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KotFE for non force users.


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I've played it on my LS SW and LS JC. It felt wrong on both of them. I can't even imagine trying to play it as a Nox or other DS since KOTFE is about 'getting along.'


I don't recall that line you mentioned at all.


My JC is LS, but only around 2 or 3 I believe, but I thought she worked quite well in KotFE. Has the connection to Valk through the Children. One of the most likely of the classes to understand Senya's motivations.


Consular is one of the best to go with the idea that a dark force user can be redeemed. Which is a big part of the SW mythos, so Arcann surviving and then not getting blown up, typical SW.

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If they ever canonize KOTFE (like some idea of what actually happened) then it'll almost certainly be the Jedi Knight.


But come on! Can't they come up with something different and unique than stereotypical WHITE KNIGHT a.k.a Jedi Knight saves the galaxy again and again as a chosen one?? This is very predictable story telling let alone if all the main characters are always straight light side. What I would like to see is a twist with maybe a UNIQUE SITH or something for once.


I want to see more light or neutral sith, or dark or neutral jedi.


But yeah, cinematically KOTFE is designed for saber wielder dominants. And it seems to assume that Nox' Ghosts are gone as they're never used and never seen. I kinda wish they balanced it a little morel like how different the force user and non force user fight scenes are.

Edited by Krimlord
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If they ever canonize KOTFE (like some idea of what actually happened) then it'll almost certainly be the Jedi Knight.


But come on! Can't they come up with something different and unique than stereotypical WHITE KNIGHT a.k.a Jedi Knight saves the galaxy again and again as a chosen one?? This is very predictable story telling let alone if all the main characters are always straight light side. What I would like to see is a twist with maybe a UNIQUE SITH or something for once.


I want to see more light or neutral sith, or dark or neutral jedi.


But yeah, cinematically KOTFE is designed for saber wielder dominants. And it seems to assume that Nox' Ghosts are gone as they're never used and never seen. I kinda wish they balanced it a little morel like how different the force user and non force user fight scenes are.


So much this. And it was a major cop out that for non force users if wasn't your ability really, or the magical force blaster(which my BH got rid of). In the end it was Valkorion's power and a magical shield that got you through.


Many of the chapters dealing with Arcann or Valkorion just made zero sense for either my agent or BH. Made more sense for the JK or JC I've gotten through so far. Eventually I'll get the other 4 through.

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The Chapter where you are going through the forest, talking to Satele and Marr, feels mainly set up for a force user type. With some similarities to Yoda and Luke on Dagobah. The issue though is that when you are building your weapon at the end, it seems fitted mainly to a force user, as the weapon being built would be a lightsaber.


I don't understand some smuggler building some sort of gun that Marr and Satele meditate on could bring Arcann's end.

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I don't understand some smuggler building some sort of gun that Marr and Satele meditate on could bring Arcann's end.

A light saber's just a stick with a plasma core or some such. If Marr and Satele can meditate on that and empower it, I see no reason why they couldn't do the same to blaster.

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A light saber's just a stick with a plasma core or some such. If Marr and Satele can meditate on that and empower it, I see no reason why they couldn't do the same to blaster.



So it's a force gun? With a saber crystal in it?


If that's what's the jedi killer, then more people with guns would probably use that method or force sensitive crystals. Still feels super out of place

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So it's a force gun? With a saber crystal in it?


If that's what's the jedi killer, then more people with guns would probably use that method or force sensitive crystals. Still feels super out of place


That's just it, it wouldn't be anything. I'm sure some Jedi could make use of it, likely in some "I'm now a Cleric" Equilibrium sort of way, but the non force sensitives would treat it just like a blaster. Nothing different and wouldn't be able to do anything different.


However, maybe with Valk inside of them, they've gained enough force sensitivity to make use of it?

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Some marksmen tend to have a very close relation to their guns, if giving your weapon a name makes you hit better, why not? A guru, priest or lifestyle coach helping someone to be better at what they do? Not unheard of.


What they should have done is to attune you with your current weapon, the one you use because it compliments your style, the one you might have used since the early days of your career. I just treat this sequence as a vision/dream that tells me YES, I'm ready to face Arcann, and ditch the magic gun in my cargo hold.

Edited by Mubrak
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Using a "force gun" reminds we of a Star Wars RPG I ran years ago where, rather than let the Jedi character fight the Sith Lord in a cinematic duel, he wanted to lure the Sith Lord to a place where he could have a squadron of X-wings fire proton torpedoes at him, or use some other sort of bomb.


You can do whatever you want to do, but even having a blaster-using protagonist fight a force-user is outside the feel of Star Wars. Han shooting at Vader in Empire Strikes Back is pretty much how that should pan out.

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