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SWTOR World Championships in the future?


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just wondering if there is a future for this. your thoughts?

You mean, like they have in GW2 or League of Legends? Not a chance. LoL *is* PvP incarnate, while GW2 has a strong emphasis on PvP (and trivial play-on-other-server mechanics). Neither of those things is true for SWTOR.

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Could have been a thing if they didn't kill off their own pvp player base back during 2.0ish when bio**** removed ranked 8s and added ranked 4s instead of keeping 8s and adding 4s like a normal game dev team would..


Keep dreaming.


Swtor world story championships maybe...


dead ****** game lul

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If BioWare/EA "Esports" it up, it would bring back players and a flood of new players too. Clearly, they need to do something to bring back players.


Look at the current games played on a competitive esports level and compare them with SWTOR.


This game is just too "complex" to be an esports contender. Need something simple, with pace, that keeps both players and viewers on the edge of their seat.

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If BioWare/EA "Esports" it up, it would bring back players and a flood of new players too. Clearly, they need to do something to bring back players.


To start they would need to completely rebuild their infrastructure I.E game engine/network etc....and thats just to be able to start fixing the basic problems we have been experiencing for the past 4 years, things like lag, getting stuck on small rocks and corners. You cannot legitimately promote any sort of competitive PVP with so many game breaking variables. This game would need to run smooth.

There are too many people enjoying comfortable lives to allow these things to happen.

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