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Sith Warrior/ Marauder - Oasis - "Reflection" Boss - How the #$%@& do you beat it?


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Okay, so I've clear the deck of other quests on Tatooine and I only have "Oasis" left, with the "Reflection" boss, who shares my character's level and power set (level 29 Sith Marauder). I must've fought this thing seven or eight times now, using both Malavi and Vette. I upgraded my gear as much as possible. I've tried changing up tactics. I nearly beat it, but end up dying just before its health runs out.
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Hmm... You shouldn't be having a problem with that one. It makes me think that something is wrong with your armor or build. I beat it the first time when lag was so bad that it pretty much destroyed the video segment and I kept getting frozen while he wailed on me--and I'm no battle god. I'm completely stuck on a class quest on Alderaan right now, lol. Are you buying mods and enhancements to put in your armor and lightsaber? Maxing your endurance and strength? And you're the right level for the quest? It's possible to get there early if you skip side quests. Edited by errant_knight
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I haven't been buying mods, but I loaded up on as much new gear as I could afford before the fight, including a couple of relics to boost my endurance. And I've done every non-heroic quest I could find and a substantial amount of grinding besides. Apparently, the boss levels to your character's level from 24 to 33. Tattooine, for Imperials at least, is rated from 24 to 28. The mission itself was rated at 26 or 27, but that doesn't mean much for me, since I've found I have to be at least two levels above any end boss to beat them (being no god of war myself). I might go to Alderaan, play through that, and then the Nar Shadaa bonus series, come back at 35 and then kick its ***. I might also try your advice with mods, but I'm going to need more cash. Either way, it looks like I'll need to do a bit of grinding on Alderaan.
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Use your mitigation cooldowns early in the fight and use Quinn for your companion. Force choke to catch up on healing and interrupt any casting bars when it's off cooldown. Force push and choke can also act as interrupts if you miss your timing or your reflection does a series of casts.
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(Extremely) light spoilers following.


150 Light points. I was being all out darkish before this conversation, but I must admit it really got to me. There were already some questionable dark choices that I was kind of reluctant to make, and what the Reflection said about Baras made sense. I was thinkin it anyway, but this quest made me choose a lot more light options afterwards.


But thats just me.

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I haven't been buying mods, but I loaded up on as much new gear as I could afford before the fight, including a couple of relics to boost my endurance. And I've done every non-heroic quest I could find and a substantial amount of grinding besides. .


What he said.nthanks to some grinding through the first two worlds in particular, I was at lvl 28 upon arriving on Tatt. By the time I got to Alderaan I was no longer even getting xp (well, I got the 5 xp) for doing my normal story quests because my lvl was so high.


I also spent ALOT of time in PVP over several days. While it does not give you huge xp...at least for a noob who stinks at it like me...it does add up. Better and more fun way to gain xp than grinding through mob after mob for hours on end that's for sure.

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I'll be honest, I used to think leveling with the two DPS specs would be better but I was wrong. I did this boss with Malavai Quinn at my side on a FULL Immortal spec ( I'm a Juger ) and I lost about 5 - 10 % of my health in the entire fight. Really the immortal spec is the way to go.
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I'll be honest, I used to think leveling with the two DPS specs would be better but I was wrong. I did this boss with Malavai Quinn at my side on a FULL Immortal spec ( I'm a Juger ) and I lost about 5 - 10 % of my health in the entire fight. Really the immortal spec is the way to go.


Even though i am going vengeance, I think your right about that. I started immortal spec but missed DPS. For me a little grinding was worth it to get the DPS enjoyment I prefer.


As for end game unless the next 10 levels somehow make a difference or unless Bioware does something with the DPS specs of the SW in general, I'm just rerolling as a different class. I intend to play them all eventually anyway.

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One must be stronger than the inner lightside of your self to overcome it and convert it! Be evil... and your opponents shall crumble :D


Also try offering biscuits if that doesn't work.


All seriousness though, I had no problem with this fight. Perhaps change of companion?

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Even though i am going vengeance, I think your right about that. I started immortal spec but missed DPS. For me a little grinding was worth it to get the DPS enjoyment I prefer.


As for end game unless the next 10 levels somehow make a difference or unless Bioware does something with the DPS specs of the SW in general, I'm just rerolling as a different class. I intend to play them all eventually anyway.


I haven't noticed a BIG dps change to be honest. I kill things just as fast. I'd even say I'm faster because I don't have to kite and hite like a *** to heal myself and I don't die so often. Haven't died once since I am immortal. I can take on elites too. In PVP I finally had fun and was able to survive more than 3 hits. I still did terrible DPS (just like with the other specs) but at least I was alive most of the time

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Wow I just managed to solo 4 heroic elites on tatoine in one pull... did the same right after it. Started farming elites for a good 15 mins. Never could have done that on any other spec. I'm telling you juggers, the grass is greener on the immortal side
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to necro an ancient post, but as a marauder I am having serious trouble with this fight. I am using my cooldowns, popping medkits, even using a stim. I haven't tried the crippling slash and kite, but will do so after work today.


Any other advice for how to beast this?


thank you in advance.



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Same here. This boss is a *****. I am at level 30 even found a implant to use and using stim. I have been throwing everything at this boss. I went through all the missions on this planet almost and this boss stays the same difficulty level. I heard if you stacked all you skills on the skill tree on annihalation the boss would be easier....or if you chose juggernaut the boss was easy, becuase you can wear much more protection. I am always one medpac use off of beating him. I use trauma medpacs and I have vett as my companion. if I use quinn I get owned cause the reflection hates whoever causes him the most damage in the first 10 seconds and then that person has about 30 seconds to live. I have some of the best armor on this planet. I am sure of that. Dont know what to do because no matter how good my armor its like the boss kills me in the same amount of time. any help would be appreciated
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this boss is *********** hard if your not a jug like i lvl to 30 and he went up two like *** its crazy hard i cant even get him down to half like im stuck and im in need of advice or tips cuz right now there is no way im going to be able to kill him and i like have the best sabers i can buy for my lvl (insted of buying a speeder) so ya i dont know what to do any help would be greatful Edited by eviLab
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The thing about this fight is that it's the only one I found so far that scales.


He's always a your-level elite with twice as much health as you and all your abilities. I *think* he also has your gear, but I don't know of any way to confirm this.


I got him with Vette, but almost didn't.


Don't use consumables until the fight starts (otherwise, you're just buffing him too). Make sure all your cooldowns are available because you WILL need them. Whenever you see something being channeled, interrupt.


Alternatively, since he's based off your stats, fight him naked and let your companion whoop his ***. 8p

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