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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

+2500 items in inventory = not fun


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All great suggestions, a universal crafting mat storage would be the most helpful on the list.

I think there's a consensus for that part.


What I did not mention is it would be for all gathered and bought components from the crew skill vendor.


Now I've been toying with the inventory management issues lately and what would also help is reusing the CM storage.

So all gear would go into it and we could filter and sort gear by type, and why not even slots.

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Hate to compound the issue but it seems there has been a slight stealth nerf to cartel packs as well now... items that go into the stash now appear to be perma bound to the character drawing them down.


You've got DvL items mixed into everything else. Believe me, this is happening to a lot of people. Got a Light Side tuning on my DS sith warrior. Luckily someone pointed out to me I could stick it in a legacy bound weapon and send it to my Jedi for extraction.

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You've got DvL items mixed into everything else. Believe me, this is happening to a lot of people. Got a Light Side tuning on my DS sith warrior. Luckily someone pointed out to me I could stick it in a legacy bound weapon and send it to my Jedi for extraction.

Most certainly the case. The DVL implementation has this issue.


Pretty sure the QA noticed the issue before it went live. A least It should have been notified to the players though as the communication is abysmal, the producer went the usual way see no evil...

Edited by Deewe
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Now regarding selling stuff:
So, basically, you are complaining about your lack of storage space because you are too lazy to put things on the GTN. Yup, the devs should get right on that. I'd much rather they do your inventory work than fix bugs or other unnecessary stuff. :)
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So, basically, you are complaining about your lack of storage space because you are too lazy to put things on the GTN. Yup, the devs should get right on that. I'd much rather they do your inventory work than fix bugs or other unnecessary stuff. :)

Not really I always have at least 50 items on the GTN plus all the blues I post cheap to help F2P and poorer players to enjoy the game.


Also I'm not complaining, certainly not about the lack of storage but, would appreciate a better way to manage and sort out gear. The CM storage is a great QoL, not perfect though as you can't preview items nor see the stats. But something along plus a couple of tweaking would be appreciated for sure.

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Couple of suggestions :

  1. Remove all toys from inventory and parse them in their own abilities tab (like pets and mounts)
  2. Move companion customization to a skill and delete the item from the inventory once unlocked
  3. Have all crafting mats and components being automatically parsed in a separate and shared legacy storage, sorted by crew skill.
  4. Have all CM pack, crates already in inventory being parsed to the CM storage and remove them from inventory
  5. Allow to unlock more than one of the same crew mission on the characters
  6. Allow to pre-learn recipes without having the required level yet.
  7. Create a wardrobe system: each used item is destroyed an parsed in the wardrobe for that character (can be unlocked for every character)
  8. Allow to stack identical objects: armors weapons, crystals, crew missions, gear dyes...
  9. Add a bound tag, border (or else) on the icon of all bound gear




These are excellent suggestions. I would also LOVE to be able to sort my Legacy storage tabs. All 6 of them, mostly because crafting.


But honestly, if you have too much gear, you have too much gear and you have to make choices. Your Choices Matter, remember?

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I'd pay cc for some of these suggestions.


Sort legacy vault.


Separate tab or system for crafting materials etc.


My legacy vault tends to be filled with mostly crafting materials followed alliance crate armor that I'm trying to get one full set of something (anything). A sort here would work wonder for knowing what I really have at this time.

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Hope you are wrong and well I want to play the game not feel like I need to tend my room that often because the producer felt it was ok to let people with those annoyances.


Tell me I'm wrong but I think your issue is that you feel "tending your room" is overly daunting. And guess what? it is...AT FIRST. But as I said, if you start slowly and just work your way through it, you will find it a lot easier to maintain a cleaner inventory than you think.


