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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Respect for Healers


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Have played all types of the healers and while I agree that sorc and sage are the easiest I'm just beginning to absolutely love Operative, my heal output is way higher than with the force healers. IDK if it's just because I know the mechanics of healing from playing sorc/sage/commando/merc for so long but yeah, if I was going to choose which healer was my best right now I'd definitely say my Op and she isn't even fully geared yet.
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On the topic about tanks, thanks for the advice.


Back to healers: Yeah, Healers are awesome and healing is hard. My Operative swapped from healing to DPS because keeping a high influence leveled SCORPIO (yesyes, not now about SCORPIO) alive through Star Fortress (not the Solo, but was running in as a solo with a mix of the Common Crystals and Glowing Crystals gear and a 20-25 iLevel SCORPIO) past a single boss. As a DPS I made it further.


Operative/Scoundrel healing is hard when you're not normally a healer.

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No doubt. I have always played tanks and thought I would give healer a try during the LvD event....I always respected the healers but my god was it more insane than expected.


Since I'm almost always a tank, healing other tanks was a enlightening. I had a tank that just did not understand that standing in the red circles meant death and I got the blame hammer...lol, argh...it was hard enough lol

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DVL has been a rather interesting adventure as a healer. Recently had a run-in during a flashpoint that went something like this:


DPS dude #1: "Your healing sucks."


Me on my DVL Operative: "Well, I didn't heal you right then."


DPS dude #1: "Why the heck not?"


Me: "First you were too far away. Then you ran up and LOS-ed me behind that pillar. And finally. You stood right there in the boss' cone-attack. I don't typically heal the DPS who stands in stupid. I healed the tank, instead."


DPS dude #1: "Do you even know how to heal on an Operative? All you keep using is that measly instant heal."


Me: "Kolto Probe is the bread and butter of Operative healing, although I'm also using Kolto Injection for burst heals on the tank whenever I have to. Consider looking it up, there are several great guides online."


DPS dude #1: "Idiot. Is this the first time you played an Operative healer?"


Me: "Nope. I prefer Operative/Scoundrel heals, although Merc/Commando heals is pretty fun, too."


DPS Dude #2: "This entire conversation is priceless."


Tank: "Heck yea."

Edited by Phyreblade
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DVL has been a rather interesting adventure as a healer. Recently had a run-in during a flashpoint that went something like this:


DPS dude #1: "Your healing sucks."


Me on my DVL Operative: "Well, I didn't heal you right then."


DPS dude #1: "Why the heck not?"


Me: "First you were too far away. Then you ran up and LOS-ed me behind that pillar. And finally. You stood right there in the boss' cone-attack. I don't typically heal the DPS who stands in stupid. I healed the tank, instead."


DPS dude #1: "Do you even know how to heal on an Operative? All you keep using is that measly instant heal."


Me: "Kolto Probe is the bread and butter of Operative healing, although I'm also using Kolto Injection for burst heals on the tank whenever I have to. Consider looking it up, there are several great guides online."


DPS dude #1: "Idiot. Is this the first time you played an Operative healer?"


Me: "Nope. I prefer Operative/Scoundrel heals, although Merc/Commando heals is pretty fun, too."


DPS Dude #2: "This entire conversation is priceless."


Tank: "Heck yea."

Lol. Rule #1 of group play in MMOs: Don't **** with the healer, unless you want high repair costs. :p

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And that's why you always let the "elite damage dealer" die. Dead damage dealer = 0 dps.


Scoundrel/Operative healing is nightmare for someone who has minimal experience. Commando/Mercenary healing a is bit easier for new healer but still requires a lot. Sage/Sorcerer healing requires better reflexes but can be easy because even I can do in Taral V so...


Nah, Commando is actually easier than Sage, because for the Seer Sage you need to know what you are doing as there's no "PANIC!!!" button(aka burst heal for 50 - 100 k amount depending on how it crits(usually at last one of those heals crits and very rarely ALL crits so the real range is 60 - 80k)). As sage you need to have the tank topped all the time as your burst healing isn't that good(bah, comparing my 224 sage to 220 commando I dare to say it's pathetic :D), you need to be managing your force REALLY carefully as there's no "mana replenishment" button(meaning once you are done you are done). As Commando you can get in SHTF situations to zero and back to the top in 1 click. As Sage you need to know when the SHTF really hits and be prepared(e.g. Dread Palace - Council, final stage).


So, I dare to say that Commando is an easier healer to learn to an average level(than Sage). Sage is easier to master once you are at the average level =)


Note about myself - I heal on my Sage from the SW:TOR release date(the character was created as Seer Sage so I can learn how to heal through the story content). I love Sage healing. But our current NiM group already has a healing Sage so I changed my DPS commando into a healer so we have different type of healers(burst, man, that burst!).

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you need to be managing your force REALLY carefully as there's no "mana replenishment" button(meaning once you are done you are done)


Vindicate / Consuming Darkness


True, that as sage you have to be faster to react.

