rest of the time.

doesnt sound like logic to me, but im just a working class man


According to TORstatus, they aren't even reaching medium capacity, ever. Most don't even reach the very bottom of normal, those are the dead servers, which is all but 4. You could probably merge every dead server together and they still wouldn't reach Harbingers population.

Sure there maybe a spike at the xpac, I doubt it's anywhere near as big as what Bio think it will be. But I guess it's smart to wait till after then. If it flops and there isnt this spike in populations on all servers, then they have no excuse to hide behind for not merging them.

Come January, "watch this space for server merge announcement" when/if this so called healthy all server population increase fails in 2-3 weeks ... if it's not announced, then some serious badgering would be called for until they do.

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Over in Hottie's thread there is some Q/A on page 3 (I think) where it is confirmed that differing stat levels in gear will be in affect for PvP. That's how I read it anyway. That sounds a lot like bolster goes away for lvl 70. They don't say how MUCH difference there is in the various levels of "level 70" gear. If it's minor, then I don't really care. If it's major, that sucks majorly.


Yeah I saw Eric's post on that, but it was vague and didn't answer any follow up questions on bolster or how much of a gear gap/advantage this highest lvl armor will have over entry lvl armor.

Imagine all the QQ threads about gear gap... which is so stupid because we've been through that before and Bioware seeming addressed that with the current pvp sets.

The only way I can see that not being a problem is if the gear gap isnt that big or if they keep some form of bolster for regs and just remove it for ranked. If the gear gap ends up not being that big, then any experienced or hardcore pvper will have no issues playing highly geared newbs, noobs or pve people. We'll essentially be able to take our time to get higher command XP, which suits me fine because then I can chill about lvling all my alts and not have to focus on just one or 2.. . it would probably affect the OPS people worse than pvp.

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The problem is for people who do pvp on smaller servers. Ranked will pop for a month or two, and then you will see nothing. I love valor requirements, for the love of god, and the sake of group content in general find a way to make cross server work. What is the logic behind why cross server is not worth it?
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The problem is for people who do pvp on smaller servers. Ranked will pop for a month or two, and then you will see nothing. I love valor requirements, for the love of god, and the sake of group content in general find a way to make cross server work. What is the logic behind why cross server is not worth it?


It's not that it's not worth it... it's because they can't do it technically... they've said this in the past... but everyone seems to forget this


The only option for low population servers is to merge them with the higher population ones



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It's not that it's not worth it... it's because they can't do it technically... they've said this in the past... but everyone seems to forget this


The only option for low population servers is to merge them with the higher population ones




3,10, 1876: The first words ever spoken over an operating telephone.


2,15, 1946: ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose computer ever created.


7,20, 1969: Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed humans on the Moon.


1, 1, 1983: ARPANET adopted TCP/IP and from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern Internet.


5, 7 1996: The first mammal cloned.


12, 4, 2006: The first ever giant squid caught on video in the wild............


12, 20,2011-2016: Cross server is not technically possible :rak_03:



Now shut the **** up and by more cartel packs THANKFULLY FOR YOU!!! Cartel packs are VERY technically possible....

Edited by mfourcustom
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3,10, 1876: The first words ever spoken over an operating telephone.


2,15, 1946: ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose computer ever created.


7,20, 1969: Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed humans on the Moon.


1, 1, 1983: ARPANET adopted TCP/IP and from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern Internet.


5, 7 1996: The first mammal cloned.


12, 4, 2006: The first ever giant squid caught on video in the wild............


12, 20,2011-2016: Cross server is not technically possible :rak_03:



Now shut the **** up and by more cartel packs THANKFULLY FOR YOU!!! Cartel packs are VERY technically possible....


lol... I don't disagree.. but "apparently" the game engine, which isn't very good, just can't handle it

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I know that cross server is not being looked at because of flooding players coming back to the game, but on a-lot of servers, ranked does not pop at all. Also pve content does not pop. I think cross server for group content would be a HUGE quality of life improvement for group content. TY


There is not going to be a "Flooding of new/old players" is the problem. Look at it this way.


A) This game is made be Bioware, once a powerhouse in the gaming industry

B) This game is Star Wars

C) This game is FREE TO DOWNLOAD and FREE TO PLAY for Pete's Sake

D) This game just finished an expansion, one that generated new content, every single month for the most part

E) Populations on all servers have been steadily declining, some server pop levels have dropped straight down like a meteor after the first month or so of the expansions release.... despite the above points and the release of THE FORCE AWAKENS.

F) The new expansion is just more of the same and is confirmed NOT to have new OPS, PVP'ers are going to have to grind PVE as well to increase their chances at getting gear for PVP because it's now RNG.


The above historical evidence is enough to show otherwise and Bioware should have been smart enough to put this together for themselves.

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Everything is possible. But they need spend $/time and find high-level educated specialists to re-code the core what actually don't needed in CM game. :confused: Peoples still buying CM packs, still grind H2 to buy CM stuff on GTN - who selling - who bought it with real $. Vicious circle. Edited by helpmewin
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