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Getting to Know you!


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Here is a change of pace...we have quite a few people here now! It's like we've got our own little writing group happening. We speak to each other about the writing but not really beyond that and I don't know about you, but I'm a bit curious about you guys! I thought it might be fun to have a fun questionnaire to fill out whenever we're bored or stuck during writing. I suppose, it might almost be like a bio for each of us. Answer as you wish, if some things strike you as TMI, then skip it, or substitute your own question and answer. The idea is to have fun. Feel free to add more questions to the list. :p


What do you go by? (Kind of a no brainer but have to start somewhere) Lunafox, Luna, Liz...


Male or Female: Female


How many trips around the Sun have you made: I've made 48. (Hey, I'm not old, I'm ripe. <.<)


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose ;) ) Darth Marr; Darth Vowrawn; Darth Ravage; Darth Jadus; Keeper


Which side do you play most? Imperial/Sith


Which classes do you play most? Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior and Sith Inquistor


Favorite companions: Quinn, Scourge, Theron, Vector, Doc


Least Favorite companions: Kaliyo, Ashara, Skadge, Cedrax (I blame Holiday <.<)


Favorite Love interest in game: Quinn and Vector


Least Favorite Love interest in game: Iresso and Jorgan


Favorite original character to write: Liatrix and Feravai (Nox)


Favorite canon character to write: Marr and Vowrawn


Least favorite canon character to write: Satele Shan


Favorite genre to write: romantic/adventure


Hardest scenes to write: any sort of battle scene, whether a duel or space battle.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Koth and Vaylin


Favorite colour: Black


Favorite star wars race: Sith Pureblood


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick? Mulligatawny Soup, crab legs, french fries w/gravy and ketchup, chocolate, and cake.


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live? I think Naboo (it's pretty there)


Who would you like to see added as a companion? Balkar!!


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain? Villain! :D


Edit: Extra Questions


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?(Wangxiuming) Been here since before launch...there were days I've spent like a whole day playing but more recently probably only about an hour or two a day.



SWTOR pet peeves:(Wangxiuming) Have to say I agree with Wangxiuming. So many similar names...like Thana, Lana, Theron, Theran. And also that when you have a group of npcs standing around, they're all like...twins and triplets. It would have killed them to group 3 different toons together.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?(Kitar)


I like to work on my other writing, and I enjoy painting wildlife, driving and watching movies. :)


if you could choose another world to live in which one would it be? (StarHunterChaser)


I'd have a hard time choosing between Star Wars and Harry Potter, I think. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Here is a change of pace...we have quite a few people here now! It's like we've got our own little writing group happening. We speak to each other about the writing but not really beyond that and I don't know about you, but I'm a bit curious about you guys! I thought it might be fun to have a fun questionnaire to fill out whenever we're bored or stuck during writing. I suppose, it might almost be like a bio for each of us. Answer as you wish, if some things strike you as TMI, then skip it, or substitute your own question and answer. The idea is to have fun. Feel free to add more questions to the list. :p


Cool idea Luna. :)



  • What do you go by?
    wangxiuming - it's unpronounceable, I know :(
  • Male or Female:
  • How many trips around the Sun have you made:
  • Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion:
    Depends! The NPC I want to learn about the most is Valkorion for obvious reasons. I have a soft spot for Vowrawn just because how diabolical he seems.
  • Which side do you play most?:
  • Which classes do you play most?
    Sith Inquistor. :sy_consular:
  • Favorite companions:
    Hard to say. I guess Lana and Theron. They are the most well-developed companion characters. Most of the rest haven't really been given a fair shot though ...
  • Least Favorite companions:
    Treek (shut up you little monster!)
  • Favorite original character to write:
    Lord Beral. :sul_grin:
  • Favorite / Least canon character to write:
    None! I can never get the voices to sound right in my head. :(
  • Favorite genre to write:
    Adventure / Mystery
  • Hardest scenes to write:
    Humor. Anything that requires effective melodrama.
  • Who do you want to kill most from KotFE:
  • Favorite colour:
    Dark Blue
  • Favorite race:
  • If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
    Ramen Noodles, Udon Noodles, Linguini with Clams, Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup, Spaghetti ( ... yeah, I like noodles =X )
  • You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?
    I like the cold ... so Hoth?
  • Who would you like to see added as a companion?
  • And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?
    I'm going to cheat and say antiheroes/redeemed villains (which is also why I'm wondering if we'll get to see Arcann redeemed).
  • How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?
    A shameful amount. =[
  • SWTOR pet peeves:
    A lot of the characters have similar names ... Tharan, Theron? Arkan, Arcann?

