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Genuine concern...


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I'm really worried about the game. I had to go work for a job that kept me away from the game for almost 3 years, I've been back for 3 weeks and it's sad how dead the game seems. with all the focus Disney has generated for the Star War franchise this game should be over packed with noobs, all crying about credits! lol, all I see are those of use with gear, mounts, and such from our collections.


My concern is compounded on a few topics, but all are based on some nurf that happened in the last year. or 3, I don't know know how long things have been being nurfed.


I used to never be bored, (I'm still not, not completely yet)... I used to make as many credits as I wanted depending on going out and working for them. but that has been nurfed bad. no matter what I do, I find myself poor in the game, and the GTN more inflated than ever. the market is inflated to make up credits they can't make out working anymore.


The game play being fostered is to buy cartel coins, but items and sell on the GTN. there isn't even a token/credit exchange system like WoW.


I used to be able to go on my end game characters, beat the lower level world bosses to get decent gear for my new characters, That can't even be done anymore. our end game characters are nurfed to the level of the boss.

It used to be crazy collecting the shards to get companion gifts, now companion gifts drop like rain, instead of good gear, we get companion gifts.


I'm still working out what is going on, I loved the Eternal Empire store line, the cut scenes are goofed up bad. you beat the crap out of everything in the room, and in the cut scene they overtake you... urm...


I was thinking when I got back and was more into the chapters than mechanics of the game, that you where on to something! I was going to suggest an Interactive Comic book style system, a really good reason to subscribe to the story. the linear story line for the Eternal Empire is cool. but linear! A true multi-strand plot line that is truly based on player choices, and let players go back and play the story with a different outcome for different rewards, this will keep people busy between "comic books, chapters, etc..." I remember books when i was a kid that let you pick different plot lines, multi-strand plot books where fun! I wish I could go back and do the 16 chapters we have. but I'd never get all 8 classes to lvl50. lol


But, Even with all the attention Star Wars is getting, I wonder where SWTOR is going, how long it has to live. are the nurfs to the game a way for breaking up the bond between player and game, so the death of the game isn't hard to take?


Are we in the last ditch effort to milk money from the cartel market before shutting it all down? Unless we buy cartel coins to buy and sell items, we struggle along in a poor economy, this points to last ditch ditch effort to milk money. The drops aren't even a selling point, green gear, and a ton of companion gifts.


What is the state of the game? I'm back until it dies out! My wife says she wont let me get a job that keeps me away from home weeks at a time again, thankfully!!!!!!!! so I'm here. we are a Star Wars family, myself, my wife and kids, even my mother-n-law, we love Star Wars. I had my father sit threw Star Wars in New Jersey in the 99, in 2002 I was driving a taxi in Orlando, I got in trouble for taking half my shift to watch Star Wars opening night @ 2am to the end of my shift! in 2005 the company I was working for kept pushing me north east when I gave them a month notice I need to be in Las Vegas for my first real date with my now wife of almost 11 years, I quit when they wanted me to go to Canada on our date night! We got the nice 3d glasses when we watched Star Wars opening night a few months ago, I'll take my Kilo Ren glasses or buy new one for rogue one!


My concern is genuine, where is the game going? or where are y'all taking it?

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If you're not making a minimum of 2M per week doing heroics, then you need to start. Get a full group of 65's and in 1 .5 hours you can have 2M credits easily.


Soloing world bosses was stupid. Do them on level if you want for a challenge with a small group of friends.

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You earn money farming heroics and dailies. This has always been the way you earn money in every mmo. You never earn enough just doing your quests and dungeons, if you did the inflation would be even worse.


The reason prices are so overblown is actually not because you can't earn money in game...quite the opposite. It is because you can earn rediculous amounts of money now, add that on top of the fact if you have been active for 4 years than you have a crap tonne of credits sitting around unless you've been spending them constantly.

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Yeah, we've where just talking about getting a 4 man team to run threw heroics.


But, no, I spend credits faster than I make them, always did, I have a lot of the cartel items from back before I left, it's a matter of selling off stuff. but I even had unclaimed enforcer packs from 3 years ago that I've tried to sell and they don't sell. people want the new stuff.


So much has changed... I don't see going after lower level world bosses on an end game char. stupid. that is what people do in lots of games. our end level chars fund new chars, get the good gear for our new chars. I used to do it on swtor before having to go to work. nurfing charters to the level of the area isn't something I've seen in games, I've played everything from Perfict world, WoW, Riders of Icarus, World of Kung Fu, and many others, and this is unique. what's the purpose of doing all that leveling if you get nurffed, you can't even go back and solo the heroics, I mean you can, it's just slow, they do give you 2 levels above the area level.


It's a ploy to get people working together, and it works to a point, but you and I both know there is a high percentage of players who are solo players, in every game, there are people who prefer to play alone. not fighting over drops, or the AH who always rolls need instead of greed.


I just remember a more balanced game, where you and a guild worked together. while some people explored, soloed the game, etc. and everyone did good.


And this spam on the chat and PM's for 3rd party credit sales, they have to be gaining something or why would they do it! if they find it rewarding to keep doing it, there must be a significant number of people buying into that crap.

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honestly, if being nurfed to the area level was common. leveling would go away altogether! think about it. from a programing point of view, it would be easier to have every part of the game the same level, and you just find better gear. look at solo Skyrim, not the online version. this would be the way mmo's would be if there was no need for leveling. you get better by leveling to go back and help other players, or to solo lower level areas to give gear to alts.
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honestly, if being nurfed to the area level was common. leveling would go away altogether! think about it. from a programing point of view, it would be easier to have every part of the game the same level, and you just find better gear. look at solo Skyrim, not the online version. this would be the way mmo's would be if there was no need for leveling. you get better by leveling to go back and help other players, or to solo lower level areas to give gear to alts.


It's not unheard of, GW2 has a nearly identical mechanic.


Also, you're not 100% scaled down. Your skills trees and the like mean you hit much harder than an actual lowbie.


On Tatooine Iwas in a 6 man of Trapjaw recently that went smooth as a greased eel - the benefit of us being level 65 and scaled down.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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It's not unheard of, GW2 has a nearly identical mechanic.


Also, you're not 100% scaled down. Your skills trees and the like mean you hit much harder than an actual lowbie.


On Tatooine Iwas in a 6 man of Trapjaw recently that went smooth as a greased eel - the benefit of us being level 65 and scaled down.


lol, true.... to a point. there are lots of flash fb games that also have a superficial leveling system and you just add points to stats. ehh... it is what it is.


I've transferred two charters to play on more active servers, and it's not much better. something is off... I'm just going to level my other 6 classes, and try Eternal Empire from different classes... should keep me occupied, until the next chapter! lol

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at least skills are free, that is uncommon... I guess there are some good parts...


But even Perfect World gave away tons of free stuff just before shutting down Heroes of three kingdoms. :( I miss that game, it was beautiful, graphics, mechanics and story. if they reopened that game I wouldn't even be mad starting from scratch.

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You have 3 years of adaptation to go through. The game is silly easy now though. Run slicing, diplomacy, and treasure hunting missions for the mats and sell them to make your credits. If its 2 mil a week running heroics, mats is the way to go. I make 15 mil a week without spending much time.
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