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Making Sense of Smuggler Story


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Putting aside my pub 65 forcers to focus imp side and my non force toons.


IA I can sorta get. You're basically James Bond/Jason Bourne in Space. Having high class imperial training (possibly more if Chiss?) and can go toe to toe with a lot of crap.


The smuggler? How in the kriffing does a smuggler make sense? I rally want to pick up my smuggler again, but seeing her go up against Malgus I'm trying *really* hard to head canon it......muc less..........a smuggler... being the outlander......... or dealing with Valky

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People call him Void Hound and Bandit King for a reason. The smuggler is part Jesse James, part Jack Sparrow. The kind of guy who brings a gun to a sword fight. Most of the original trilogy heroes were scoundrels too.


For the empire and republic the hunter and smuggler are expendable assets. I see no problem in Saresh sending a privateer as the republic representative on the hunt for the emperor. Sending a criminal mercenary instead of a jedi or military officer is an underhanded show of disrespect. Quite in character for Saresh.


It also makes sense for Valky to be interested in a non force user who prevails without special training against force users. Actually it makes more sense than him being fascinated with yet another jedi/sith who is strong with the force or gained knowledge of some unique powers, Valky must have seen thousands of those.


I have more of a problem with the smuggler and bounty hunter becoming leaders of the alliance, but let's be real, the defacto leader is Lana, you're just a figurehead ("the guy who already killed an emperor") who can quickly become a scapegoat if need be.

Edited by Mubrak
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