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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Knights of the Eternal Throne


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If you enjoyed KOTFE then you are going to love KOTET, stay tuned for more information early October. All of us cant wait to talk about the new expansion and start sharing information with you all!


We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.


While we don't have official confirmation of anything, Ben Irving's words suggest KOTET will be very similar if not exactly like KOTFE.

Edited by Aowin
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If I remember right in one of the more recent streams they did acknowledge that not everybody is a fan of the episodic release. They didn't say anything beyond that but it does seem that at least it is possible that they are considering releasing it all at once.


Also I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who stopped their sub (it's still running out for a while) and are not planning to play/sub again until the whole season 2 is out.

Edited by Tsillah
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If I remember right in one of the more recent streams they did acknowledge that not everybody is a fan of the episodic release. They didn't say anything beyond that but it does seem that at least it is possible that they are considering releasing it all at once.


Also I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who stopped their sub (it's still running out for a while) and are not planning to play/sub again until the whole season 2 is out.


I don't mind it, I just wish there was more interesting story stuff to do between episodes or that the episodes themselves were longer so it would take me more than a day to complete it before having to wait a month for the next one.

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While we don't have official confirmation of anything, Ben Irving's words suggest KOTET will be very similar if not exactly like KOTFE.

Aowin and I may disagree on other topics, but I think he's spot on here. I fully expect it to continue in a nearly identical style to what KOTFE did...based on Bioware's own comments.

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Maybe, just maybe, they recognize some of the problems and will release some FPs that require a subscription (because you would need to have access to the expansion) in order to take part of. While I personally hate them, maybe even a raid near the end of it.


As for the story content? Yeah expect it to be episodic IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Something I read recently about the new expansion concerning original companions might shed some light.


The question was asked about older original companions like Kira. The response was that she might not appear before Chapter 12 indicating there was a voice talent issue.


NOW again none of this is OFFICIAL but I did read that about a week ago. The specific talent was named and I apologize for not remembering.


So that made it sound like it was be just like KOTFE.


Again take it for what is is worth.

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Aowin and I may disagree on other topics, but I think he's spot on here. I fully expect it to continue in a nearly identical style to what KOTFE did...based on Bioware's own comments.


While the story spine probably will be the same (and I don't think that's a "wrong" decision), I would hope to see not only more non-core content, but more group content. Since they're presumably not refurbishing the game from the bottom up, and introducing a whole new level of single-player challenges (HSF Inner Ring/Exarchs and the entirety of TEC).

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