When legacy storage was first introduced, it took me a solid 4 hours to transfer stuff from my characters' cargo to legacy storage. It took me several iterations (and several more hours) to figure out the best layout (for me). but now that I have it laid out... every crafting material, companion gift, rep token, Legacy equipment, etc has a place in a tab in legacy storage (or in character cargo) and I know EXACTLY where every thing is and maintaining it only means remembering where stuff goes. And WHEN a particular item type exceeds an intuitive threshold (nothing set in stone, just a feeling), I either use some of it (e.g. companion gifts), or I sell them on the GTN (e.g. extra materials) to make room.

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Most certainly the case. The DVL implementation has this issue.


Pretty sure the QA noticed the issue before it went live. A least It should have been notified to the players though as the communication is abysmal, the producer went the usual way see no evil...


I'm pretty sure the new pack storage interface lists whether the item is BoP or BoE in it. The game certainly tracks which is which, whether you got the item from a DvL reward pack or a purchased pack. (The only reason I'm not stating this outright is because I don't have the game open in front of me right now)


The DvL reward packs items have been stated numerous times to be BoP, including before release. Other packs are, as they were before, BoE (as appropriate).

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I'm pretty sure the new pack storage interface lists whether the item is BoP or BoE in it. The game certainly tracks which is which, whether you got the item from a DvL reward pack or a purchased pack. (The only reason I'm not stating this outright is because I don't have the game open in front of me right now)


The DvL reward packs items have been stated numerous times to be BoP, including before release. Other packs are, as they were before, BoE (as appropriate).

You are right and sorry I wasn't clear. What I was trying to say is there's no way a player can know an item is from a DVL pack, versus the CM ones. Hence the issue.


Pretty sure it would have required quite some overhead for the devs to fix this or... remove the BoP for the DvL items.

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You are right and sorry I wasn't clear. What I was trying to say is there's no way a player can know an item is from a DVL pack, versus the CM ones. Hence the issue.


Pretty sure it would have required quite some overhead for the devs to fix this or... remove the BoP for the DvL items.


Bind status would indicate; though the armor boxes don't seem to indicate that. OTOH, I don't currently have and DvL reward pack items in my stash.

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As others who've been playing the game for quite some time I am now stuck with quite an assortment of gear.


At first I tried to log on each of my 13 characters, regularly, to try to keep their inventory and cargo bays a bit organised.

But fast enough it became a tedious task.


I was tempted to create a new mule character and dump everything on it. So I checked all my characters and found out it would take over 30 cargo bays to do so! That is without counting all the unopened crates that would eventually expand in multiple items.


So simply put it's actually impossible to parse all my items in on one character to sort it out. I don't even know how many items I have in double!


As you can guess the legacy storage is full. 3 bays out of 6 being used for crafting mats.


All in all regarding all the time I waste managing inventory and inconvenient it is, I'm regularly tempted to just delete everything. Though I know pretty soon I'll be mad, regarding all it took (time and $$$ wise) to amass that stuff and would just leave the game once for all.


I do hope devs would read that and as we've had quite a few QoL lately (ex: CM crates with proprietary storage), it would be appreciated if the inventory management became less tedious.


Couple of suggestions :

  1. Remove all toys from inventory and parse them in their own abilities tab (like pets and mounts)
  2. Move companion customization to a skill and delete the item from the inventory once unlocked
  3. Have all crafting mats and components being automatically parsed in a separate and shared legacy storage, sorted by crew skill.
  4. Have all CM pack, crates already in inventory being parsed to the CM storage and remove them from inventory
  5. Allow to unlock more than one of the same crew mission on the characters
  6. Allow to pre-learn recipes without having the required level yet.
  7. Create a wardrobe system: each used item is destroyed an parsed in the wardrobe for that character (can be unlocked for every character)
  8. Allow to stack identical objects: armors weapons, crystals, crew missions, gear dyes...
  9. Add a bound tag, border (or else) on the icon of all bound gear


If nothing else I would appreciate to be able to dump all non bound items from all characters in storage like the CM one to sort it out.


Thank you.


Another option is to start your own private guild with one or two of your toons.

Then buy a guild bank and open up multiple bays.

