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Bring back lord scourge in expansion!


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out of all the companions where is lord scourge


he was a big part in the revan novel...and has connection to emperor so where is he at?


and where is ghost revan .... before merging with his darkside half the lightside one says 'we need to repair what the emperor has done '' atleast last time i did on a knight i noticed....


so where are they?


also lord scourge as a companion would be just like having marr.... body type 3 jugg.,,,,, except better because him being an old companion you can change his armor :D



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out of all the companions where is lord scourge


he was a big part in the revan novel...and has connection to emperor so where is he at?


and where is ghost revan .... before merging with his darkside half the lightside one says 'we need to repair what the emperor has done '' atleast last time i did on a knight i noticed....


so where are they?


also lord scourge as a companion would be just like having marr.... body type 3 jugg.,,,,, except better because him being an old companion you can change his armor :D




main thing i can see is the possibility of them having an issue with getting the voice actor to return, which is why i believe a lot of companions haven't been returned

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main thing i can see is the possibility of them having an issue with getting the voice actor to return, which is why i believe a lot of companions haven't been returned


I think this is the case, a few weeks ago i was over on the swtor sub reddit and saw a few people talking about how the voice actress for jaesa didn't want to do the voice for her anymore. :(

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I think this is the case, a few weeks ago i was over on the swtor sub reddit and saw a few people talking about how the voice actress for jaesa didn't want to do the voice for her anymore. :(


Tanno Vik's died. But I think BW could pull off a Mordin Solus with these guys because I don't think Jaesa, Vik, and Scourge have said anything since RotHC, and while on a binge-run of the Mass Effect series, I didn't notice that ME2 Mordin Solus wasn't the same VA as ME3 despite playing the two games and hearing him speak in ME2 on the same day as I reached meeting hims again in ME3 in the same 24-hour period. Maybe even 12-hours. People may notice, but I don't think that they'll care by too much as a majority as long as the voice is too drastically different.

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I don't think they'd want to. KotFE tries really hard to ignore any story prior to it. Darth Marr has a small chunk in the first chapter and Valkorion deflects the one statement there is about Ziost, and that's pretty much the last acknowledgement we get of SoR and vanilla ever having happened. Lord Scourge would be inconvenient to the new narrative :(
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I loved to see him come back (and Kira too!) but sadly I don't think they or any of the the other missing characters will be returning anytime soon if at all. If they were, Bioware would be advertising it as they are some of the most popular companions.


They might just be avoiding spoilers.

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I think this is the case, a few weeks ago i was over on the swtor sub reddit and saw a few people talking about how the voice actress for jaesa didn't want to do the voice for her anymore. :(

Definitely false.


And in that event, she'd just get recast. No harm no foul. Wouldn't be the first time Bioware recasted.

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Definitely false.


And in that event, she'd just get recast. No harm no foul. Wouldn't be the first time Bioware recasted.


I know Jaesa's actor is famous and people like her, but man it is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I *hope* she's recast.:sul_angel:

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KotFE tries really hard to ignore any story prior to it. :(


Makes sense, considering the dev team that made SOR and KOTFE is not the same team that made anything before that. the new team I think wants you to focus on the stuff that they are making, which is why leveling is so fast.

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Scourge needs to return. He is too significant for the Emperor + Knight arc to be neglected. :/


main thing i can see is the possibility of them having an issue with getting the voice actor to return, which is why i believe a lot of companions haven't been returned



Actor recently returned to do some voice over in Star Trek Online, don't see why he couldnt do swtor.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Makes sense, considering the dev team that made SOR and KOTFE is not the same team that made anything before that. the new team I think wants you to focus on the stuff that they are making, which is why leveling is so fast.

It's probably true for many parts of TOR. The guys who originally worked on something are no longer around, thus it doesn't get fixed or expanded upon. It shouldn't be like that though, assuming Bioware hires professional developers, as there'd be ample documentation left behind. But yeah, too many changes in the development team isn't beneficial.

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I really do hope they bring him back and in an important way. They've put Lord Scourge in a corner for too long, so much stuff has happened where they could have made awesome use of him, and it was wasted. So much potential for amazing story lost.


I don't see a reason why Joe Gatt couldn't continue to voice him, he's amazing, and as someone said, he's done work on STO and also the Elder Scrolls, so I hope they get him back here. He is a very enjoyable part of the game for me, and I miss him. I want to know more, see more, and experience more with Lord Scourge. In fact, I hope he becomes romanceable in time. :o:p



*Points at the siggy* Been sporting that for a while. Anyone wanna help out with a siggy of their own? :D

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It's probably true for many parts of TOR. The guys who originally worked on something are no longer around, thus it doesn't get fixed or expanded upon. It shouldn't be like that though, assuming Bioware hires professional developers, as there'd be ample documentation left behind. But yeah, too many changes in the development team isn't beneficial.


How hard can it be to scan through on the internet to find the general plotlines for every single class? Seriously, Fanfiction.net alone's got enough for most of the classes (Consular seems to be a bit lacking). Then again, I think BW should just hire Phyreblade and have her write the stories for every expansion coming up.

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As a main Sith Warrior, I would love to see an interaction with Scourge in the current storyline... and not to knock on Quinn too much... lol... I think Scourge would be a great new potential love interest for both the Sith Warrior and the Jedi Knight.
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With Scourge being tied to the emperor and you having the emperor in your head...I would have to say, there is some story potential there.


What if Scourge, Khem-Val, Quinn , and a now full (dark side) Ashara and Jaessa with a few new crew mates traveled the galaxy hunting down the emperor. What happens when they find out he is in your head....


Anything that can get us some Valkorian and scourge closure would be ideal

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I hope they do this, especially since then I could maybe use him again. At the moment, I refuse to use him since unless he's in DPS stance, he'll have Rusk's voice for a lot of stuff. I would expect them to fix that if they brought him back so it'd be nice to be able to use him again.


Tanking stance was one of his original stances as well, so he should not (nor does he in my last 4.X Knight playthrough that got him) have Rusk's voice for tanking dialogue. Just heals.

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With Scourge being tied to the emperor and you having the emperor in your head...I would have to say, there is some story potential there.


What if Scourge, Khem-Val, Quinn , and a now full (dark side) Ashara and Jaessa with a few new crew mates traveled the galaxy hunting down the emperor. What happens when they find out he is in your head....


Anything that can get us some Valkorian and scourge closure would be ideal


Getting Scourge, Khem, Quinn, Ashara and Jaesa all back together, YES! :D But I agree currently his potential seems to be wasted, along with other companions who have't returned. I can see however him not coming back then we save the day and he be like a few years later after the event, "Oh you sorted all that Emperor stuff out without me a few years ago? Good for you, I was busy doing other important stuff."

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