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Akaavi needs a baby!


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Now that I got your attention...I've played Smuggler repeatedly, but only ever romanced Akaavi once. Liked it more than I expected to, actually. Joking aside I think she'd make a terrifyingly awesome mom.


But back on point. I played a human when I romanced her, and I remember that at the end, Akaavi distinctly said we would NOT be able to have kids and implied the possibility of adoption. (my memory might be wrong on the adoption part)


At the time I assumed it was because I was because Akaavi's race made breeding incompatible with other alien species...until I remembered male smugglers CAN be Zabraks too.


So my question is for anyone who has romanced Akaavi as a Zabrak...does she still have that line saying she and the smuggler can't have their own children?

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Hmm, I must not have picked the same dialogue options because she never said anything about not being able to have kids with my Mirialan. She said something like "all Mandalorians expect to have kids some day, until now I thought that part of my life was over." Though other companions will definitely say stuff about needing to adopt if romanced by a different species (or just not realizing your character is the SAME species, looking at you Jorgan >_> ) so yeah I'm sure I just didn't pick the same dialogue options rather than it being Zabrak are more genetically compatible with Mirialans that Humans.
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I DO HAVE a male Zabrak Smuggler and DID marry Akaavi. The problem is, I finished that character so long ago , I DO NOT REMEMBER the issue of mating compatibility.


I just finished my Sith Inquisitor Assassin. She married Andronikos Revel. In the last conversation, they discussed having kids. He is human. She is Zabrak. In fact, all my alts are Zabs. I know, I'm boring. There was no discussion of compatibility, but instead, discussed whether it was truly what they wanted. Take that however you wish. I don't know if the conversation follows the same lines with Akaavi and The [male] Smuggler.


I do know that in almost all companion dialogues, when you complete the conversations with your alt, they pledge themselves to you and your offspring.

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Come to think of it, humans and Zabrak ARE genetically compatible, the nightisters on Dathomir are half Zabrak and half Human :eek:


yeah, they are genetically compatible.


humans, zabrak, and twi'leks were all made by the mother machine, so zabraks are even genetically compatible with twi'leks of all things. humans are also canonically genetically compatible with twi'leks, too.

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yeah, they are genetically compatible.


humans, zabrak, and twi'leks were all made by the mother machine, so zabraks are even genetically compatible with twi'leks of all things. humans are also canonically genetically compatible with twi'leks, too.


Readed on Wookieepedia that Zabrak's and human's can't breed together. Used to be canon i i remember correctly, but is now on the "Legends" part. So Dathomirian is now a normal race instead of a hybridization between Human and Zabrak.


I wonder why they changed that. :/

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yeah, they are genetically compatible.


humans, zabrak, and twi'leks were all made by the mother machine, so zabraks are even genetically compatible with twi'leks of all things. humans are also canonically genetically compatible with twi'leks, too.

Good to know for the Inquisitor background, though it makes a bit annoying that Talos Drellik says that Kallig was an alien if the Inquisitor was one; since all the Inquisitor playable races are apparently human-compatible, Kallig could have just been human.


Readed on Wookieepedia that Zabrak's and human's can't breed together. Used to be canon i i remember correctly, but is now on the "Legends" part. So Dathomirian is now a normal race instead of a hybridization between Human and Zabrak.


I wonder why they changed that. :/

You don't have to bow to the tyranny of Disney canon! Lucas canon remains viable.

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Readed on Wookieepedia that Zabrak's and human's can't breed together. Used to be canon i i remember correctly, but is now on the "Legends" part. So Dathomirian is now a normal race instead of a hybridization between Human and Zabrak.


I wonder why they changed that. :/


To confuse and infuriate us! :eek:

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Readed on Wookieepedia that Zabrak's and human's can't breed together. Used to be canon i i remember correctly, but is now on the "Legends" part. So Dathomirian is now a normal race instead of a hybridization between Human and Zabrak.