If you don't need to be in a guild, just put all your toons in here. Then you can store all your credits together and have one huge legacy type cargo hold. In your strong hold, put your guild bank right next to your legacy hold and personal ones. Then you have easy access and massive amounts of storage room. It also makes it much easier to sort out individual cargo holds when you can dump a heap of stuff in the guild bank.


Bio really need to make the legacy cargo holds as big as the guild bank one and have unlimited tabs. You should also be able to store all your account credits in it too. But in the meantime, the personal guild bank is the work around

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So, basically, you are complaining about your lack of storage space because you are too lazy to put things on the GTN. Yup, the devs should get right on that. I'd much rather they do your inventory work than fix bugs or other unnecessary stuff. :)


You'd be surprised how many of the Cartel Packs items are pretty much unsellable. I've got banks full of them, spread out over 5 characters because it won't fit in the personal cargo banks unless I use 5 characters.


And before anyone says that I may have spent too much on cartel packs, it would seem reasonable that the game provides for those who pay the most on it.


The thing is, you spend real money on that stuff. Simply deleting it feels like throwing that money away that you spent on it and having it sit in the GTN for days for 10k or less doesn't make it worth the effort.


Admittedly though, I no longer want to make space for it, so I have actually reduced the crates I buy dramatically. If they don't give me something back for it in game or give me space for it, I stop buying them. Simple as that. It coincides with me taking a break from playing but it was a separate decision.


So yeah, next step I think still will be deleting most of that stuff anyway, I don't see another way around it. Getting more tabs to put more stuff in it doesn't seem to be the right answer to me either.


I wonder what would happen if you could re any cartel pack item for jawa mats instead of sticking them in packs and then have a small chance of giving a cartel certificate instead of jawa mats. That would make it so credits are not generated via vendors and people will have a way of dealing with excess items that is more enjoyable and worth getting cartel pack items.

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Probably time to have a bit of a clearout OP.


although I don't hoard excessively, I was reluctant to throw stuff away- But in the end I wanted to put all my mats into legacy storage, and all my legacy gear on one character - and I managed to sell ~90% of everything else - Either to GTN or vendor - after all who really needs all those enhancements for a level 27 that I made and didn't use and that piece of armour where the mods might be handy someday, or an earpiece I made for a guild-mate who never attained that level on that specific character.....


I probably made several 100s of thousands of credits, freed up lots of cargo bays and haven't regretted it.


If you haven't used it in a year, you probably never will. - Make cash and enjoy it. - Or at least pay for the unlock in collections if it's a CM item. - anything bound is only good for your character or your companions, and ripping mods is no longer essential now you have level synch anyways.

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IThis is a player specific issue (and yes it will vary by player), which likely carries over from real life to some extent..


There you go again with your personal attacks. That was absolutely uneccessary to say. Why do you bring in real life issues to this thread? I was actually kind of agreeing with what you were saying until you implied that the OP has some sort of issue regarding his real life.

Edited by DarthWoad
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You'd be surprised how many of the Cartel Packs items are pretty much unsellable.


Nothing is completely unsellable, you simply have not found the value at which it will sell at. Sometimes that value is as little as 100 credits, but IMO that 100 credits is better than taking up an inventory slot with an item I will never use.

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Nothing is completely unsellable, you simply have not found the value at which it will sell at. Sometimes that value is as little as 100 credits, but IMO that 100 credits is better than taking up an inventory slot with an item I will never use.

Well try to sell all the socorro's and cyber 600 something stuff ;)


The thing is, you spend real money on that stuff. Simply deleting it feels like throwing that money away that you spent on it and having it sit in the GTN for days for 10k or less doesn't make it worth the effort.

I know the feeling and do agree selling stuff for less than 10k, especially when you know it's going to take a couple of repost to sell them isn't worth the effort.


However I still post blues and greens in the 2.5k to 15k to help players. But those items have stats and usually sells in 1 or 2 ticks.


Another option is to start your own private guild with one or two of your toons.

