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Kaliyo Romancable by females in KoTFE?


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I notice she has flirt options, but I really haven't tried it. Some have told me, she can start a romance if you either


1. Previously romanced her as your Male agent.

2. Didn't romance her, but play as a Male agent.

3. As long as you play an agent.


So can you do GirlxGirl romance with her?

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She's not, oddly enough*. You can flirt with her a few times as a female (possibly only with Imperial classes?? I don't know), but then she shoots you down, saying (paraphrased), "I'm not into women. I just like messing with their heads by playing mind games with them."


*I say oddly because, in her original companion quests, it...definitely seemed like some of her past "partners" were a) romantic and b) women. Including one woman who outright says Kaliyo "seduced" her away from her previous life. Bit of an eyebrow-raising choice of words there...

Edited by Jagaimee
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She's not, oddly enough*. You can flirt with her a few times as a female (possibly only with Imperial classes?? I don't know), but then she shoots you down, saying (paraphrased), "I'm not into women. I just like messing with their heads by playing mind games with them."


*I say oddly because, in her original companion quests, it...definitely seemed like some of her past "partners" were a) romantic and b) women. Including one woman who outright says Kaliyo "seduced" her away from her previous life. Bit of an eyebrow-raising choice of words there...


While I had hoped for it (not that my Agent would or that I have any character I would want them with her), that answer seems to fit for her and still works with her past story lines.


She wasn't into the females she seduced, she seduced them to play with their heads and get what she wanted from them.

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*I say oddly because, in her original companion quests, it...definitely seemed like some of her past "partners" were a) romantic and b) women. Including one woman who outright says Kaliyo "seduced" her away from her previous life. Bit of an eyebrow-raising choice of words there...

Could be a figurative sense of "seduce", a more intense (but still not *actually* sexual) version of "entice".

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Won't surprise me if they pull off a way that she does grow interested in females. Like with Risha on male Smuggler whom shoots down your advances until like later in chapter 2. Just a thought.


It would surprise me. They likely consider it to much work, as they haven't done it yet.


I still believe, if they had made so all original LIs could be romanced by all other classes/genders then there would have been more acceptance of the one storyline for all.

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