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lesser known oddities about PvP


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I absolutely HATE when people call left/right...i'll actually ignore those calls. The mini map is like a compass if you can't remember your directions.


Just call. I'lll know "I'm over here and its not us, so it must be over there!"


Other than that; I may be on the way if I am paying attention to how many we are fighting the one side vs how many we have. Still; wish people would just call. I don't care if it's even just "L X" where L is for left and X is the number of enemies.

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In the OG Huttball, everyone runs off the loading area and into the endzone but most don't know you can take a right and run behind the outer wall fence, which eventually drops you off to near the middle portion of the map.


Which is a good thing against respawn-camping, by the way.


I absolutely HATE when people call left/right...


"You can call me Al."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Which is a good thing against respawn-camping, by the way.




"You can call me Al."


It doesn't matter to most. They get all "ZOMG! I can't let this guy be standing in my enzone area!" Then start fighting providing plenty of leap targets (when it works) and at very least; too close to actually kill a ball carrier who has some anti-CC defense and speed CDs ready. People just don't know when to play mid and control the ball rather than chase the enemy.

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In Huttball there are indicators to show which way to go with the ball, yet people still manage to walk into their own scoring area :S

Lol, I did this once. Heat of the moment, on a speed buff, very little support from the team, made a rush decision. Wrong side. Derp. Had to just laugh it off.


I can get confused if things aren't distinctive-looking enough. I'm kind of directionally-challenged sometimes. Speaking of...

I also dislike the use of left/right calls in a WZ. Left and right depend on your point of view. I've seen people use left to indicate the left side of the map, whilst others in the same WZ use left as from the point of view of the spawn area. I once had one moron try to tell me that left is always west! :rolleyes:


Left/Right calls are completely ambiguous and should not be used. East/West calls do not depend on your point of view and should be used. Most people learn their cardinal directions as soon as they learn to read a map, there is no reason for any of us to keep using ambiguous calls.

It's a fake map though. As in, virtual. Not real. Any static distinction of west and east in the way that a compass can track is in your head (if they are named west and east on the mini-map, then color me partially wrong, but it's still problematic). For someone like me, in Voidstar, calling them west/east or left/right are both confusing when defending. When attacking it's perfectly clear, cause you're always coming at it from the same direction. But you put in that reversal and my brain just shuts down. Plus I don't always know whether the person calling it is talking their left/right from spawn after they died or while they're down there. West/east should theoretically clarify that, but if someone is using it in a flexible way, it may not.


We really just need names for the two sides that have nothing to do with direction. Kind of like how people say grass and snow. Problem is, I don't think there's anything visually distinctive about them to separate.

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We really just need names for the two sides that have nothing to do with direction. Kind of like how people say grass and snow. Problem is, I don't think there's anything visually distinctive about them to separate.


On one side there is a shuttle, on the other side a container. Apart from that both sides are almost identical.

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It doesn't matter to most. They get all "ZOMG! I can't let this guy be standing in my enzone area!" Then start fighting providing plenty of leap targets (when it works) and at very least; too close to actually kill a ball carrier who has some anti-CC defense and speed CDs ready. People just don't know when to play mid and control the ball rather than chase the enemy.


Thats another one thats annoying. Keeping a team on Defense i.e in their endzone is almost a guaranteed win. People don't seem to understand how important it is to control mid. Letting them score a goal isn't the end of the game and sometimes you have to let them have it to maintain that control of the ball.


It's a fake map though. As in, virtual. Not real. Any static distinction of west and east in the way that a compass can track is in your head (if they are named west and east on the mini-map, then color me partially wrong, but it's still problematic). For someone like me, in Voidstar, calling them west/east or left/right are both confusing when defending. When attacking it's perfectly clear, cause you're always coming at it from the same direction. But you put in that reversal and my brain just shuts down. Plus I don't always know whether the person calling it is talking their left/right from spawn after they died or while they're down there. West/east should theoretically clarify that, but if someone is using it in a flexible way, it may not.


We really just need names for the two sides that have nothing to do with direction. Kind of like how people say grass and snow. Problem is, I don't think there's anything visually distinctive about them to separate.


When a bomb is planted on the door, the announcement is made that the East door or West door has 20 seconds to detonation. So East/West is relative to the map and your minimap, all you have to do is pay attention to how you have it oriented in relation to those doors. you can rotate it in the interface editor.

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Thats another one thats annoying. Keeping a team on Defense i.e in their endzone is almost a guaranteed win. People don't seem to understand how important it is to control mid. Letting them score a goal isn't the end of the game and sometimes you have to let them have it to maintain that control of the ball.


Yeah. I remember a HB game where I grabbed the ball at the start. Ran it all the way in for a score. On of the enemy just blatantly ran through the fire trying to catch me and died. I thought, "oh wow, this is going to be an easy win." It was... for them. While I was doing that, they were busy setting up a passing chain, and the next thing I know it's just pass-pass-pass-score, over and over and over. They beat us 6 to 1 without breaking a sweat.


