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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Go sith warrior, Quinn is dreamy


Quinn is a bootlicking imperial stooge. I can't stand him. Even bugman is more appealing. If they ever get to adding same sex romance options, Quinn will definitely be one of them.


I agree with the op though, bugman is a lousy romance option. I'd rather get with Kaliyo than him.

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also someone sent me a whipser " hey arent you that girl who spams the vector threads? you crack me up" XD

i was totally just chilling with him out beside me, and was all " quick, pull someone else out or theyl laugh at me >.>"


LOL nice! :)

Yeah, he's nearly been my constant companion since I got him. Aside from his story and personality being really cool, his dps is great. He dies a lot less than Kaliyo. While the doc is nice, fights take forever with him (am a lethality op). But, I often wonder if people look at me and just know that I have with me all the time because... :p

Edited by Lunazen
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yep, i married him right before belsavis, and he sent me that



also someone sent me a whipser " hey arent you that girl who spams the vector threads? you crack me up" XD

i was totally just chilling with him out beside me, and was all " quick, pull someone else out or theyl laugh at me >.>"


Yeah that was a pretty funny conversation...


Hello again.

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Yeah that was a pretty funny conversation...


Hello again.


rofl hey~


and yeah im pretty sure my guild knows i have an unhealthy obsession with him, every time spare inquiz loot drops i'm all " SQUEEEE he gonn' luv dis! oh wait...looks goofy on him, so ill rip the mods out. that's better."" oh hey i hit social 5! brb going to hoth to get my honeybee a new pair of boots <3 " " welcome to my ship~ heres the ..blue spinny thing, heres the crew's crib, heres the cargo/sweat shop, yes that one there is my " spoiled one" "

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Ok, I'll admit I am seriously creeped out about this.


Like, gigantic Can O'Raid, supersized Bug Zapper, running screaming battlecries while armed with a mighty flyswatter KILL-ALL-THE-BUGS creeped out.





I don't really want to level my IA any longer. I definitely won't be romancing this guy, and not only that, I don't even want him as a companion.






Just incase you're wondering he is a human. It's just he's connected to the hive consciousness. I think a few people have been misled to actually think he's some giant bug man

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I'd romance Watcher X too. I seriously hope he makes a return somehow, even though some people have killed him.


I always play light-side, so I killed him on my sniper, but when I rolled an Op, I said hell with it, I like the guy, I'm letting him live.


But when I played my sniper I didn't know he wasn't going to end up as a companion. I was so disappointed. He's just bizarrely appealing, I want him around all the time talking in riddles.

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I never really got why killing him was light and letting him live was dark. Yeah, he is a criminal, but I felt sorry for him, since a lot of what happened to him was aggravated by the Empire's abuse. I could see myself ending up in that place if I'm not careful!
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I never really got why killing him was light and letting him live was dark. Yeah, he is a criminal, but I felt sorry for him, since a lot of what happened to him was aggravated by the Empire's abuse. I could see myself ending up in that place if I'm not careful!


Me either. How is being a criminal in an evil system always a bad thing? Clearly it isn't. Besides, he's a smart character. Genius level smart. My romance options as a female tend to be a young hick, a selection of military by the book guys, and a guy in need of fumigation. No wonder I can't really get into any of the romance options I've run across so far.

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Just incase you're wondering he is a human. It's just he's connected to the hive consciousness. I think a few people have been misled to actually think he's some giant bug man



Excellent point!



Regarding Watcher X, yeah I found him fascinating. Would love to run into him again someday.

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Me either. How is being a criminal in an evil system always a bad thing? Clearly it isn't. Besides, he's a smart character. Genius level smart. My romance options as a female tend to be a young hick, a selection of military by the book guys, and a guy in need of fumigation. No wonder I can't really get into any of the romance options I've run across so far.


I think it comes down to him no longer actually following orders. It sounds like he started going rogue and that will get you in prison. He would have been killed awhile ago but he was still a useful tool under control.


I set him free because honestly at the time his story sounded a lot like mine. Promising IA that crossed paths with the upper elite, was no longer considered friendly. I felt that I could see my agent in a similiar circumstance and having someone like X owing me a favor seemed like a good option.

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I'm glad it wasn't just me who liked Watcher X. While I no longer believe in getting romantically involved with people in need of counseling for PTSD or other fixer-uppers in real life, in game, I'm living in an ultra violent world, running around killing people all day. And, as a light side character, bucking the system every chance I get, in every way I can. Watcher X makes the most sense as someone I'd want by my side. Or Vette, given that she has no reason to like the system either. Maybe I'll try a male character. Hm.


The other character I wish were romance-able is Gault. I love snarky men. Even if I could picture him turning down my advances by giving me a hug and saying, "Oh, honey, didn't you realize I'm gay?"


Oh well, the storyline and character creators did something right with the companion system, because I've put way too much thought into this. So kudos to Bioware.

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I didn't mind Vector, really. The romance was alright, though in some ways, he seems rather naive and altruistic, the poor thing.


I'd love to see Watcher X return, as well as the Aristocra and Jadus in future content. :D

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Gault is not romanceable because he already has a true love interest in the game...as you progress through his story arc you find out who it is


Heh tempt me to the darkside, Bioware, let me arrange a convenient accident for said love interest.


(I'm such a goody two shoes even in games. I typed that knowing I'd never do it even if the option was available.)

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i wouldn't romance watcher x, he'd romance ME

after what he saw i could do to that guy on nar shaddaa. :cool: it's that moment i realised having a nest full of killiks and joiners peeping in on me was no big dead really, as an agent i had no privacy to begin with

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my one big concern with the bugs, are that thats a VERY big intel weakness.


if one of my enemies got the right idea, theyd head to the nest. at best theyd just kidnap a joiner and force them to tap into vector's mind, at worst they'd manipulate the killiks nonexistant sense of loyalty and betrayal ( they would simply have to convince them giving them the info they need bennefits the hive much more than protecting vector, and you)


what would they get from tapping vector's mind?


my location

my current mission

info on my allies/crew and thier locations

info on what rescources and battle styles i have

weather im bluffing or not

whatever info vector can glean off you from his superhuman spidey-senses (mostly health status and such, foods you tend to eat, places you visit a lot, aka he could probably notice if kaleiyo often came back smelling of a particular cantina, or whatother trace elements from certain planets/races, ect, or the electromagnetic signature of lokin's heart murmur, that kinda stuff)

detailed info of your ship. room locations, weaknesses, weapons storage, enterances and exits, places often ignored ( easy place to set a bomb)

where we resupply our ship

security codes to said ship and other Intel-related systems up to the clearance level vector would be allowed.

your crew's routine/sleep cycle

if your out in the field, where you parked your ship.

and for a lot of agents on this thread: a huge emotional weak spot to be exploited.


thats a hell of an advantage on someone of our job class



you really cant trust anyone as an agent, sadly. exept my little sand crawler.

Edited by Crezelle
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Vector is a boss, you know that, right?


Sure, until the Orkin man shows up. :p


Actually the fact that he's part if a hive mind doesn't bother me. I grew up reading sci-fi, for crying out loud. I just found his early conversations tepid. Maybe it gets better, though.

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I don't need him to fart lasers and burp rainbows, it'd just be nice if he wasn't, you know, an entity forever connected to a hivemind of ants.


First time I tried to flirt with him he asked me if I would like to rub forearms with him.


I rest my case.


On the upside, sleeping with him would be like agang bang with just one person. With all the hive being with him and all.


ps: Rubbing forearms? How kinky! ;>

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