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Love and Lost


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I started playing chapter 2 of fallen empire with my trooper my favorite line from valkorion is "Love wither when it is neglected. Left along to long, love will seek another". I in joy the romance part of swtor would it be fun to find out that the companion you romance did find another.
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It would be interesting if they actually went the route of having a LI literally move on and marry someone else. I can imagine my JC (with Iresso) being pretty upset but being the full LS Jedi she is she would accept it and move on however my Sith ladies are a different story. I imagine if Andro or Quinn moved on with someone else my Sith ladies would not be happy and these new "lovers" wouldn't be around all too long.


I can't help think that Doc would be the most likely contender to move on with someone else. I know it'd never happen in game but just because of his past being such a womaniser I could see him hooking up with someone else.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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It would be interesting if they actually went the route of having a LI literally move on and marry someone else. I can imagine my JC (with Iresso) being pretty upset but being the full LS Jedi she is she would accept it and move on however my Sith ladies are a different story. I imagine if Andro or Quinn moved on with someone else my Sith ladies would not be happy and these new "lovers" wouldn't be around all too long.


I can't help think that Doc would be the most likely contender to move on with someone else. I know it'd never happen in game but just because of his past being such a womaniser I could see him hooking up with someone else.

I could see them doing a thing with Doc where he has hooked up with someone else, but he's willing to leave his current SO for you, if you're willing to leave anybody you're with for him.

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I honestly can't see them giving the LIs new spouses/serious partners. First off, only a few characters would actually be able to date someone in a 'normal' setting, and the rest would either refuse to move on or just have random hookups.


Someone mentioned Doc and Andronikus as moving on, but I don't see either of them doing that. They made it clear in both their arcs that they LOVE their wives. I mean L O V E, like they have never done before with anyone else. I honestly don't see them being able to fall for someone else; these are the kinds that fall just once in a lifetime. Now, I agree that they might have friends-with-benefits things going on, but I don't see them loving someone else.


Iresso, Quinn- there's no way either of them would have moved on to someone else. First off, Quinn was married to his job before he got involved with the SW. In fact, you could argue that Quinn gets romantically involved with the f!SW because of his real job. For those of you who don't already know what his real job is... well, this is the wrong section if you don't want to be spoilered. And Iresso never got involved with anyone because of work as well... but for different reasons. Also spoilers. He was shuffled so often from place to place that there was really no chance of romance happening the traditional way.


Vector... yeah, there's no way he'd end up with someone else. Well, maybe if he and another Joiner hooked up, but frankly I just don't see that happening. I think they made it clear that Vector is about as human and independent as a Joiner can be while staying a Joiner, and for Kiliks (and those Joiners who still live within the nests), sex isn't something that's high on their priority list. Joiners probably don't reproduce.


The only one who I could see maybe moving on would be Corso Riggs because he's a hopeless romantic. But then again, that might also by the reason why he wouldn't move on. He's a toss up, and the only one I'm not certain of.


But what I do know is that BW wouldn't make it impossible for you to get an old LI back. They know that lots of people (including myself) are super attached to them.

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That would be interesting actually. Makes sense considering 5+ years have passed. Not going to happen though. Alot of people who get into love interests in games don't want good love stories with difficult situations and circumstances in them. They want love interests with a laundry list of problems, and a mental state that makes them incapable of moving on with their life. Edited by cool-dude
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Well, considering Bioware did establish the possibility with ME3 and Jacob's moving on, I could see the same possibility happening here. To be honest, I'd find it more workable for the love interest to move on than the PC jumping to a new love interest considering to the old love interest it's been five years apart but to the PC it's barely a handful of months. Factor in how the PC reacted to the love interest with approve/disapprove, that would give some variety to playthroughs.


Only real downside I'd see for me at least would be I'd be more busy reading the forums outrage than actually playing the game because we all know how seriously some here take the love interests.

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Well, considering Bioware did establish the possibility with ME3 and Jacob's moving on, I could see the same possibility happening here. To be honest, I'd find it more workable for the love interest to move on than the PC jumping to a new love interest considering to the old love interest it's been five years apart but to the PC it's barely a handful of months. Factor in how the PC reacted to the love interest with approve/disapprove, that would give some variety to playthroughs.


Only real downside I'd see for me at least would be I'd be more busy reading the forums outrage than actually playing the game because we all know how seriously some here take the love interests.


At least a few should still know/believe you're alive (Nadia, Kira, Jaesa and Ashara) being they're force users. Two of them (Kira and Nadia) are less likely to move on, since they'd still likely be holding on to the Jedi idealism to a degree.


There's also Lana, who's held on for those years, so there's reason to believe others would as well and Lana may or may not have been a LI.

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At least a few should still know/believe you're alive (Nadia, Kira, Jaesa and Ashara) being they're force users. Two of them (Kira and Nadia) are less likely to move on, since they'd still likely be holding on to the Jedi idealism to a degree.


There's also Lana, who's held on for those years, so there's reason to believe others would as well and Lana may or may not have been a LI.


Lana and Theron had the edge of being in Intelligence and having the contacts to know there was something more going on after Marr's ship went down, while depending if you ordered your team to stand it's ground or to flee to warn others might not have that same degree of 'something ain't right' that Lana and Theron did. As far as the Force users, until I saw the love interest emails, I would have sworn that they'd all be aware that the Jedi/Sith were still alive even if they were frozen in carbonite since the Jedi/Sith aren't dead, especially Nadia who even has a moment of shared consciousness with the Consular. Granted, any explanation could be handwaved as some Force manipulation from Valkoryon or Vaylin, but then again, I don't think it's been mentioned anywhere about sensing a Force user who's frozen in carbonite.


After being freed from the carbonite, I was expecting at least the Force user love interests to either make an appearance or at least be sending an email acknowledging they were sensing the Sith/Jedi again. Another thing that is definitely lacking is the PCs having an option to at least try to email their love interests once they've established base on Odessen. Granted it could come back as undeliverable, or be thought as some sort of ruse, but that could at least be something to lead in to the love interest's return.


That we get nothing beyond that one email leaves us with wondering what exactly is going on with the companions we haven't been reunited with. Are they dead, did they move on, or something else altogether? With all we have being speculation, we're all leaning towards thinking the worst while hoping for anything but that.

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