When a bomb is planted on the door, the announcement is made that the East door or West door has 20 seconds to detonation. So East/West is relative to the map and your minimap, all you have to do is pay attention to how you have it oriented in relation to those doors. you can rotate it in the interface editor.


Oooo, another PvP lesser known thing. I guess it's not PvP specific, but I didn't know you could rotate your map in the interface editor. Neat. :D

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Oooo, another PvP lesser known thing. I guess it's not PvP specific, but I didn't know you could rotate your map in the interface editor. Neat. :D


Let me clarify, you can rotate/invert your mini-map in the editor, not the full game map.

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East/West is not relative. If you do not change your minimap settings even once than every map will appear exactly as it should be.

Do not turn on the ability for the minimap to spin around your character, you will destroy your ability to respond in PvP if you do not know the maps well.


As for voidstar, and people saying they flip sides on you....they don't, your brain is messing with you. Standing at the spawn point as defender...east is to your left, if a bomb gets planted there it will say that the bomb will go off on the east door in 20 seconds.

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East/West is not relative. If you do not change your minimap settings even once than every map will appear exactly as it should be.

Do not turn on the ability for the minimap to spin around your character, you will destroy your ability to respond in PvP if you do not know the maps well.


As for voidstar, and people saying they flip sides on you....they don't, your brain is messing with you. Standing at the spawn point as defender...east is to your left, if a bomb gets planted there it will say that the bomb will go off on the east door in 20 seconds.

For me, it has something to do with the fact that I always struggled with map reading in general and I only memorized west and east by associating them with left and right in my mind. I also don't do well with directional changes, so if it's at all flipped around, I tend to get confused.


Just thought I'd explain a bit. I'm sure I could learn voidstar better, with a little careful association. It's just really easy for me to get thrown by that map. And I have a feeling I'm not the only one who has this problem, considering the tendency for people to say left and right.

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Hmm why would you ignore left/right calls ? You are ok to lose a game cuz you dont like the way someone calls directions or nodes? :/

Anyway I often just use a number 1,2,3 or whatever it is. Expect my team to know that the call is for the other door or other node we have. This might not work when holding side nodes on Cw or Alderaan but ok for Voidstar or Hypergate. Expectct them to know who is guarding node/door and where it is :) when 3 opers open on you there may be no time to anylise the map where is east, west and type it all in chat. And pre type is not good.


I think the ship and container could be a good distinction for Vs sides :) cuz always able to see where u are when on defence. I ll try it next Vs but prolly will cry.


Omg leap across bridges is known but ppl still call hax in chat. Played Pubs yesterday and 3 times they let it happen :/

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Omg leap across bridges is known but ppl still call hax in chat. Played Pubs yesterday and 3 times they let it happen :/


And the thing is, it works both ways. I've seen defenders use it to get back across and keep defending the bridge barriers. If you can leap to them, they can leap to you. :D

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And the thing is, it works both ways. I've seen defenders use it to get back across and keep defending the bridge barriers. If you can leap to them, they can leap to you. :D


I just dont get why the people who get leaped to are that close to the edge to begin with.

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Not sure either. Maybe they try to get a leap themselves and only end up giving leap to sthealters or maybe just wanna see better :) you could just stay out of reach and only close up when have a leap oportunity I managed that a few times but better dont risk it. Bridge will almost alway go down and 2nd door are easy to guard if u have most of your team there :)


And when u are waiting across u should watch door rather then observe whats going on across.


As of oddities in pvp I cant really think of any that arent known to seasoned players. But biggest oddity to me is Operative ! You opers troll to much with your saps and rolls and vanishes and flashbangs:rak_01:

Ah and maybe if you are not an oper but wanna move fast you can for example in Queshball pick up 1st speed buff and then to get 2nd you can click off the 1st one ( its not really usefull but few times i run thru speed boost with already active one and wondered why it didnt refresh :/ )

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can confrim. i've dun it once. okay twice.


Hey in my defense I got stuck in like 5 matches 4 of which were purple and on the last i get thrown on other team and started heading for yellow because that's what i did 4 matches prior don't blame me blame the lame *** que system for queing it so many dam times!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Little bit of a necro, but I just learned a new one. In OPG you can double a double. Our team was holding on to two of the blue "double" mods right at the end of a round. So next round we took a "hill", then applied one double. Then, we were way ahead, so just to check, we activated the second one. And we were getting 4 points per tick for just holding that one node. Nice! :D
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Little bit of a necro, but I just learned a new one. In OPG you can double a double. Our team was holding on to two of the blue "double" mods right at the end of a round. So next round we took a "hill", then applied one double. Then, we were way ahead, so just to check, we activated the second one. And we were getting 4 points per tick for just holding that one node. Nice! :D


Now... Someone gotta try applying three double and confirm if it actually double the amount of points (as in 8 points per tick) or if just add to the multiplier (as in 6 points per tick).

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