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Ok, I'll Play:

What do you go by?

MishaCantu, Misha


Male or Female


How many trips around the Sun have you made
67 this month, I am old ;)


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion
Darth Marr; Darth Vowrawn; Ava Jaxo, Aristocra Saganu, hot chiss dude at base that got promoted, could not find his name (Thanks to Kitar: his name is Yudrass) ;) Seems I have a thing for the Chiss, who knew?


Which side do you play most?
Imperial bounty hunter


Which classes do you play most?
Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Trooper

Favorite companions:

Quinn, Theron, Vector, Torian


Least Favorite companions:
Kaliyo, Ashara, Jaesa, Broonmark


Favorite Love interest in game:
Quinn, Vector, Torian, Andronikus


Least Favorite Love interest in game:
Doc and Jorgan. For my male toons: Nadia and Jaesa


Favorite original character to write:
Rey'elle and Talree


Favorite canon character to write:
Tanno Vik and Vector Hyluss


Least favorite canon character to write:
I find Doc and Corso hard to write

Favorite genre to write:


Hardest scenes to write:

definitely battle scenes and haven't even tried space battle :eek:


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE:
Vaylin for sure, the jury is still out on Senya


Favorite colour:


Favorite race:
Male Sith Pureblood (Don't care much for the female model) or Human male or female


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
Cheddar Bay Biscuits, Country Fried Steak, Dairy Queen Onion Rings, black beans and rice, Boliche, my grandmother's peach cobbler


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?
Rakata Prime, beach house


Who would you like to see added as a companion?
Balkar!! (Oh yes please) and Saganu


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?
Villain, but I still love a good redemption story. Edited by MishaCantu
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Here is a change of pace...we have quite a few people here now! It's like we've got our own little writing group happening. We speak to each other about the writing but not really beyond that and I don't know about you, but I'm a bit curious about you guys! I thought it might be fun to have a fun questionnaire to fill out whenever we're bored or stuck during writing. I suppose, it might almost be like a bio for each of us. Answer as you wish, if some things strike you as TMI, then skip it, or substitute your own question and answer. The idea is to have fun. Feel free to add more questions to the list. :p


Alrighty, I am going to play too.


What do you go by?


Kit’ar or Kit. The Forums would not allow the ‘ in my Forum name :(


Male or Female:


A Lady


How many trips around the Sun have you made:


I begrudgingly admit my 39th trip will be concluded in the beginning of next month. Since I am not happy about my rapidly approaching birthday, I shall be celebrating it at Disneyworld.


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose ;)


Yudrass, Jaxo, Aristocra Saganu, Numen Brock and Dek’laar


Which side do you play most?




Which classes do you play most?


Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular, which is a bit ironic considering how much I hate the JC story line. Bounty Hunter.


Favorite companions:


Aric, Pierce, Vette, Mako, Scourge, Vector, Andronikos and Bowdaar, (I love his reactions if your Fem!Smug hits on everything under the suns…)


Least Favorite companions:


Corso, Doc, Skadge, Ashara, Dark-side Jaesa and Corso, did I mention Corso?


Favorite Love interest in game:


Aric, Vector for the ladies and Mako and Vette for the gents.


Least Favorite Love interest in game:


Corso and Doc, I have never been able to bring myself to romance them. I have also never romanced Nadia or Ashara.


Favorite original character to write:


Kit’ar and Ka’van and I am not sure how often I have posted anything with her, my Nox.


Favorite canon character to write:




Least favorite canon character to write:


Satele Shan, Darth Marr, they give me fits.


Favorite genre to write:


To be honest I am not sure how to answer this, I have never actually thought what categories my writing might fall into. I simply write because I find it entertaining.