Edited by Halinalle
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Nah, Commando is actually easier than Sage, because for the Seer Sage you need to know what you are doing as there's no "PANIC!!!" button(aka burst heal for 50 - 100 k amount depending on how it crits(usually at last one of those heals crits and very rarely ALL crits so the real range is 60 - 80k)). As sage you need to have the tank topped all the time as your burst healing isn't that good(bah, comparing my 224 sage to 220 commando I dare to say it's pathetic :D), you need to be managing your force REALLY carefully as there's no "mana replenishment" button(meaning once you are done you are done). As Commando you can get in SHTF situations to zero and back to the top in 1 click. As Sage you need to know when the SHTF really hits and be prepared(e.g. Dread Palace - Council, final stage).


So, I dare to say that Commando is an easier healer to learn to an average level(than Sage). Sage is easier to master once you are at the average level =)


Note about myself - I heal on my Sage from the SW:TOR release date(the character was created as Seer Sage so I can learn how to heal through the story content). I love Sage healing. But our current NiM group already has a healing Sage so I changed my DPS commando into a healer so we have different type of healers(burst, man, that burst!).


I agree with @Halinalle . I find Sage and Sorc healing easier . They were the 1st class that I picked and Loved them to death .


Found Operative-smuggler-commando a pain in comparaison .


Then again , I admit that I personally don't do operation . I speak about 3 years ago when Heroic+4 were still around and peoples acted like idiots during a run .....as in running far away screaming 'HEAL!!!' :D


But commando and operative and smuggler healers in the right hand , I swear...they are something to behold .


But that can be said about any class in the right hands :p

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Vindicate / Consuming Darkness


True, that as sage you have to be faster to react.

And that's why I wrote that note there. Vindicate is great, it's awesome, but it's not the panic button Commando has :D Sometimes we have those moments when we have tunnel vision and things go wild. And then Commando hits a magic button where sage is going vindicate -> healing trance -> more vindicate. So many global cooldowns lost =)


And this happens more when you begin playing healer. That's probably why you had a problem with force in Taral V :)


With more experience this problem goes away. That's why I wrote Sage is easier to master, but harder to learn.

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AThat's probably why you had a problem with force in Taral V :)


I would like to see video of commando doing it.

- no tank

- 2 of group members must be between 30-50

- no one stops to rest between pulls

- no interrupts in droid boss or last boss

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I would like to see video of commando doing it.

- no tank

- 2 of group members must be between 30-50

- no one stops to rest between pulls

- no interrupts in droid boss or last boss


Well, I can show you an example - I was as DPS on BH with a guildmate who was on sage healing Shae. We couldn't kill it as he was always without force(he's not playing that often and it was after the latest nerf). I was healing it a day after and had no problems at all. The same tank & 2nd DPS.


Force management is "hard" to learn but once you get it you have no problems. Same applies for Commando but there's a magical button every minute and something(1:40?). That's exactly what I was talking about, you cry about not having the force but on commando before every boss fight you can press the "give me cells!" button and be ready.


It's no offense, this is a learning process. I had similar experience 5 years ago(+-) when I was starting. You need to know phases when you can safely replenish the force during fights and never forget


BTW remember you have huge benefit - 20/30 % of force is still enough for healing because your regen isn't affected :)

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BTW remember you have huge benefit - 20/30 % of force is still enough for healing because your regen isn't affected :)


Vindicate has a big effect on force regen at 4 stacks. Also the same below 60% applies to Sages/Sorcs.

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And that's why I wrote that note there. Vindicate is great, it's awesome, but it's not the panic button Commando has :D Sometimes we have those moments when we have tunnel vision and things go wild. And then Commando hits a magic button where sage is going vindicate -> healing trance -> more vindicate. So many global cooldowns lost =)


And this happens more when you begin playing healer. That's probably why you had a problem with force in Taral V :)


With more experience this problem goes away. That's why I wrote Sage is easier to master, but harder to learn.


Skilled Sages don't need to 'panic' in the first place. You shouldn't be draining all your Force and feeling a need to 'spam' Vindicate in the first place. Make Healing Trance a regular part of your healing skills to keep Vindicate proc'd, and just tap Vindicate as needed to keep your Force over half full. Don't spam expensive heals when you don't need to. Yes, it was fun using Wandering Mend as a quick instant heal on that one guy at 90% when the rest of the group was full but pretty unnecessary, and that's the guy you'd use Healing Trance on nowadays to proc Vindicate. You should also be saving Salvation for when you really need it, and not just as a HoT spam for kicks.


The first HMFP I healed after the nerf (Kaon Under Siege lol) was a bit dicey as I got used to the new Force costs, but it was pretty easy to adapt to the new paradigm. I've never used Benevolence so much - now it's worth it to use Deliverance or Mind Crush (both cheaper than Wandering Mend) to proc it and get that free heal off when I need it : )

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