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Saber Marshall's Armor?


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Going on my 36th hour over the past 3 days of farming Lord Inath for the Saber Marshal's Handwraps and nothing as of yet. Started 2 nights ago at 3 hours. Yesterday 17 hours straight and today im going on my 16th hour and still farming... This is getting a bit irritating to say the least.
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does anyone recall which quest it was that got you the robes?? because i Torheaded it and it said that you buy it off of a pvp vendor, which i dont think so. same goes with the dark fanatic's trousers. any ideas??


Chest: reward for completing the Revenite quest line (Dromund Kaas)


Legs: reward for completing the Balmorra bonus series (Balmorra)

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Going on my 36th hour over the past 3 days of farming Lord Inath for the Saber Marshal's Handwraps and nothing as of yet. Started 2 nights ago at 3 hours. Yesterday 17 hours straight and today im going on my 16th hour and still farming... This is getting a bit irritating to say the least.


Well its Day 4. Ended up at 17 hours again for yesterday before i couldnt do it anymore. My eyes were starting to bleed. So now im into my 2nd hour for today. Still nothing. Man this camp is so much fun.

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Inanth just dropped the gloves after three days of farming him.


Just to keep spirits up, it took 4 days of 2-3 hours each, but today must have been my lucky day. The gloves dropped on the first round. :D And just the other day I stumbled across the boots for only 55K on GTN...now all I need is the waistwrap

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Why are you guys wasting time on this set? The Supreme Inq. set is MUCH more valuabe. There is none to be found on the GTN on my server except the chest piece selling currently at 750k.


Some people prefer the saber marshal look over supreme inquisitor.

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Why are you guys wasting time on this set? The Supreme Inq. set is MUCH more valuabe. There is none to be found on the GTN on my server except the chest piece selling currently at 750k.

Because we LIKE the look? At least for me it's not a question of value but of looks... and strictly speaking personally here, Supreme Inq don't do it for me...


PS. The server I play on regularly has various parts on offer on GTN. currently pants, bracers and headgear are offered, couple of days ago there were two robes on offer.

Edited by LeJarC
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Because we LIKE the look? At least for me it's not a question of value but of looks... and strictly speaking personally here, Supreme Inq don't do it for me...


Prefer more black, which Saber Marshal provides over Supreme Inq.

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sorry to bump in but i just wanted to say that i just got the Saber Marshall`s lower body from a random elite on the Aurora(BH storyline where you run around a Rep ship to find and fight the last boss to complete chapter 1 ) that was really what i call a random drop LOL.
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With the 1.2 patch hitting today, has anyone seen whether or not the saber marshal set will be craftable. Can it be RE'ed or can schematics be found?


I highly doubt it because the chestpiece is a quest reward only available to Inquisitors rather than a world drop. You only get one shot to learn it. What BW had said regarding this issue is they will add new schematics (obtained as crew mission rewards or world drops) that have similar graphics to the existing pieces.

Edited by jkcheng
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Well the champion boss on Tat drops the right level blue/oranges. Currently farming him on my main to see if the boots drop. But I am having absolutely no luck with the gloves at all. I am looking for the blade tyrant's but its all the same bosses and drop ration and the only thing out of four full days of farming I have gotten was bracers/belt. Gloves are elusive and I feel the drop rate should be raised just a tad.
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