Hardest scenes to write:


Fighting scenes, anything with humor, and occasionally the adult orientated romantic ones.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE:


I don’t want to kill him so much as get Valkorion outta my head. I would like to finally scrap SCORPIO.


Favorite colour:




Favorite race:


Tie between Chiss and Humans, with Sith Purebloods close behind.


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?


Death by Chocolate Cake, Lamb Chops with Rosemary, Souffles any variety from blue cheese to chocolate, Tiramisu, and I am cheating here but some surf and turf :p Crab legs with roasted garlic butter sauce and a Porterhouse with a nice mushroom sauce. All with a nicely stocked wine cellar, since wine is not a food but a lovely beverage. :)


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?


It is hard to pick one. Naboo is really pretty. Rakata Prime is also pretty if you can find an ocean side spot away from the indigenous people. They do not seem to friendly. Dathomir, has always interested me since SWG, that other Star Wars mmo.

I would not want to move there but I definitely want to see Csilla.


Who would you like to see added as a companion?


Balker would be fun. Captain Cormac.


I always wanted something to come from sending Sav Darnell to Korriban. The yellow Twi’lek from the +2 man Heroic Botched Interrogation on Nar Shaddaa.


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?


I enjoy a good Villain… and this is when I wish I knew the actual troupes, but the guy who is an unlikely hero and apparently I love the Magnificent Bas.t.ards.


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?


I started playing before Launch, never let my sub lapse. Some days I play more than others, depending on my schedule and other obligations.



SWTOR pet peeves:


I don’t like walking into an area and all the NPC’s look the same. It is a bit disconcerting all the people you are fighting looked like they rolled off a clone assembly line.

I wish we had slider bars!!!!!! Oh to be able to make a certain ginger, tall and athletic instead of an enormously huge muscle bound gym rat would be lovely.


And I will toss in another question.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?


I like to draw, figure drawing, in graphite or paint in watercolour or coloured pencil, gardening and training and working with my horse. I also really like to cook and bake as well.

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Here is a change of pace...we have quite a few people here now! It's like we've got our own little writing group happening. We speak to each other about the writing but not really beyond that and I don't know about you, but I'm a bit curious about you guys! I thought it might be fun to have a fun questionnaire to fill out whenever we're bored or stuck during writing. I suppose, it might almost be like a bio for each of us. Answer as you wish, if some things strike you as TMI, then skip it, or substitute your own question and answer. The idea is to have fun. Feel free to add more questions to the list. :p


I like it!


What do you go by? (Kind of a no brainer but have to start somewhere) Lunafox, Luna, Liz...


My username may be MayhemofChaonus, but normally I can be found on the Internet under the name KingofMayhem. As such, you can call me either Mayhem or King, either one is good.


Male or Female?



How many trips around the Sun have you made?



Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose ;) )

I'd say...

1. Vowrawn. The guy is a laugh! He is the best thing about the Warrior story (or any story you put him in lol)

2. HK-47, HK-51, HK-55. The HK units are almost as funny as Vowrawn!

3. Zash. While she may have been...uh, what she was...she was still a genuinely nice Sith. If that civility is genuine then bravo for her! If it's just a mask to make her opponents lower their guard, that makes her even more awesome!

4. Jadus. The man may have been mad, but he was a mad visionary. Something I can both respect and fear.

5. Vitiate. Not Valkorian,but the Vitiate persona. I lost all respect for the Sith Emperor after KotFE.

Which side do you play most?


Which classes do you play most?

Assassin, Warrior, Agent

Favorite companions?

Ashara. Now put away those torches and pitchforks, you could hurt somebody with those! In all honesty I like Ashara not because she is a super-awesome, smart, perceptive, or experienced person, but because she is none of those things. Does she annoy me sometimes? Yes. Does her ignorance, denial, and stubborn optimism become exasperating sometimes? Yes. But mostly, I just find that her faults make her not just adorable, but a genuine person. A believable character. IRL I'm basically the opposite of her. I'm a cynical, bitter, pessimistic 20-something who hates people and finds the majority of interpersonal conflict amusing (Hence my name often involving the word mayhem). While she naively believes that sworn enemies (Jedi and Sith) can co-exist peacefully. And you know what they say about opposites...

