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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Arcan fight


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I had equipped the double bladed light saver version of Arcann slaying when my character got it because I knew I'd never remember I had such an important piece and thus fail at killing Arcann. It did give me an option every once in awhile but oddly .. I still failed at killing Arcann. Lousy made in Tatooine products. :p
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The Arcann fight was utterly horible. Not difficult once you figured out you have to use the shield, but tedious and annoying.

It felt absolutely not like Star Wars at all and more like a generic fantasy fight.


Edit: Also fighting against opponents with massive amounts of hitpoints doesn't make a fight feel epic or heroic.

Edited by Kendaric
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The Arcann fight was utterly horible. Not difficult once you figured out you have to the shield, but tedious and annoying.

It felt absolutely not like Star Wars at all and more like a generic fantasy fight.


I suspect that what happened is that they were planning on making the weapons we forged matter in the fight and didn't have time to code it in before its release or it was to buggy or whatever, so they made a one size fits all solution to meet a deadline. That's what it feels like to me.


But hey, we may get a second chance right?

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Assuming you chose to use both satele and mar's ideologies together when you make the weapon, you have an ability that reflect damage back at him. Time it right and he actually hits himself harder than he ever hits you. Was funny to see a 20k hit from a reflection when he certainly never hit me that hard.
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Yeah totally. Operatives do not deal huge amounts of damage nor do they have huge amounts of heals. They are like cockroaches in most battles...but those battles can take forever. Not sure how they are against Arcann. Probably just fine but in battles where you need to kill the boss fast before you're overwhelmed. ..they aren't much use. They don't have the speed and need to be up close and personal for knife battles which do significantly less damage than jedi or sith. They rely stuns for survivability in longer battles which bosses are immune to mostly. My operative took on the mandalorian joss and her husband in SOR by herself as my companion died within a min and I lost the Droid. Battle took me 30 or 40 or so minutes but she won. No dramas. I reckon arcann would be easy as well given that it's shield mechanics rather than my own lousy attacks. Maybe that's why they have it this way? To put healers and sentinels/marauders on even footing? The battles I struggled with on my operative, my marauder and sentinel had zero struggles all due to her low dps.


Operatives can put out just as good damage as other classes, you just havento know their rotations. They are a little more advanced to play because if you dont know which abilities to use, and in which order, they can be gimped.


But my lethality operative puts enough to compete in HMs.

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It was an easy fight on my sith warrior.


I was very disappointed with the whole chapter (much like 99% of the other 15). 1st enough with the *********** corridors full of skytroopers. 2nd stop with the player character getting slammed, lifted and thrown around like a 2nd rate NPC.


As for the Arcan fight i was hoping for a classic saber duel but instead we got a gimmicky flashy magic battle

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Assuming you chose to use both satele and mar's ideologies together when you make the weapon, you have an ability that reflect damage back at him. Time it right and he actually hits himself harder than he ever hits you. Was funny to see a 20k hit from a reflection when he certainly never hit me that hard.


My first playthough I went for the turrets early on.


Second time I grabbed the shield, bomb missile.


You know the droid with the AoE cross? I popped the shield and it went from 70% health to 0% health.


The stupid droid killed itself.:p:):D:rak_03:

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I suspect that what happened is that they were planning on making the weapons we forged matter in the fight and didn't have time to code it in before its release or it was to buggy or whatever, so they made a one size fits all solution to meet a deadline. That's what it feels like to me.


But hey, we may get a second chance right?


They did matter. Did you not get extra abilities from them? Having the weapon equipped gave me a bonus reflection damage and heal ability. Pretty sweet stuff. I watched Arcann's health shrink every time he smashed me.

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Yeah totally. Operatives do not deal huge amounts of damage nor do they have huge amounts of heals. They are like cockroaches in most battles...but those battles can take forever. Not sure how they are against Arcann. Probably just fine but in battles where you need to kill the boss fast before you're overwhelmed. ..they aren't much use. They don't have the speed and need to be up close and personal for knife battles which do significantly less damage than jedi or sith. They rely stuns for survivability in longer battles which bosses are immune to mostly. My operative took on the mandalorian joss and her husband in SOR by herself as my companion died within a min and I lost the Droid. Battle took me 30 or 40 or so minutes but she won. No dramas. I reckon arcann would be easy as well given that it's shield mechanics rather than my own lousy attacks. Maybe that's why they have it this way? To put healers and sentinels/marauders on even footing? The battles I struggled with on my operative, my marauder and sentinel had zero struggles all due to her low dps.


