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The severe imbalance of PvP and crippled Operatives


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While I normally won't nerd rage over PvP or the severe imbalances thereof, I believe I speak on behalf of all my fellow Imperial Operatives when I say there needs to be a leveling to the playing field; here's why:


* We lack a Force Leap/Charge, unlike Warriors and Knights.

* We lack a death grip, unlike Powertechs and Tank-specced Assasins.

* We lack a life grip, unlike Sith Sorcerors.

* Our Shield spell lasts for a mere 15 seconds, while the Force Armor/Static Barriers of Consulars/Sorcerors last 30 (and if specced into it, inflict a blind affect upon destruction).

* And to top it off, we lack a knockback, unlike Inquisiors/Consulars, Juggernauts/Guardians, and Snipers/Gunslingers.


Here's what we have:

* Stealth that won't last because of the bloody AoE (especially the knockbacks) in Huttball.

* A great opener, if specced, that immediately produces 100% resolve on our target and can only be used from stealth.

* A blind we're too CCed to use.

* A slow/immobilizer that won't be applied because our targets already have 100% resolve from Hidden Strike and Debilitate (our usual stun).


I'll also be the first to admit that Operatives can unleash a large amount of damage... if it's 1v1, or the Operative doesn't succumb to the thousands of CCs other classes possess.

Until knockbacks are nerfed and resolve is fixed, Operatives are doomed. We're already the minority class on the game for it.

So Bioware, if you actually give a damn about customer happiness at all, perhaps you might actually balance the playing field.

Don't be Blizzard.




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While I normally won't nerd rage over PvP or the severe imbalances thereof, I believe I speak on behalf of all my fellow Imperial Operatives when I say there needs to be a leveling to the playing field; here's why:


* We lack a Force Leap/Charge, unlike Warriors and Knights.

* We lack a death grip, unlike Powertechs and Tank-specced Assasins.

* We lack a life grip, unlike Sith Sorcerors.

* Our Shield spell lasts for a mere 15 seconds, while the Force Armor/Static Barriers of Consulars/Sorcerors last 30 (and if specced into it, inflict a blind affect upon destruction).

* And to top it off, we lack a knockback, unlike Inquisiors/Consulars, Juggernauts/Guardians, and Snipers/Gunslingers.


Here's what we have:

* Stealth that won't last because of the bloody AoE (especially the knockbacks) in Huttball.

* A great opener, if specced, that immediately produces 100% resolve on our target and can only be used from stealth.

* A blind we're too CCed to use.

* A slow/immobilizer that won't be applied because our targets already have 100% resolve from Hidden Strike and Debilitate (our usual stun).


I'll also be the first to admit that Operatives can unleash a large amount of damage... if it's 1v1, or the Operative doesn't succumb to the thousands of CCs other classes possess.

Until knockbacks are nerfed and resolve is fixed, Operatives are doomed. We're already the minority class on the game for it.

So Bioware, if you actually give a damn about customer happiness at all, perhaps you might actually balance the playing field.

Don't be Blizzard.





Lol I dare you to roll a sentinel/marauder ... You'll go crying back to your op with pen arms. Trust me.


Oh and you want to level the playing field, you already do... Literally .. A well played op is a beast.

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While I normally won't nerd rage over PvP or the severe imbalances thereof, I believe I speak on behalf of all my fellow Imperial Operatives when I say there needs to be a leveling to the playing field; here's why:


* We lack a Force Leap/Charge, unlike Warriors and Knights.

* We lack a death grip, unlike Powertechs and Tank-specced Assasins.

* We lack a life grip, unlike Sith Sorcerors.

* Our Shield spell lasts for a mere 15 seconds, while the Force Armor/Static Barriers of Consulars/Sorcerors last 30 (and if specced into it, inflict a blind affect upon destruction).

* And to top it off, we lack a knockback, unlike Inquisiors/Consulars, Juggernauts/Guardians, and Snipers/Gunslingers.


We don't need one. Stealth is our greatest gap closer. If you're someplace where you're going to get AOE'd, you're doing it wrong from the get-go. Sometimes it can't be avoided, I'll agree, but most of the time you can get around this by paying close attention to what's going on.


Kind of the same thing, we don't really need a deathgrip or a life grip. We have enough tools to stay on our target.


Haven't run into a situation yet where this has been an issue. The shield is nice, but not something you really need to rely on.


Being a primarily melee class, a knockback seems kind of counterproductive. We have enough CC otherwise to really negate the need for a knockback


On top of all this, we have the ability to completely reset the fight if things aren't going our way. That's not something other classes can say (assassins maybe). We can vanish and jee tee eff oh and wait to re-engage until the timing suits us.


More than anything it's about situational awareness. Knowing when to use your CC breaker to avoid wasting it and make the most of your resolve bar. On the flipside, paying attention to when your opponent uses theirs, and what their resolve situation is like.


I don't think we (or any class, for that matter) are gimped or overpowered. Any class I've seen in this game played w/ capable hands has been pretty awesome.

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There is nothing wrong with Operatives in any WZ or open world EXCEPT Hutball... Why?


They are the only class in the game with no knockback, jump to, or pull. Basically, they are the only class in the game without a way to change lvls themself or force the other team to change levels.


So the problem with operatives is with utility. They do a great amount of DMG, but in Huttball dmg just isn't as important as utility. Just think, there is really no reason to have either an OP healer or concealment over a Sorc healer or Sin... in Huttball.




PS. If you consider hidden strike faceplant thing to be good way to make the enemy change lvls, then you are playing against some pretty sorry people.

Edited by tamgros
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