Least Favorite companions?

1. Broonmark

2. Treek

3. Talos

4. Theren Cedrax

Favorite Love interest in game?

Again, Ashara. For all the reasons listed above

Lease Favorite Love interest in game?

Malavai, RP'ing as a female the most interesting thing about him is making him lose his composure

Favorite original character to write?

So far? Teridax. My Sith Assassin

Favorite canon character to write?

Disney Canon? Sidious

EU Canon? Plagueis

Least favorite canon character to write?

Pretty much any Jedi except Obi-Wan

Favorite genre to write?


Hardest scenes to write?

I don't know, it all comes so easily to me...lol! I suppose it wouldn't be scenes in particular, but rather writing the intense, convoluted, complex, multi-layered plans that my characters often like to use.

Who do you want to kill most from KotFE?

Arcann, because he's such a fool. I do not suffer fools lightly.

Favorite colour?

Purple or Black

Favorite race?

Black. O wait we're talking Star Wars not my dating preferences... awkward!

Twi'Lek or Zabrak I suppose.

If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

Provided those foods didn't affect my health: Perogies, Chicken Soup, Apples, Chips, Macaroni and Cheese

You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?

Alderaan, in a beautiful house high in the mountains. Far away from the nobles and their petty squabbling and politics.

Who would you like to see added as a companion?


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?

Villain. Heros are so boring.

How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?

4 years...its been so long...

SWTOR pet peeves?

KotFE and all its descendants. Well, that and the fact that they merged the class stories out of existence after vanilla. Maybe I should have left then...

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Cool answers Mayhem :D It's nice to get to know more about you.


So embarrassed now about the race question, it didn't even occur to me about real life, I was thinking star wars all the way lol. :o I edited so that there would be no more awkwardness! :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Ah, screw it, I'll play.


What do you go by?

Mechalich. I've been using the same handle everywhere for a decade and a half.


Male or Female



Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion

1. Dr. Oggrurobb

2. Thana Vesh

3. General Garza

4. Maiya Vix

5. Leontyne Saresh


Which side do you play most?




Which classes do you play most?

Jedi Consular


Favorite companions

1. Kaliyo Djannis

2. Blizz (he's so cute!)

3. Veerroa Denz

4. Nadia Grell

5. Scorpio (despite the treachery)


Least Favorite companions

1. Skadge

2. Guss Tuno

3. Doc

4. Hemdril Tre (his voice is grating)

5. Vector Hyllus


Favorite Love interest in game

Kaliyo and Mako


Lease Favorite Love interest in game

Lana Beniko


Favorite original character to write

I'm putting down Halsia Banso even though she's not technically an OC


Favorite canon character to write

I badly desire to do a Veerroa Denz story.


Least favorite canon character to write

Probably Valkorion


Favorite genre to write

Science fiction adventure


Hardest scenes to write

Comedic interplay


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE



Favorite colour



Favorite star wars race



If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

Spaghetti w/meatballs, Yakisoba, cheeseburgers, red bean buns, and pineapple


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?

Voss-Ka. It seems nice.


Who would you like to see added as a companion?

I want a Voss companion, Telsa-Ko perhaps, but any of them would do fine.


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?



How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?

Been playing since launch, but I've taken some long sabbaticals.


SWTOR pet peeves

1. Group finder allowing no-healer parties for Tactical FPs - it's always a disaster

2. Ortuno

3. Locking companion content behind specific subscriber time barriers

4. Time lag in using the seeker droid.

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What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?


I like to draw, figure drawing, in graphite or paint in watercolour or coloured pencil, gardening and training and working with my horse. I also really like to cook and bake as well.


I also like drawing! Do you have your work posted anywhere for sharing? :) I've posted in a smattering of places but they are infrequently updated. I haven't had much time for it recently unfortunately. I'm juggling work, writing, and a move right now so I don't have time for much else.


Reading about all the delicious food is making me so hungry.

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What do you go by?


Unfortunately my usual handle name wasn't accepted as my user name; normally its World2.0


Male or Female



How many trips around the Sun have you made

18; finally finished my exams in June


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion

Marr (obviously); Vowrawn; Jadus; Keeper and Valkorian (for some weird reason)


Which side do you play most?