Used to do that before the legacy storage when up, issue being it's not cross faction and you can`t drop legacy gear in that too. But I agree it's a workaround.

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I'll never reject reasonable improvements to storage issues in any game (or in real life, for that matter). But I haven't felt overwhelmed by fear that the bowling ball on the top shelf of my excessively crammed closet will fall out and land on my head the next time I dig around the closet floor that that missing stack of Desh. Yes, I have plenty of alts. Yes, I use almost all of them for mules. I have an alt whose entire personal vault is cluttered with Companion Gifts. Another holds all my Legacy Armor for levels 8-65. Another holds any CM gear I want to keep ... just in case. Another holds known and unknown crafting schematics ... again, just in case. And so on, et cetera, ad nauseam, in corpus delicto.


Regardless what improvements they make to SWTOR storage, there will always be someone who needs more.

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Nothing is completely unsellable, you simply have not found the value at which it will sell at. Sometimes that value is as little as 100 credits, but IMO that 100 credits is better than taking up an inventory slot with an item I will never use.




Sometimes something will not sell at any price for a long time, and then eventually sell for multiples of default pricing. Not going to get wealthy on these... but you also won't lose money as long as you purchased low and held until you can make a profit. Nimble Lower Armor Boxes being a prime example. Back in the day, they over loaded the cartel packs with these and you could not give them away. I bought several cargo tabs of these back in the day for a couple thousand credits each. I now sell them off at 95-145K each, and they actually sell fairly well.


Personally, I just give away a lot of the really undesired CM items. I have yet to find new players on the starter planets that were unwilling to take said items... especially since I load them with low level mods as well.. so they have useful items for the time being even if they discard them for something better later on.

Edited by Andryah
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I'll never reject reasonable improvements to storage issues in any game (or in real life, for that matter). But I haven't felt overwhelmed by fear that the bowling ball on the top shelf of my excessively crammed closet will fall out and land on my head the next time I dig around the closet floor that that missing stack of Desh. Yes, I have plenty of alts. Yes, I use almost all of them for mules. I have an alt whose entire personal vault is cluttered with Companion Gifts. Another holds all my Legacy Armor for levels 8-65. Another holds any CM gear I want to keep ... just in case. Another holds known and unknown crafting schematics ... again, just in case. And so on, et cetera, ad nauseam, in corpus delicto.


Regardless what improvements they make to SWTOR storage, there will always be someone who needs more.

Well guess I'm doing better as I managed to shrink down the companions gifts to a single tab :)

From time to time I clear entire rows as I sort them by type.


Just wondering how many vault tabs you usually have on your characters?

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Well guess I'm doing better as I managed to shrink down the companions gifts to a single tab :)

From time to time I clear entire rows as I sort them by type.


Just wondering how many vault tabs you usually have on your characters?


Legacy Storage for me is:

Tabs 1&2, crafting mats (not including assembly components - those stay on the crafters; and not including bio stuff, since I only have one char who uses bio). Tab 3 is a grab bag of dyes, crystals, armor, and guns. Tab 4 is conquest items, rep coupons, and overflow from Tab 3. Tab 5 is Companion Gifts, the grade 5 and 6 gifts are organized, lower level gifts are not. Tab 6 is Alliance stuff and a little bit of overflow from the rest.

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Well guess I'm doing better as I managed to shrink down the companions gifts to a single tab :)

From time to time I clear entire rows as I sort them by type.


Just wondering how many vault tabs you usually have on your characters?


I have all six legacy vault tabs unlocked:


tab 1 is a mash of

  • companion gifts
  • BoL armor (should probably move this to tab 6)
  • crafting components (they used to sit in crafter inventory and they probably will again at some point)
  • exotic materials
  • MK-9 slot kits
  • MK-9 slot kit components (although they do not last long)
  • rep and FP tokens (I want them where I see them constantly because I forgot I had a bunch)
  • Biochem consumables


Tab 2 is arch and TH materials with one column open (usually drop discovered missions here)

Tab 3 is scav, invest, and slicing materials with one row and one column open

Tab 4 is bio, dip, and UWT materials (crammed to capacity; in fact I had to move grade 1 BA vendor materials to another tab


Tab 5 is again a mash up...