I wonder why they changed that. :/


honestly, with disney and jj abrams at the reins, i think i'm pretty much done with main canon unless they do something REALLy cool, like make the yuuzhan vong or pureblood sith show up.


legends all the way from here on out for me. zabrak's and humans making babies all over.


i honestly just think akaavi is wrong, and assuming that humans and zabrak can't have children, anyway. she's a mandalorian, born and raised. average mando ain't the brightest, it seems. being raised mando as well, she might not even know about the nightsisters.

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honestly, with disney and jj abrams at the reins, i think i'm pretty much done with main canon unless they do something REALLy cool, like make the yuuzhan vong or pureblood sith show up.


legends all the way from here on out for me. zabrak's and humans making babies all over.


i honestly just think akaavi is wrong, and assuming that humans and zabrak can't have children, anyway. she's a mandalorian, born and raised. average mando ain't the brightest, it seems. being raised mando as well, she might not even know about the nightsisters.

JJ was only the director of episode 7, he won't be the director of the future Star Wars movies. As far as the movies go, to my tastes episode 7 was infinitely better than episode 1-3. It is however a little sad that the movies will always be safer than the EU can be since mainstream audiences want a safer story and human protagonists. :(

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JJ was only the director of episode 7, he won't be the director of the future Star Wars movies. As far as the movies go, to my tastes episode 7 was infinitely better than episode 1-3. It is however a little sad that the movies will always be safer than the EU can be since mainstream audiences want a safer story and human protagonists. :(


i would honestly love a series set in the old republic, about the trials of a young sith pureblood becoming sith. have her delving into tombs, learning dark side rituals, completing the tasks her overseer put before her. it'd be kinda disconnected, but it'd be fun.


or making the movie universe incredibly bleak, by having the vong come and steamroll everyone like they did in the EU. watch coruscant be attacked and fall, covered in bio-tech stuff. maybe see some of the vong doing their ritualistic self-mutilation. watch rey or someone realize they're voids in the force learning about it from a rogue vong or something. it'd be awesome.

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honestly, with disney and jj abrams at the reins, i think i'm pretty much done with main canon unless they do something REALLy cool, like make the yuuzhan vong or pureblood sith show up.


legends all the way from here on out for me. zabrak's and humans making babies all over.


I've more or less refused to recognize Disneycanon as legit. Though there were things in the pre-Disneycanon era that were bad too.



To the original topic, our characters need babies. They're not getting any younger. We're what, 10 years after Korriban/Nal Hutta/Ord Mantell/Tython?

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To the original topic, our characters need babies. They're not getting any younger. We're what, 10 years after Korriban/Nal Hutta/Ord Mantell/Tython?

I can just see it now... "Kin of the Eternal Childrearing (KOTEC): Have kids and raise them! Influence whether they grow up to be light or dark. Guide them through 3 unique phases... Toddler, Teenager, and Young Adult. Be careful... if you raise them poorly, they may wreak havoc on the galaxy!"



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I can just see it now... "Kin of the Eternal Childrearing (KOTEC): Have kids and raise them! Influence whether they grow up to be light or dark. Guide them through 3 unique phases... Toddler, Teenager, and Young Adult. Be careful... if you raise them poorly, they may wreak havoc on the galaxy!"




I'd buy it >.>

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To the original topic, our characters need babies. They're not getting any younger. We're what, 10 years after Korriban/Nal Hutta/Ord Mantell/Tython?


That's what headcanon's for. I figure my Warrior's kids with Quinn are off in a secluded safe haven away from all the galactic commotion.

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I have always said any RPG (even tho this is a MMORPG or MSORPG) needs to have a custom character companion... one that you answer a quick check list of what the character should be like such as is this character related to you answer child, spouse, sibling, parent, friend, rival. preference on core behavior answer, dominating, diplomatic, silly, and suborn. Of course you also custom the way they look.
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That's what headcanon's for. I figure my Warrior's kids with Quinn are off in a secluded safe haven away from all the galactic commotion.


my sith warrior is having her babies with theron.


revan bloodline + emperor's wrath bloodline = super saiyan babies.

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