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Hey Bioware, can you please add weapon tuning effects to cutscenes?


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i know the likely hood of anyone from Bioware answering the question is highly unlikely, but it would be great to know if you do intend to ever incorporate the tuning effects into cut-scenes. I like to film my class stories as well as the expansions and would love to capture the awesome effects such as the lightning tuning. Thank you in advance for your response.
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Given that since day one of launch... cutscenes have always had visible gear quirks of various kinds... I very much doubt we will see weapon tunings integrated.


If we spent 90% of our time within cutscenes, I think it would be more important to address. But we don't. Setting aside the segment of the population of players who /spacebar every cutscene...... those that actually take time to work through the cutscenes only really spend ~5% of our time within the scenes.

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