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Patch Notes 4.7.1.


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DoM HM boss Ortuno seems to be broken by the way <_< don't know if anyone tried it after the patch but our tank was taking 45k damage a blow from the boss he was in 220/224 gear as well as our healer.




Lol, that's a nice way to fix a broken achievement - make sure nobody can complete it and state that he didn't get credit :D

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There is zero time needed to raise your Social Level unles you choose to spend it.


Just go about your normal business in game, all missions that can be grouped for raise Social Level. You'll be surprised how quickly you can get to Lv 10 without even trying.




So...what your saying is that doing the missions while grouped doesn't take anytime to do them?


You have to do about 25 FPS just to get to Social rank two, which while you're leveling is going to be the only time you'll be earning social points.


As I recall it took a long time to max out social levels. Not that I cared, there wasn't anything I needed social levels for. The only thing of any use that I found that required social levels was the gold bra [el la slave girl] , cuz Jeasa's rack was a thing of beauty and I didn't like them being obscured by, ya know, clothing.


Generally speaking, if you're doing that much Heroics and FPs to even reach social two you'll end up being level 60 by the time Chapter 1 ends. FPs give insane XP. Not uncommon to level 2 or 3 times over the course of one FP at low to mid range levels.


But hey, it's your game, play it the way ya like afterall.

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It is me or do we have a new CM QoL: the little icon in armors and vehicles showing we already unlocked them?


Although seems bugged as it's displaying character unlocked when it's unlocked on another character. (in the french version)

Account unlocked works though.

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It is me or do we have a new CM QoL: the little icon in armors and vehicles showing we already unlocked them?


Although seems bugged as it's displaying character unlocked when it's unlocked on another character. (in the french version)

Account unlocked works though.


Teh Great God Ptach sayeth:


"Collections items now show their Collections status in their tooltip."

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*laughs evil like at PC master race whilst tremendously enjoying Batman Arkham Knight on PS4 :D


Two pages back but yeah... my two petty cents !1!1!! Least consoles can enjoy wonderful series like Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, and well... at one time... Halo. Too bad req points had to come into play for Halo...

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Two pages back but yeah... least consoles can enjoy wonderful series like Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, and well... at one time... Halo. Too bad req points had to come into play for Halo...


*Points to Nexus and back to Dragon Age Origins and other similar games* PCs are easier to mod great games into being better.


/nothing on topic

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*Points to Nexus and back to Dragon Age Origins and other similar games* PCs are easier to mod great games into being better.


/nothing on topic


Yes... and with being able to mod easier comes with things like this....https://youtu.be/yF7CyqbSS48?t=597


Or maybe I'm just really bad and only PC players have mad skillz like this :(.

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Yes... and with being able to mod easier comes with things like this....https://youtu.be/yF7CyqbSS48?t=597


Or maybe I'm just really bad and only PC players have mad skillz like this :(.


The controller is a handicap in shooting games. It is why they separate consoles and computers in games like overwatch. You can take the worlds best console player and put them up against a random average player on a computer in an FPS...that world's best will get ripped apart simply because you cannot beat the control of the mouse. They did several tests in various games before the industry admitted that, yes, computers are superior to consoles and we cannot keep throwing the two players against each other in competative environments.

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The controller is a handicap in shooting games. It is why they separate consoles and computers in games like overwatch. You can take the worlds best console player and put them up against a random average player on a computer in an FPS...that world's best will get ripped apart simply because you cannot beat the control of the mouse. They did several tests in various games before the industry admitted that, yes, computers are superior to consoles and we cannot keep throwing the two players against each other in competative environments.


Ill admit KB+M give FAR more better control while aiming than a controller, but that's a huge exaggeration saying the worlds best console player will get beaten by any average joe on PC. Theirs more to simply aiming and controlling recoil, such as controlling spread, situational awareness, map awareness, properly utilizing your gadgets and gun, etc. etc. These automatically aren't gained from playing on PC, and above average skilled players will be able to use all of these to their advantage and probably beat any average joe PC gamer given the overall K/D in battlefield 4 is .8 something.


More bads play PC anyway, and their seems to be more higher skilled players on console, but while fewer in number, the high end of the PC boat beats the higher end of console players.

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Yes... and with being able to mod easier comes with things like this....https://youtu.be/yF7CyqbSS48?t=597


Or maybe I'm just really bad and only PC players have mad skillz like this :(.


Well, yes. *shoves her combat DAO and KotORI/II mods she's found under the rug* Those horrible mods do make comat stuff easier. It's just horrible though.*


*I've only ever used mods on Single Player games and on sections of games that was not multi-player. Although with WoW, it was more of the utilitarian mods because those were what was available on a quick search for me.


I'd also like to argue that PCs have more buttons. More buttons means more abilities. =D

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Teh Great God Ptach sayeth:


"Collections items now show their Collections status in their tooltip."

Good catch.


Geez I missed 2 entries that time.

Yeah yeah I know, I just went to get a new prescription for my goggles, glasses, whatever you have to put on the noiZe...

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Bioware, please just rename your game Star Wars: The Cartel Market


It's completely clear that nothing else matters with this anymore other than the Market.


  • - Your own In Game Events page hasn't been touched since July, and isn't being kept up to date (this can be done once a month - ONCE. You can give this one job to one person)
  • - Your preview window has been borked for years, then you try to fix it and mess it up three times as bad, and still didn't manage to fix what you originally posted about with it.
  • - Sending tickets has been reduced to nothing more than a canned response. Reporting about something that should be fixed, i.e., Alderaan heroics dropping you off on top of an elevated area, to only force you OFF of the elevated area, just to fly right back where you were to 'discover' it to complete the heroic - only to receive the dumbest **** imaginable from worthless 'customer service' people, telling you to 'reset the mission'. C'mon, really?!
  • - Your poor folks that are F2P that go to the Support forums, only to have been directed to a canned EA PLAYER HELP ONLY page that has no customer support to help them. They are screwed if they need help (much like the rest of us that pay to play this game).
  • - Existing problems that have been in for years magically re-appear after you've fixed them. Two or three times already - Hello, missing half of your UI?
  • - I won't even go into the Eternal Championship fiasco, screwing people out of participation, adding in rules AFTER THE FACT...
  • - Crafting changes, again screwing people. Thanks, Cartel Market. Crafting had so much potential and now its purely pigeon holed into augments, barrels, hilts, stims and relics.
  • The continued ignorance of the VIP vendors for those many that were told were going to have regular updates to the vendors. If by regular you mean one or two times in the existence of the game, well then I applaud you. You got me.



They have no integrity because of the cartel market. They don't give 2 ***** about making a quality product.

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So, which one is it:

- they should give all content, armor sets, weapons, everything for free, no restrictions, no way to support the game

- they should go back to original pay to play with subscription model


Cash shops ruin games, they strip the integrity from the devs leaving a piece of **** game.

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I believe she is talking about the Shroud, who's lengthy solo quest line ends in H-4s that many of us couldn't even get a group for when it was new.


Sounds like a mission a buddy and I tried to do once and weren't able to complete because of this reason. We abandoned it and never bothered with it again.

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