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SW ROTJ vs game mechanics


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After Arcann's battle, I saw lots of people complaining about game mechanics and how they couldn't just fight with their lightsaber/weapons/etc. Rewatching Return of the Jedi, and in one of the first scenes, Luke goes up against a beast in Jabba's lair. The way he kills it is simply by bringing the gate down on it ie pushing a button. So i guess these battles that employ "other" things to kill off bosses are actually in line with the movies. I just thought this was an interesting point. Yeah, the shield was a bit annoying with the slowness of it all but it is really staying true to the whole story in general.
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Because he didn't have his lightsaber as he had hidden it with R2 so that it could be provided at a later date.


You seriously think if he had a Lightsaber he would have opted to use a rock and a door. People aren't saying they wouldn't use a shield if that is all they had, they are saying they spent chapter 12 to craft this ultimate weapon to fight Arcann and it turns out it was less useful than a standard Knight of Zakuul shield which does 40k damage a bash. That makes it far better damage than a Lightsaber, a lump of metal does 20x the base damage of a special arcann slaying lightsaber....


You don't see Luke opting to use a lump of metal over his lightsaber in the fight against Vader, because it would have been stupid. And yes he does sheath his saber but only because he doesn't want to kill his father, not because it turns out a lump of metal makes a more effective weapon.

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After Arcann's battle, I saw lots of people complaining about game mechanics and how they couldn't just fight with their lightsaber/weapons/etc. Rewatching Return of the Jedi, and in one of the first scenes, Luke goes up against a beast in Jabba's lair. The way he kills it is simply by bringing the gate down on it ie pushing a button. So i guess these battles that employ "other" things to kill off bosses are actually in line with the movies. I just thought this was an interesting point. Yeah, the shield was a bit annoying with the slowness of it all but it is really staying true to the whole story in general.


That is a MOVIE, this is a VIDEO game, two completely different things, not to mention the circumstance Luke was placed in was far different than our character. Luke HAD to use his environment to defeat the rancor since he had literally, no weapon, meanwhile we have our entire arsenal at hand ready for us and even more. Nothing is wrong using the environment to defeat an enemy, but if we spend a ENTIRE chapter creating a weapon to specifically use it against someone, and it gets foreshadowed be a item that is in the possession of almost every knight, then something is wrong.

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The lesson to take from the Arcann "final battle" is that any one of his knights could have overthrown him with relative ease. Imagine if they had ganged up on him with their invincible shields, when he ordered them to fight eachother to the death. It's like if the Royal Guardsmen protecting the Emperor in ROTJ could have just whacked ol' Palpy on the head with their force pikes and called it a day. Turns out Luke didn't have do anything!


Or even better - Luke tosses his saber, and then snatches up a random force pike and catches the Force lightning with it, walks up to Palpy and beats him to death....except Palpy wouldn't actually die, because the ceiling would collapse and "crush" him, Luke would run away and then a tertiary character would show up, say Moff Jerjerrod, and pull Palpy from the rubble and they fly off into Wild Space together.


Wait, no, that would be awful.

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Player A uses Saber Strike and inflicts 10 points of damage.

Player A uses Saber Throw and inflicts 8 points of damage.

Player A uses Saber Flurry and inflicts 17 points of damage.

Player A enters a state of frustration.

Player A starts searching his inventory.

Player A throws wet Toilet Paper at Arcann and inflicts 7245 damage.

Player A enters a state of enlightenment.

Player A calls his droid companion.

Player A rips a piece of metal out of his droid companion.

Player A throws the piece of metal at Arcann......Arcann has been destroyed.

Edited by UmbralSpirit
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