  • BoL armor sets and weapons with generic tank, dps, and heals stats (basically for when my guild does conquest lockouts and I need gear for alts I rarely play).
  • Some CM items that I am saving for the right character (mostly dye modules)
  • Some SH tokens mostly Dark Projects
  • War supplies and Invasion force


Tab 6 has BoL armor sets with set bonuses (for specific AC/spec) and a stash of augments of various types (if I or a friend need one I can just grab).


My older characters have multiple cargo hold tabs but most of them are empty since legacy storage became a thing. My main, with all the credits has 5 cargo tabs all in various states of fullness (three used to be full of CM armor sets, but I have since sold most of them). Most of my characters' cargo holds basically have junk from the story that have no value but I cannot bring myself to delete and several armor outfits.


All my characters have all but one row of inventory slots open (i've spent CCs to unlock the account wide unlock several times). Some characters have a second set of gear in inventory (PvP or alternate spec not both). The characters I use often will have a supply of Biochem consumables, and some random stuff I have simply not gotten around to using or selling/deleting.


All-in-all not a perfect inventory, but I know where everything is and I can tell if I need something at a glance.

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Just wondering how many vault tabs you usually have on your characters?


Personally, I unlocked them long ago with CC account unlocks... so every character on my account is maxed out, even when I roll up a brand new one. As they add tabs, I'll unlock them as this is one of the better uses for CCs IMO.

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I have all six legacy vault tabs unlocked:


tab 1 is a mash of

  • companion gifts
  • BoL armor (should probably move this to tab 6)
  • crafting components (they used to sit in crafter inventory and they probably will again at some point)
  • exotic materials
  • MK-9 slot kits
  • MK-9 slot kit components (although they do not last long)
  • rep and FP tokens (I want them where I see them constantly because I forgot I had a bunch)
  • Biochem consumables


Tab 2 is arch and TH materials with one column open (usually drop discovered missions here)

Tab 3 is scav, invest, and slicing materials with one row and one column open

Tab 4 is bio, dip, and UWT materials (crammed to capacity; in fact I had to move grade 1 BA vendor materials to another tab


Tab 5 is again a mash up...

  • BoL armor sets and weapons with generic tank, dps, and heals stats (basically for when my guild does conquest lockouts and I need gear for alts I rarely play).
  • Some CM items that I am saving for the right character (mostly dye modules)
  • Some SH tokens mostly Dark Projects
  • War supplies and Invasion force


Tab 6 has BoL armor sets with set bonuses (for specific AC/spec) and a stash of augments of various types (if I or a friend need one I can just grab).


My older characters have multiple cargo hold tabs but most of them are empty since legacy storage became a thing. My main, with all the credits has 5 cargo tabs all in various states of fullness (three used to be full of CM armor sets, but I have since sold most of them). Most of my characters' cargo holds basically have junk from the story that have no value but I cannot bring myself to delete and several armor outfits.


All my characters have all but one row of inventory slots open (i've spent CCs to unlock the account wide unlock several times). Some characters have a second set of gear in inventory (PvP or alternate spec not both). The characters I use often will have a supply of Biochem consumables, and some random stuff I have simply not gotten around to using or selling/deleting.


All-in-all not a perfect inventory, but I know where everything is and I can tell if I need something at a glance.

Guess as most crafters I also have 3 tabs for crafting mats in the Legacy storage.


I also have many similarities with your setting.


Then one of my character is a dedicated GTN seller, so all the gear that I'm willing to sell goes there.

Another character has all the sets I'm trying to finish or that I did finish but not use yet.


Apart sorting stuff what I find most annoying is differencing bound gear from unbound one, bug guess that's just me.

Edited by Deewe
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