Which classes do you play most?

Sith Warrior as my main is that class


Favorite companions

Lana, Vette, Scourge, Theron and Talos


Least Favorite companions

I don't really have one


Favorite Love interest in game

To be honest I've only done Lana, Andronikos and Jorgan but out of those three my favourite is Lana


Lease Favorite Love interest in game:

Again only done three so don't really know, though out of those three i'd say Jorgan


Favorite original character to write

Aindri (my main); though I haven't had a lot of experience with writing fan fic


Favorite canon character to write

Don't have enough writing experience yet to really answer that one


Least favorite canon character to write

Same as above


Favorite genre to write

Probably adventure


Hardest scenes to write

haven't really got round to it yet but definitely romance; can't even watch a romantic scene on TV without pausing it and exiting the room at least twice.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE

Vaylin and SCORPIO; though its not because I hate the way the characters are written


Favorite colour

three potential answers: Black, Black and Black

care to guess?


Favorite star wars race



If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life' date=' what would you pick?[/quote']

pretty much most Japanese and Chinese food; sausages and chips; Spaghetti Bolognese; Chicken burgers (its so irritating how I can never find any at barbecues); PIZZA!


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy' date=' where do you live?[/quote']

Oh god, where do I even start; I'd love to have a residence on; Ryloth, Naboo, Alderaan, Rishi, Rakata Prime

Oh what the hell, a space ship so I could spend my life travelling across the galaxy and visit every single planet


Who would you like to see added as a companion?

Vowrawn, though Balkar would be good as well


And...what do you prefer' date=' hero or villain?[/quote']

Villain; way more interesting, my favourite character of all time is Hannibal Lector


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?

Varies a lot depending on my mood; though I started playing in 2013.


SWTOR pet peeves

The fact that pretty much every single Op's group ask for previous achievements for the Op; I've only been able to play the Dread Palace and Fortress ops because of that.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?

Reading (particularly crime fiction and manga); videogames; lego; puzzles; swimming and taking photos.


I'd also like to add an extra question; if you could choose another world to live in which one would it be?

For me its a toss up between; the Star Wars Universe and the Pokemon World

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Hey StarhunterChaser! Cool answers. Hannibal Lector is one of my favs too, such an elegant villain and so devilishly clever. And, I love your question too, gonna add it to the questionnaire. For me, I think if I had to choose another world to live in, I'd have a hard time choosing...I'd have to think hard, between Star Wars and Harry Potter. :D
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Some really interesting answers and interesting people. If we were to meet outside the star wars universe I think many of us would have more in common than not, I'm not sure age would matter.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?


I used to draw quite a lot, charcoal or pencil, my favorite medium was chalk on canvas. I binge watch Netflix and read some, I like urban fantasy most, although reading makes me sleepy now, must be my age. :rolleyes:


If I could choose another Universe to live in, I suppose it would be Star Wars, although I would like Rivendale also, it seems so peaceful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, if forums were Darth Vader this forum would most likely say 'I sense a presence, a poster I have not had post in some time...' As to the fine questionnaire, I'll play along.


What do you go by? (Kind of a no brainer but have to start somewhere) Ikinia, Queen of the Internet, or just Iki.


Male or Female: Female


How many trips around the Sun have you made: Soon to be 48.


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose ) I have a soft spot for Darth Zash, I know I'm odd


Which side do you play most? Republic


Which classes do you play most? Smuggler, Counselor, and Sith Inquistor


Favorite companions: Risha, Guss, Elara


Least Favorite companions: Skadge


Favorite original character to write: Haven't written much lately, but had some stories about Ikinai and her 'sisters'


Favorite genre to write: adventure


Hardest scenes to write: generally any type of exposition, I just can't get into setting up the scene, which makes it a bit difficult to set up the plot at times.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Koth


Favorite colour: I'm supposed to choose one? Well, i tend towards purple or green, and black, oh and red and orange...


Favorite star wars race: Okay, well favorite race, Kel Dor


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick? Food I make, food my brother makes, food my favorite restaurant makes, erm is that cheating?


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live? Eh, someplace where the wildlife isn't out to eat me.


