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we need more player levels


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since most of my character are maxed out and im done with most of the quests and there is a new story line coming in the fall we need to bump up the max level from 65 because it would give all the maxed player a chance to grind on more powerful enemies not to mention is would create a market for high level gear and to help keep the players busy in the mean while waiting for the new question you could have a sory arcs on each core and outer rim world tracking your old companions back by doing a bunch of quests and adding new story mini-quest to each world for players whos level is 65+ to help them grind and get good stuff in the process
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since most of my character are maxed out and im done with most of the quests and there is a new story line coming in the fall we need to bump up the max level from 65 because it would give all the maxed player a chance to grind on more powerful enemies not to mention is would create a market for high level gear and to help keep the players busy in the mean while waiting for the new question you could have a sory arcs on each core and outer rim world tracking your old companions back by doing a bunch of quests and adding new story mini-quest to each world for players whos level is 65+ to help them grind and get good stuff in the process


No... god no... please no more meaningless grinding just for the sake of grinding. Filler is bad, and should be avoided, and leveling should actually mean something, not just the sake of giving a player something to do. It instead should be the reward from what the player does by enjoying something, either the story, group content, or PVP. Not to mention they spent all this time getting everything to ... why waste it when rescaling everything to 70.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I'm always intrigued by how right down the middle this debate is; about 50% want more levels and about 50% want the level cap to stay the same (yes right now post count in this thread is 1 for and 4 against but that will change quickly). Furthermore, WHEN level caps do increase, I am equally intrigued by the fact that all the anti-raisers start the grind again anyway (if you really hate the grind that much...walk away).


Personally, I do not care either way. Level cap increases are a fact of life in RPGs (not just MMOs; I remember a time when the "level cap" of table top D&D was only 10). And I understand why they exist: they need to give players a reason to get back on the hamster wheel; without it, players could "beat the game" and walk away.


So I have come to expect level cap increases with MMORPG expansions.

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since most of my character are maxed out and im done with most of the quests and there is a new story line coming in the fall we need to bump up the max level from 65 because it would give all the maxed player a chance to grind on more powerful enemies not to mention is would create a market for high level gear and to help keep the players busy in the mean while waiting for the new question you could have a sory arcs on each core and outer rim world tracking your old companions back by doing a bunch of quests and adding new story mini-quest to each world for players whos level is 65+ to help them grind and get good stuff in the process


So you want them to add more content? The dev barely can produce 30mins of content a month. If they tried to produce any more we end up with broken content that takes months to fix. Look at Ch 16 they delayed it to make sure it was polished for launch and than had to patch it less than 24hrs later because it was broken.

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So I have come to expect level cap increases with MMORPG expansions.


There are different kinds of expansions. If there was new content to grind i'd be entirely for the idea. But if there is only new story i honestly won't be able to make myself grind the same old operations, deal with the inevitable bugs caused by rebalancing 3-5 year old content. I don't even want to think what this would cause to the pvp balance, which was hugely ignored for almost the whole KotFE.

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Furthermore, WHEN level caps do increase, I am equally intrigued by the fact that all the anti-raisers start the grind again anyway (if you really hate the grind that much...walk away).


I realize you say you don't care either way, and I don't mean to shove a stance onto you, but that line feels like a very.... let's call it 'pro-raiser' thing to say.


For people that seek to just level/grind for the sake of it, that is what the game is. They are playing the game as they want to play it. For someone who does not like it, the fun lies behind the grind. They can either choose to do something they do not like in order to get to something they do like to do, and are in fact already enjoying now, or walk away from what they find fun because a barrier has been put in front of it.


"walk away" is not just walking away from the grind, it's walking away from something you've been enjoying because you need to jump through hoops in order to keep enjoying it


My personal problem with it is that I am an altoholic and I do take most of my characters into gf HM FPs. If it were more easy/quick to gear a character to the point where I can not only carry my own weight, but compensate for all the players that don't have any clue what they are doing, then.. I would still find it completely unnecessary, but would just take it, work through it, continue where I left off.. but if I'm going to have spend most of a cycle gearing up characters just to keep doing content that I've already been doing.. well.. I might just walk away if they raise the cap without adding a very good reason for doing so.


Am really anxious about what's going to come.. and not at all happy that we're having to wait months more before we're getting any clue about it.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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In MMORPG expansion there is more than just story. There are other things like OP, FP and PvP added. All we got was few chapters of a story.

EXACTLY! KOTFE was the first time we got nothing but a crappy story.


As for more levels? HELL NO! That's fake grind content. It would take someone what, maybe a week tops to level 14 toons from 65 to 70? Come on lol...we need REPEATABLE content, not fake content.

