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Event Invitation: Starfighter Flight Academy


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This is my own contribution to my guild Stroke my Wookies on-going series of Training Sessions where I will be discussing Galactic Starfighter combat. I will be covering everything from the general basics to advanced techniques and then following the class with a night of Starfighter action where you can put what you learned into play alongside me and any of our servers Starfighter Aces that attend. Apart from just being an awesome experience you also get to ask them questions during and after matches to help fine tune your play style. Hopefully there will be something for everyone from those that have never flown to those that made the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs :csw_falcon:



Thursday 15th September 19:00 BST (British Summer Time) - Don't worry if you can't make it to teamspeak as I'll stream the event so you can ask questions in Twitch chat plus I'll upload a copy to youtube for viewing later on.





As with the other training class sessions, the main event will be held in our teamspeak server:



PW: Excelsior (will be active on the night)


When it comes to flying together afterwards then that will be on The Red Eclipse but you can do it on your own server (if you can get pops there) and still ask questions in teamspeak. The point of the flights at the end is to practice what you have learned and to be able to ask questions as you fly.



  • Introduction
  • The main starfighter talk, you can ask questions related to what is currently being discussed but save big questions for the Q&A that follows
  • Full Q&A for group discussion
  • Configure ships, lock S-foils in attack position and take to the skies - we fly some matches!


Please note that this is not a case of me or the other pilots bragging that we are the best in the world, this is about experienced players volunteering their time to share their personal opinions, experiences and suggestions to help you. I only invited a small group of guest speakers as those are the pilots I know personally but all hotshot pilots are welcome to join in and share their knowledge :D

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This is an awesome idea. I wish they did cross server GSF to help the queue pops.

I wouldn't call myself an ace, but I have learned how to fly, pretty decent with the scout. The main advice I can give anyone is to spend those points on upgrades. When you first start you will find it difficult to get kills, but as you upgrade your engines, weapons, and shield you'll start feeling like you're contributing something.


As a scout pilot, I love to fly in close to the fray and then try to get some of them to follow me for close fast flybys of tight quarter areas to make the other team self-destruct or lead them to a group of my own team. That works great for both types of matches as there are always greedy pilots on the other team that wants to chase the solo pilot. I tend now to end up in the top half of the board at the end of a match, and given that I don't spend a lot of time killing directly or capping points, I find my placement to be rather satisfying.

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Ha that went quite a bit longer than expected, can talk for bloody ages about GSF! Here is the session on YouTube and the notes I made below including screenshots.




  • Weekly Mission: 625 Fleet Requisition - 3125 Ship Requisition for all unlocked - 90 Fleet Comms
  • Daily Mission: 938 Ship Requisition - 40 Fleet Comms
  • You get x2 Requisition points bonus daily to encourage you to fly more than 1 ship (the x2 on the ship icon)
  • You gain Ship Requisition for all unlocked ships, even the ones you don't fly
  • Requisition is character based, note legacy wide so points on one character can't be used with another
  • Fleet Commendation Vendor Locations
  • 5 items each, not bound so can be sold
  • Make more credits farming Heroics between pops!
  • List of medals you can earn for achievements including description of how to get each one


Match Activity

To find out if any matches are going on (only shows your faction): /who denon mesas shipyard



Destroy turrets and defenders and stick close to capture the control point, try not to leave one undefended and without turrets. Sometimes just keeping the control in the blue by preventing the enemy from capping can be enough.

Lost Shipyards Domination

Kuat Mesas Domination



Keep an eye on the map and don't get cut off

Become a power up junkie!

Can have all 4 at the same time

  • Yellow - "Weapon Overcharge" - Refills weapon power + doubles weapon power regen rate + reloads rockets/missiles
  • Blue - "Shield Overcharge" - Refills shield power + doubles shield power regen rate
  • Purple - "Engine Overcharge" - Refills engine power + doubles engine power regen rate
  • Red - "Damge Overcharge" - Double damage from primary weapons

Lost Shipyards Deathmatch

Kuat Mesas Deathmatch


Kill Boxes


Keyboard Controls

  • Space Bar - Engine Boost
  • F1-F2-F3 - Cylce power between Weapons - Shields - Engines (You should be changing power distribution continuously)
  • Keep up arrow pressed for maximum non boosted speed, watch the speed meter, some ships bug when you max out your booster and even with W still pressed they drop to 50% and you have to repress W to max it
  • Tab - Cycle nearest enemies
  • R - Cycle last attackers
  • Hold Z - Move cursor, good for checking if cursor is locked to screen
  • F - Free look camera (cool for screenshots with Alt-Z)
  • Shift + W/A/S/D - Strafe in each direction (slow move while facing forward)
  • X - Stop and start engine, great for tight manoeuvres like using the plates of a control point for cover
  • M - Opens map + player list during a match


Make sure you can hear the ingame audio, have in-game loud and media player quieter, can't hear someone locking on!


Turn on advanced tooltips in Preferences->Starfighter so you see more detail when hovering over ships in the Hangar.


Mouse Control

In multi-monitor setup, lock cursor to monitor and set to hotkey, can use Dual Monitor Tools, DisplayFusion or similar.


Mouse sensitivity - My trick for testing is to pick some text in game with an O and try to move my cursor so the point is inside the O - if I overshoot then it means it's too sensitive so lower the setting in Windows.


Clean your mouse! If you use a trackball like me or an old mouse with a ball then make sure to clean the sensor pads regularly as a bump can make you miss the vital shot!


Custom Starfighter Interface


Advanced tactics

  • Strafing in a gunship/bomber - Shift + W/A/S/D
  • Weaving around obstacles to throw off missile lock and make enemies crash
  • Moving from cover to cover
  • Use the environment, let your enemies kill themselves!
  • Use The Environment
  • Use The Environment


My Ship Builds



Can buy them on GTN or in the hanger for CC, tends to be more about what you see then what other people do.


Link your GSF stats

Top right corner of Hangar panel is Chevron icon "Battle Record". Click the chat bubble icon in the Hyperlink column to share that stat in the chat channel.


GSF Chat

Custom chat channels for grouping up, have to do this on each character & faction: /cjoin GSF

Can leave with: /cleave GSF


Further Reading

Everything you could ever want to know about Galactic Starfighter combat is covered in Stasie's Galactic Starfighter Guide

Edited by UlaVii
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