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The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event. I had a lot of fun with that. My old RP guild made a huge thing about it and we all grouped up and had tons of fun. We even had a few lucky victors with that Rancor mount, myself included. Anyone hear anything about it coming back maybe?
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I could say the same thing about buying hundreds of cartel packs with real money.


Ehh I can at least argue in that point that you will get random items in CM packs, plus people don't spend hours opening packs. With the slot machines it was like what 4 different things or a loss? Horrid RNG too.

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What is fun about clicking slot machines for hours at a time?


In an RP setting, that can be quite fun. Considering that by the end, everyone is drunk and having a blast acting like fools. Plus, the mindless clicking for hours on end might not be the same in scope as say, running the same operations over and over again to get one piece of gear but it falls under the same category of "performing the same actions multiple times to get the wanted item in question". Just depends on what people are willing to do repetitiously for an extended period of time.

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I don't get much of a charge off of playing the slots IRL.
Yeah, wake me up when they add virtual Black Jack to the event. :cool:


Seriously, if someone enjoys an event, we should, as the caring and nurturing community I know us to be, encourage and endorse the effort to restore the event. We are too sagacious and perspicacious a body to succumb to knee-jerk naysaying. Right?:confused:

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In an RP setting, that can be quite fun. Considering that by the end, everyone is drunk and having a blast acting like fools. Plus, the mindless clicking for hours on end might not be the same in scope as say, running the same operations over and over again to get one piece of gear but it falls under the same category of "performing the same actions multiple times to get the wanted item in question". Just depends on what people are willing to do repetitiously for an extended period of time.


There's an element of skill to repeating ops that is absent in the slot machine clicking. Aslo, I'm fairly anti-grind-farming myself, even in "combat" events, such as the RG event, Gree, or Bounty Hunting.


I get the attraction of socializing in the presence of mild intoxicants; it's the main reason I've gone to casinos IRL. And I get that the Nightlife event could be an excuse to do so. But I don't get invited to those sorts of parties in game, nor did I ever see one spontaneously coalesce any time I went to the Casinos during a nightlife event.


Note, though, I really have no idea why they wouldn't have put the Nightlife event up this summer. Just because it's not my cup of blue milk, running it would have had absolutely no impact on my enjoyment of the game, and would have made people some people various degrees of happy. And to a certain extent, the game needs small, repeatable, optional, credit sinks. If I equip my Artifact-rated Bronzium-foil hat, then I wonder if there was an exploit discovered in the event that BW can't/won't fix economically.

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Yeah, wake me up when they add virtual Black Jack to the event. :cool:


Seriously, if someone enjoys an event, we should, as the caring and nurturing community I know us to be, encourage and endorse the effort to restore the event. We are too sagacious and perspicacious a body to succumb to knee-jerk naysaying. Right?:confused:


Well, there is that sabaac table...


(Drops thermal detonator, flees rapidly)

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There's an element of skill to repeating ops that is absent in the slot machine clicking. Aslo, I'm fairly anti-grind-farming myself, even in "combat" events, such as the RG event, Gree, or Bounty Hunting.


I get the attraction of socializing in the presence of mild intoxicants; it's the main reason I've gone to casinos IRL. And I get that the Nightlife event could be an excuse to do so. But I don't get invited to those sorts of parties in game, nor did I ever see one spontaneously coalesce any time I went to the Casinos during a nightlife event.


Note, though, I really have no idea why they wouldn't have put the Nightlife event up this summer. Just because it's not my cup of blue milk, running it would have had absolutely no impact on my enjoyment of the game, and would have made people some people various degrees of happy. And to a certain extent, the game needs small, repeatable, optional, credit sinks. If I equip my Artifact-rated Bronzium-foil hat, then I wonder if there was an exploit discovered in the event that BW can't/won't fix economically.


While I can agree to the skill required in running an ops, is it not so that after a certain amount of runs, be it 8 or 10 or 20, skills becomes moot as it's now just muscle memory? Unless you pug every single ops run by yourself for the element of challenge, the grind becomes the same. Either ways, my guild and I have been discussing it and we miss it. We can easily see ourselves having all kinds of fun there.


As far as never being invited to them, you would always be welcomed to one of our little shindigs for some fun. My guild does not discriminate against anyone who would like to call our place home.

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While I can agree to the skill required in running an ops, is it not so that after a certain amount of runs, be it 8 or 10 or 20, skills becomes moot as it's now just muscle memory? Unless you pug every single ops run by yourself for the element of challenge, the grind becomes the same. Either ways, my guild and I have been discussing it and we miss it. We can easily see ourselves having all kinds of fun there.


I honestly hope I've never got Ops in muscle memory. I'd hate it :)


As far as never being invited to them, you would always be welcomed to one of our little shindigs for some fun. My guild does not discriminate against anyone who would like to call our place home.


Thanks for the kind words :)


One of the things I do love about MMOs is the social aspect (not necessarily the group-content aspect, but the "hanging out in chat and chatting" part).

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Thanks for the kind words :)


One of the things I do love about MMOs is the social aspect (not necessarily the group-content aspect, but the "hanging out in chat and chatting" part).


Anytime. Our guild is based on one rule. Don't be a d**k. We like to have fun with everyone. Being a primarily RP/PVE guild, we can choose where and when to have fun in any way possible and we love to share it. We do have to put our foot down on occasion, but it's a nice place to be. The social aspect I feel is absolutely necessary in an MMO.

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If only BW would release some sort of repetitive but welcomed feature to the game.. Something that'd be of great use, worth throwing CC at, credit sinking fun. Maybe reward rep? Companion gifts? Maybe for those old packs that are hard to get one's hands on in the game's now screwed up economy. Maybe make it clickable and bring some sort of life to strongholds even! Put a real twinkie on a string and watch the game's community go for it. Hmmm..


At least, it seems like a decent alternative since content seems fairly 'light' as of now unless people are enjoying their alliance alerts and getting thrown around by an evil Musco (:D) in game for like the 5th time on another character.

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