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I used to look forward to increases of level caps in MMOs. It only took a dozen or so cap increases in various MMOs for me to eventually realize that increasing the level cap is always illusory. It takes no appreciable time to achieve the new cap ... even for players like me, who aren't chained to our computers. I've never actually consumed all the new content released with a new cap to reach the new level cap. And with the new cap comes the monotony of re-grinding new gear (or deeds, or whatever a specific MMO calls upon us to grind). Within a week, we're back where we were ... level capped and facing nothing to do but grind.
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I used to look forward to increases of level caps in MMOs. It only took a dozen or so cap increases in various MMOs for me to eventually realize that increasing the level cap is always illusory. It takes no appreciable time to achieve the new cap ... even for players like me, who aren't chained to our computers. I've never actually consumed all the new content released with a new cap to reach the new level cap. And with the new cap comes the monotony of re-grinding new gear (or deeds, or whatever a specific MMO calls upon us to grind). Within a week, we're back where we were ... level capped and facing nothing to do but grind.


Maybe riding around in all white horses will change that feeling of emptiness and will bring joy to us all.

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EXACTLY! KOTFE was the first time we got nothing but a crappy story.


As for more levels? HELL NO! That's fake grind content. It would take someone what, maybe a week tops to level 14 toons from 65 to 70? Come on lol...we need REPEATABLE content, not fake content.


Fake content takes less work. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pass a reset all character to lvl 1 as content.

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I'm always intrigued by how right down the middle this debate is; about 50% want more levels and about 50% want the level cap to stay the same....


In internet gaming forums, 50/50 is a clear dual majority. :p


And a 50/50 split rarely happens in internet forums, though level cap is very likely a popular point of the "draw".


Which is why studios read and factor player feedback (good, bad, selfish, and absurd) into their thinking and planning, but ultimately must make choices that appeal to the broadest audience most of the time.


I'm sure we will get a modest bump in the level cap with the new expac, as that is the trend for this studio and for most of the MMO market. But not before the expac by any means.

Edited by Andryah
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Maybe riding around in all white horses will change that feeling of emptiness and will bring joy to us all.

It couldn't hurt.


Though, when my parents were breeding Quarter Horses back in the late 70s, we were taught to ride on the horse, not in the horse. What type of saddle do you use for that?

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Though, when my parents were breeding Quarter Horses back in the late 70s, we were taught to ride on the horse, not in the horse. What type of saddle do you use for that?

Luke warm.


Wait, wrong joke for that punchline, sorry. :D

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No we do not "need" them. We'll get them but we don't need them.


I am an old timer so I have sort of been through it all. Maybe I am just in a different place than others, but although I feel certain we will get 5 more levels with KOTET, I'd rather they dumped this old MMO standard. Especially with the advent of level sync it has become even more antiquated.


But it will most likely come with KOTET and is the major reason I stopped making new characters a while back. It enters the realm of tedium for me to chase after the ever moving goal post of level cap increases. I already have more characters than I care to grind through the sort manufactured pseudo content of level grind.


But we'll most likely get 5 more levels, have utility points taken away so that we get them again at 70, and be treated to a new acerbic round of tirades from players screaming about any newly perceived imbalances that will come with whatever new skill each AC gets at 70.


Or they give a new utility point rather than the obnoxious practice of taking one away. And said new utility point would only further foment the "OMG class is "x" OP nerf now!!!" that occurs daily anyway.


I hope I am wrong and they drop this notion. But I feel certain it will come.

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Or they give a new utility point rather than the obnoxious practice of taking one away. And said new utility point would only further foment the "OMG class is "x" OP nerf now!!!" that occurs daily anyway.
I admire your restraint at using the term "obnoxious". I can think of much more vitriolic and accurate terms. The decision to make us "re-earn" skills we already knew has had the greatest negative impact on my enjoyment of SWTOR than any other development in the game. It's nothing I would quit over. But it did induce me to boycott SWTOR during what would have been my prime SWTOR-playing time of year. It is the only time, in more than a decade of MMOs, that I ever felt the phrase "slap in the face" justified.


I'm fine when games add stuff. Make me earn the added stuff. That's the way of things. Just don't tell me that reacquiring the stuff you just took from me is "new" stuff. If they can't be bothered to add new Utility Points (and maybe some new skills), then just leave it alone.

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It couldn't hurt.


Though, when my parents were breeding Quarter Horses back in the late 70s, we were taught to ride on the horse, not in the horse. What type of saddle do you use for that?


You mean all this time I been doing it wrong...:(? Custom fitted saddles over years of training and mastery only known by a certain village in the mountains of the Middle East.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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