Who would you like to see added as a companion? Hmmm, hadn't really thought of that, Skavik or that Zyken fellow.


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain? reluctant hero


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR? More than I should have.


SWTOR pet peeves: Along with the inability to make companions customized more, I wish my character could be more customizable.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?

Erm, programming and shopping.

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Yay! We have an Ikinai! :D Happy to see you here!


I can't believe you'll soon be 48. I'm 48 and you're so much cooler than me! *fangirls* :o


I love your answers, and it's nice to see another Skavik fan. Oddly I have a soft spot for that scum bag. I'm completely ashamed of myself, but there is something about him lol. I think my smug would welcome him as a comp. It would be ridiculously funny...and I suppose a bit sadistic to Corso.


When I'm not playing, writing or talking about Swtor, I like read, watch movies, go for drives...surf the net...eat snacks and hang about with the family.


And your food list was a bit of a cheat. I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself lol. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Yay! We have an Ikinai! :D Happy to see you here!


I can't believe you'll soon be 48. I'm 48 and you're so much cooler than me! *fangirls* :o


I love your answers, and it's nice to see another Skavik fan. Oddly I have a soft spot for that scum bag. I'm completely ashamed of myself, but there is something about him lol. I think my smug would welcome him as a comp. It would be ridiculously funny...and I suppose a bit sadistic to Corso.


As for your question (which I will add to the original list)...


When I'm not playing, writing or talking about Swtor, I like read, watch movies, go for drives...surf the net...eat snacks and hang about with the family.


And your food list was a bit of a cheat. I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself lol. :D


I really should write some more stories, I haven't written anything in about 4 years. I kinda miss my mind adventures with my characters.

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I really should write some more stories, I haven't written anything in about 4 years. I kinda miss my mind adventures with my characters.


You really should! It's always nice to have new stories to read. ^^


And I made a boo boo, I thought you'd posed the question about what we do besides Swtor, but upon looking back, I see that was Kitar's question, which I added to the original list now. My bad. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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What do you go by? (Kind of a no brainer but have to start somewhere) Celwinn (Based off my Druid in WoW xD)


Male or Female: Male


How many trips around the Sun have you made: 27


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose )


In no particular order:


Tanno - He loves booms.

Blizz - He's a Jawa.

Kira - Love her sarcastic but good nature.

Kaylio - She reminds me alot like Jack from Mass Effect Series.

Mako - She is like that little sister you can't help but to protect.


Which side do you play most? Republic


Which classes do you play most? Trooper (I have like 5 on Ebon Hawk lol). Recently gotten into playing my Jedi Guardian.


Favorite companions: Tanno, Blizz, Kira, Kaylio, Mako


Least Favorite companions: Skadge, Vector, Torian


Favorite Love interest in game: Jaesa, Elarna, Kira


Least Favorite Love interest in game: Hard to say. Haven't tried them all :(


Favorite original character to write: Haven't tried to write anyone yet. I did a small chapter on my trooper but I discarded that idea. I do have ideas about my Trooper though.


Favorite canon character to write: Haven't tried a Star Wars fanfiction yet :(


Least favorite canon character to write: Haven't tried writing a Star Wars Fanfic yet so I can't say.


Favorite genre to write: Adventure/Drama with a sprinkle of romance (Kinda like a Bioware game :p)


Hardest scenes to write: Space battles simply to do not knowing much about starships.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Haven't progressed too far into KOTFE yet but if I had to choose right now, it would be that Dr. Hutt guy for the Alliance.


Favorite colour: Oh gosh. Lets see. Red, no blue, no yellow, no green, no orange... fine. Red. Final col... changing my answer to blue.


Favorite star wars race: Zeltron.


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?


- Pasta (Cheap and easy to make xD)

- Eggs (Easy to make)

- Green seedless grapes

- Pizza

- Chicken fingers.


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?


In game location - Tython. Scenery is beautiful and peaceful (besides the flesh raiders...)

Out of game location - Zeltros. Party planet with hosts making sure you are having a good time.


Who would you like to see added as a companion? Jaxo


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain? Both. You can't be a hero without a bit of villian in you. And vice versa.


