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Holocron Recordings...Ability to redo major plot battles from your class storyline


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I am suggesting a system be made available that allows a player to go back and replay a major plotline battle from their class storyline. You could use a "holocron recording" as the device to provide access to prior missions.


Perhaps you could offer some unique rewards if a player replays this content.


Thanks for your time.

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Would be nice. As long as it didn't change the flags and stuff (however they may be). I'd enjoy the opportunity to punch out Tarro Blood on my first BH, or drive Nomen Karr into Dark Side madness on my first SW. And the other fights on characters who are now three years old.


I'd also like to see a Holorecording of my character rewatching conversations as well.

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It's called "rolling a new alt", and is successfully practiced by gamers worldwide every day. If you don't wanna bother leveling up a new alt, watch youtube or ask on forums etc.



Although It is perfectly fine to choose to deny support for any idea, your comment seems to insinuate that you are speaking to someone that is new to the game.


It is also rather assumptive. Perhaps you should take more time to think about your responses, to whom you are speaking and the like before making silly comments.


...unless of course you enjoy making obvious statements and unsubstantiated judgements.

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Although It is perfectly fine to choose to deny support for any idea, your comment seems to insinuate that you are speaking to someone that is new to the game.


It is also rather assumptive. Perhaps you should take more time to think about your responses, to whom you are speaking and the like before making silly comments.


...unless of course you enjoy making obvious statements and unsubstantiated judgements.

The point, perhaps not optimally expressed, is that there is *already* a system that allows you to replay a class story incident. It even lets you replay it using a different companion, different sex, different species, or even a different Advanced Class, or even, this time, with no AC at all!


And unless you are completely full of alts, you can do all that without paying for the Appearance Designer Kiosk to do its thing!

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LOTRO has had this feature for a very long time. We can visit magical hot tubs (okay, they're really "reflecting pools") and replay the key instances from the Epic quest line (closest thing LOTRO has to SWTOR's Class Missions). However, these replayable LOTRO quests do not have optional dialogue ... the conversation you have will be the same every time ... oh, and the player characters never talk at all. So, the primary motivation to dive into the Cement Pond of Memories is to replay the fight.


I've played LOTRO since its Beta and have not once felt tempted to dip a toe into the disturbingly yellowish waters of the public remembering pool.


That said, the ability to play an alt is not a very practical solution to the OP's desire to replay Class Missions. Sure, it's fine for players who want to replay each and every such mission. But if I want to just replay the final encounter for Chapter 3 of the Sage, I'd have to level up a new character to around 50 just for a KOTFE's worth of fun (i.e., 10-15 minutes). I have better things to do with the two hours it would take me to get a new Sage to 50.

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