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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ship Take Off and Landings


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I think that Bioware has the cut screens around the wrong way, each time i board my ship i get the cut screen of taking off out of the dock, this just seems a little odd as all i want to do is place stuff from my inventory into my cargo hold and then back into the mission.


I feel that the only time the cut screens of my ship taking off should be when i select a destination on the galaxy map, while in a dock/hanger.


That's just my thoughts.

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It's annoying, but there is at least method to this madness.


The inside of your ship is not actually on any of the planets you visit. It's its own zone entirely. The take off/landing is to mask the zone loading.



They could put the ship interior on the planet, but that would mean putting it on every individual planet. It would also mean every NPC and quest you get on your ship would have to be syncronized between every alternate version of your ship on every planet. Basically, it'd be a ton of work.

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Personally I believe they should dump the idea of "hangars" as an instanced zone and simply have the hangar doors give you access to your ship directly. I really see no need to go from Spaceport/Fleet > Hangar > Ship. Would be nice if it was simply Spaceport/Fleet > Ship. Edited by IMatricksI
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Personally I believe they should dump the idea of "hangars" as an instanced zone and simply have the hangar doors give you access to your ship directly. I really see no need to go from Spaceport/Fleet > Hanger > Ship. Would be nice if it was simply Spaceport/Fleet > Ship.


I like the current system. Don't listen to him pls.


@op I kinda agree. However they would need to add cockpit views that shows the hangar.

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Been thinking of this myself, and I find it stupid to see my ship take off from a planet/station almost before I can close the door behind me.


As for the part about it masking some kind of loading screen, I find that silly.

There are already far too many loading screens in this game as it is.


On some planets you cant land so you have to dock at an orbital stations, after which you have to go through another 2-3 loading screens before you get to the surface.

I can understand the part about the orbital station and having to take a shuttle down when there is no spaceport on the planet.

But why do I need that extra section from my ship to the station?

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I like the current system. Don't listen to him pls.

I don't like the current system. Please disregard the quoted text above.


There, now that we've established contrary tastes, what next? Duel to the death? Pistols at dawn, or wet towels at sunset?


Seriously though, I just see the whole "hangar" instance as a big waste of space. Sure I can see my ship's exterior, but aside from that its useless and adds an extra black-to-fade-and-back-again loading screen. Eithe way, all I want is guild ships with a minibar and multiple personal bikini slaves.

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meh i like being in space on my ship but i do kinda agree that when you access the door your ship goes into landing sequence. thats the only thing that i think is weird.


but it beats being in a hanger and if you want to do space battles you would have to do the whole take off / landing thing between every cycle.

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Agree, sometimes I just want to go into my ship to put some stuff in the container, or talk to a companion -- no need for the ship to take off. What makes it worse is that the cutscenes for take off and landing seem to be in low-res; the stars are blotches of light instead of dots, as if the cutscene artist had "zoomed in" the star background.
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