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Deal with gold spammers and change ignore limit.


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First, an in game moderator should be on, and in game, and just bans the damned gold spammer as soon as 3 people report the spammer. Not just the character, but the whole account, and even ip address. This needs to stop, or EA needs to acknowledge they are doing this on purpose.


Second, there should be a general flush of old reports and ignores. Not the whole ignore list, but anything older than say 3 months. Or a month, or something like that. This would keep the ignore list down. And add in a feature that is a person is ignored, but no report of spam, then it goes into an account wide ignore list, so people don't have to deal with somethings, no matter what character they are on. Well, it would be for the faction.But still, all characters in the one faction can share an ignore list.

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First, calm down. EA is not doing this on purpose. Every MMO has gold farmers.


Second, stop /ignoring them, they just fill up your list and then you have to waste even more time manually deleting them if your list gets full.


Third, at least we can squelch them now. Go back 4 years where the same bot could sit there 24/7 and spam.


These bots with facemash-random-letter names will be gone as soon as they get squelched (10 people right-click and 'report spam') or by the next day at the very latest.


It's not worth the stress. Gold farmers will always be around no matter what anyone does. Just be mentally strong to ignore them but don't /ignore them. Be sure to report them for spam and once they are squelched everyone will have an hour or so of peace and quiet and can get back to the politics, racism, homophobia, and WTS spam in general chat instead.

Edited by PetFish
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First, calm down. EA is not doing this on purpose. Every MMO has gold farmers.


Second, stop /ignoring them, they just fill up your list and then you have to waste even more time manually deleting them if your list gets full.


Third, at least we can squelch them now. Go back 4 years where the same bot could sit there 24/7 and spam.


These bots with facemash-random-letter names will be gone as soon as they get squelched (10 people right-click and 'report spam') or by the next day at the very latest.


It's not worth the stress. Gold farmers will always be around no matter what anyone does. Just be mentally strong to ignore them but don't /ignore them. Be sure to report them for spam and once they are squelched everyone will have an hour or so of peace and quiet and can get back to the politics, racism, homophobia, and WTS spam in general chat instead.


First of all, I don't know what MMO's you are playing, but Star Trek Online has none. Nor do some of the other games that the company has. I played Battlestar Galactica a while ago, and there weren't any gold spammers there, either. So, that argument is invalid. EA/Bioware is notorious for having them, and they started after free to play was available. Once EA/Bioware admits that their employees are not gold spammers, then I will guess that half of them are said employees, and are perpetuating selling credits for actual cash.


Second, an in game moderator would squelch the spammer faster than waiting on a ticket. I have seen this happen in other games I didn't mention. 3 reports, tops, and that account was banned, on the spot. Even the ip address in some games. I have, though, seen up to 5 reports. Before I digress too much further, we should not have to report and then ignore these people. Report, and they should be gone, and not eligible to come back, period.


The ignore list should be for other annoyances, such as people who put Jawa in movie titles, and John Mad Dog, or any of his alternatives. And this can be account/faction wide, not just one character. Or have an option to make it that way.

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I do think EA should incorporate some volunteer anti-spam mods from the subscriber base. I understand that it's really not practical to have a paid employee just reading chat all day. The only alternative is to bring in a volunteer crew ( made of players that have accounts in good standing). Investigation of spam reports isn't necessary when you are on the game live and see the bots spamming. Even a casual player wouldn't confuse a spam-bot with another player.


Regarding the other part of the OP's suggestion, it makes sense that if a character is deleted/banned, that the name would disappear from any ignore lists. I don't use ignore, so maybe that is already the case. But if it isn't, it makes sense to change that.

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I also made a thread concerning this and I feel the best way to deal with it is to add a function that allows you to ignore an entire chat message if you have one word on ignore. For example....


[Qarpdsgregmatefe]: "0.46/mill @ www.cheapgold.com"


A player could just ban the word ".com" and would no longer see that entire message from the individual. Instead of having an ignore list full of lvl 1 credit spammers. Speaking from experience, Black Desert Online has a function like this (where I got the idea from) and you were able ban multiple words. As we speak I have the following words banned and I NEVER see a credit spammer. I haven't since it was implemented.


. c 0 m


. c o m

d o t c o m

d 0 t c 0 m


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Well, I tried to offer you some calm advice to not let it get to you but you've already decided you just want to rage so gg.


If you honestly believe that half of the employees are gold sellers, which also means it's 50/50 that Musco is one himself, then I'd say you need a reality check cuz your reality is a mess.

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Well, I tried to offer you some calm advice to not let it get to you but you've already decided you just want to rage so gg.


If you honestly believe that half of the employees are gold sellers, which also means it's 50/50 that Musco is one himself, then I'd say you need a reality check cuz your reality is a mess.


How is him disproving your statement raging, lol? And he does make a good case in my opinion. It's been what, 4 - 5 years since this game was released and despite the several thousand forum posts from the community with suggestions on how to deal with the credit/gold seller spam BW has done nothing about it. Though I think that his assertion, that BW employees are behind the spam, is radical, there must be some reason why BW hasn't dealt with the problem, wouldn't you agree?

Edited by kmol
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They should ban or suspend spammers, just bothering everybody and serve no useful purpose other then to wear out every bodies "Report Spam" function that doesn't seem to do anything (Placebo/Placate).


"Report Spam" functions properly and if it really *were* that easy to just ban or suspend them then there'd be no spammers at all. MMOs have spammers and gold farmers, always will, there's no point stressing out over them.


When 10 unique players right-click and 'report spam' then that spammer gets squelched for 24 hours but in these cases they'll never be back cuz the gold farmers just launch the next bot. It takes about an hour for them to launch a new spammer to replace that one but at least it's quiet for a while. The spammer you just squelched will never come back after that so /ignoring them is a waste of time.


I do remind people on fleet about squelching them cuz maybe they don't know and then usually within a minute or so enough of us have reported-for-spam and that particular spammer is gone.

Edited by PetFish
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