Extra Questions


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?(Wangxiuming) Been here since pre launch era but have taken breaks in the game.



SWTOR pet peeves:(Wangxiuming)


Some classes have more romance options then others, lack of individual class stories (though they are a thing of the past now.)


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?(Kitar)


I like to work on my other writing, watching netflix, surfing the net


if you could choose another world to live in which one would it be? (StarHunterChaser)


London, England (just by what the media protrays it as.) Haven't been there.

Edited by Celwinn
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Nice to meet you Celwinn :D I like your answers. I too enjoy the Zeltrons. I wish they'd add them to the game. It couldn't be that hard, they're basically pink humans. I think England is a pretty neat world too, especially if I could live in Harry Potter's universe lol.
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Uh, Hi everyone. it feels like ages since I last did this...


What do you go by? (Kind of a no brainer but have to start somewhere) Feldraeth


Male or Female: Male


How many trips around the Sun have you made: 25, despite my best efforts


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose) Darth Marr; the Sith-puncher Supreme Commander Jace Malcolm; Keeper & Watcher II (putting them together to represent the whole snarky know-it-all Brit trope); Master Somminick Timms (An awesome Jedi troll) and Darth Baras.


Which side do you play most? Imperial/Sith for guild reasons


Which classes do you play most? Sith Warrior, Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquistor


Favorite companions: Vette, Mako, LS Jaesa, Tharan, Lokin, Ashara, the Kitty Commando, Khem Val and Qyzen


Least Favorite companions: SKADGE!!one!, Kaliyo, Scourge, Vector (or more accurately, the Ouroboros nest), the Murder Muppet,


Favorite Love interest in game: None, maybe Dorne (not that I've played a male trooper, mind you)


Least Favorite Love interest in game: None


Favorite original character to write: Roan, Kid Sith; Tarmin, the Big Damn Jedi; and Cierra (who's personality is far more cerebral than portrayed in-game)


Favorite canon character to write: Vette, she's fun, snarky and her perspective hides so much


Least favorite canon character to write: that I've written so far?... probably Torian (really hard getting into his head and I don't like the hypocrisy he shows in his ideology)


Favorite genre to write: any sort of battle scene, whether a duel or space battle/adventure (I'm sort of like Luna's shadow, only nowhere near as good)


Hardest scenes to write: romance - I just don't get it


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Surprisingly, no-one. That's a major complaint I have with the story though, all of the threat is impersonal. Yes, Arcann genocides 6+systems, but it's all off-screen. Take us to Bothawui, have us go through the wreckage as we did on Ziost. Until then, it's a statistic.


As for companions, the whole notion soured when I watched my agent gun down the kitty commando (it's even worse when I forgot and couldn't figure out where Jorgan had gone, until I remembered.) Still wouldn't hesitate to chuck Skadge out of the airlock though


Favorite colour: Purple


Favorite star wars race: um, don't really have one. I play every race (some more than once), maybe Twi'leks (not-space-elves as per Dragon Age)


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick? Macaroni Cheese, Chilli con carne, coconut yoghurt with smarties, Marmite toast, pepperoni pizza.


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live? Balmorra What are those spikes dotted throughout the landscape? are they biological (think hive or odd plant-life) or erosional features (think devil's tower Wyoming). (Plus, I heard from some that lieutenant over a camp Vanguard that he made a killing in the property market over there... but I might've misheard that)


Who would you like to see added as a companion? Don't we have enough already? I'd like more usability for the ones we have over more that I have to level to 50 (maybe send some out to be station chiefs in a base management mini-game or something) that said... Master Somminick Timms or the Sithpuncher (so long as he has his melee ability)


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain? whichever's more interesting


Edit: Extra Questions

How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?(Wangxiuming) Steadily played since 22/01/2012 (would've played sooner but I had exams that ended that morning. as for time well... lets go with an average of three hours a day, for 1713 days is 5139 hours total... huh, not as bad as I thought (estimate must be off somewhere)



SWTOR pet peeves:(Wangxiuming) The recycling of dialogue, especially for non-humans; the lack of new Ops, FPs and PVP; the storytelling plotholes in KotFE: oh where to start. I admit I play the game less now than I did say a year ago, before KotFE came out.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?(Kitar)

Work, go wandering, read, go on wondering, run D&D or oWoD campaigns.

if you could choose another world to live in which one would it be? (StarHunterChaser) Star Wars or Mass Effect.

Edited by Feldraeth
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Just renewed my subscription and figured this thread would be the best place to dip my toes back into the community!


For those who know me a little; I'm alive still! Had a crazy few months with the hottest summer in history and I've mostly been avoiding doing much on the PC, instead doing this whole 'life' thing for a while. Doesn't help I got kinda bored with KotFE as well. :rolleyes: Been visiting my fiance in the States which was great though seriously hot.. like, the 90 degrees there (Niagara Falls state side) was a lot heavier and hotter than my 90 degrees here though God bless AC! Went to see Suicide Squad in theaters which was amazing! Had to get my Warcraft on for a bit too with the new expansion but for some reason I kept thinking about SWTOR and my favorite characters at the most random occurrences so, here I is again!


What do you go by? (Kind of a no brainer but have to start somewhere); Jenny, Jen.


Male or Female: Female.


How many trips around the Sun have you made: 30!


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose ): Darth Marr x 5 because there's just never enough Marr.. sigh. Oh and Jonas Balkar. <3


Which side do you play most?: Both mostly equally.


Which classes do you play most?: Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior though I tend to invest a little extra time in several more JK alts for... well, reasons.. :D


Favorite companions: Lord Scourge, Quinn, Vector, Theron, Aric. Allll my boys <3


Least Favorite companions: Skadge, Kaliyo, Jaesa, Ashara, Nadia.


Favorite Love interest in game: Quinn, Aric Jorgan, Vector.. LORD SCOURGE :mad:


Least Favorite Love interest in game: Felix and the guy with the hologram chick and Koth and Corso.


Favorite original character to write: Arielle but she's like the only one thus far, none of my other scribbles have made it to the public yet.


Favorite canon character to write: Mm too tough to pick also because I tend to psych myself out wanting to do them justice and then I get insecure and nervous and yikes! I love Marr though and Theron and I think Jonas is a hoot if he counts and.. oy vey.


Least favorite canon character to write: Basically any robot/non-talking creature.


Favorite genre to write: Romance and comedy when/if possible.


Hardest scenes to write: Fighting scenes and naughty ones are trickiest for me.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Koth, Arcann, Vaylin.


Favorite colour: Don't have one.. sounds odd but for me things like favorite color depend entirely on my mood that day/hour/second.


Favorite star wars race: Sith Pureblood and plain human (what a bore right?).


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?: Pizza, Burgers, Philly Cheesesteaks, BLT salads, salmon.


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?: Probably Rishi. Yeah it's hot but the landscape is pretty and it has a certain draw for me.


Who would you like to see added as a companion?: Jonas Balkar <3 And Darth Marr, I'll even deal with him as a ghost that's totally fine!


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?: Both. I like the hero that has a bit of a bad side to them and the villain that has a bit of a good side. Though if I'd really have to choose I'd rather have/be a villain because heroes just.. goody two shoes boring muppets.


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?: A little bit in 2013 I think.. then for several months in 2015/2016 and again now which isn't much but I do tend to pull full days when I do play and binge a little.


SWTOR pet peeves: They won't gimme my man. :o


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?: Netflix a lot, write when the mood hits, lay back in bed and listen to music, play Warcraft, Sims 4, bit of Battlefield. Bake and cook though I'm horrible at it.


If you could choose another world to live in which one would it be?: Honestly, I've always wanted to be a mermaid for as long as I can remember (got hooked on The Little Mermaid when I was like 3 years old and the desire to grow a tail and just swim for days never went away) so pretty much any world in which that's possible.

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Hi Celwinn, Feldraeth and welcome back Jenny, I wondered where you had wandered off to. Nice to see everyone's answers, we do have a fairly diverse group here in the Fanfic forums, diversity is good although I do see some similarity of answers depending on gender. That is especially in the favorite/least favorite companion questions and hardest scenes to write. I think it is all a bit interesting. :)


In any case, it is nice to get a chance to know you all a bit better. :D

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