Not sure what your operative is like but mine can do healing just fine, thank you. She can hold her own in operations so not sure what you are talking about. Maybe its your gear.

Edited by casirabit
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The Arcann fight was utterly horible. Not difficult once you figured out you have to use the shield, but tedious and annoying.

Did the shield actually do anything useful before the last phase of the fight?


I've done it so far with a Gunnery Commando with 216 or better everywhere including 3 216-ops token pieces, except one carppy 194 relic, and 208 augments on all pieces except the relics (79+K health); and a Lightning Sorc with 208 everywhere, except an identical carppy 194 relic, and no augments (62K health).


My take on this:

* Use the Chapter XII weapon - it gives two bonus-bar abilities: super-speed and damage reflection. Or don't use it, and do without those abilities. I liked having them around.

* Grab the shield early, so you don't forget to pick it up. You won't need it until near the end of the fight, but it would qualify as embarrassing to die because you forgot to pick it up and were immobilised by the yellow lightning.

* Burn the Force Manifestations down as soon as they appear.

* Don't stand in stupid. In this fight, "stupid" means "the big yellow pie-chart thing that Arcann casts". It takes him ages to cast it, but it's a *huge* knock-back if you're in the wedge when he finishes.

* Try to stay as close to the stairs end of the fight zone as possible to reduce the distance you must cover in the second-to-last phase, when Arcann retreats up the stairs and starts putting out yellow lightning.

* The second-to-last phase involves "arming" the shield and advancing to the top of the stairs with the shield up in the face of Arcann and two turrets spewing yellow lightning. Just advance as well as you can, and leave the shield up. Make sure you have Arcann targeted.

* The last phase is very, very short. It begins when you get in shield-bash range of Arcann and ends when you use the shield-bash ability on him.


I found it hard on the Commando mostly because she was my first attempt, and I was still trying to work out how the fight works.

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Did the shield actually do anything useful before the last phase of the fight?


I've done it so far with a Gunnery Commando with 216 or better everywhere including 3 216-ops token pieces, except one carppy 194 relic, and 208 augments on all pieces except the relics (79+K health); and a Lightning Sorc with 208 everywhere, except an identical carppy 194 relic, and no augments (62K health).






I've done it with my Sith Warrior with 190 gear + the 200 Story gear and the most useless Weapon (this movespeed buff wuhu yeah amazing!!) and had no troubles.


I never used the shield or the amazing usefull (*hust*) magic weapon until the last phase.

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I've done it with my Sith Warrior with 190 gear + the 200 Story gear and the most useless Weapon (this movespeed buff wuhu yeah amazing!!) and had no troubles.


I never used the shield or the amazing usefull (*hust*) magic weapon until the last phase.

My Commando used the "shields and weapons" option on the way to Arcann. Those shields enabled me to totally shred the one black-finish skytrooper boss by putting up the shield and standing there doing nothing while his one effect was running. *That* was funny.


And I can imagine the superspeed ability being useful for a melee class without a decent jump (or whose jump is on CD), but who needs to get close to take down the manifestations. Shrug. It's useful, but I wouldn't say it is essential.

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I don't know why people are complaining so much about the weapon. All I can think is they told Satele to shove it and didn't see the reflect damage effect it was having. Was it actually bugged for some people? :confused: Edited by ZanyaCross
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I don't know why people are complaining so much about the weapon. All I can think is they told Satele to shove it and didn't see the reflect damage effect it was having. Was it actually bugged for some people? :confused:

Well, given that they created the weapon four chapters before they needed it, and there was no indication on the weapon's tool tip that it would do *that* thing, some people didn't bother with it(1), and the people who did use it were, in some cases, disappointed by what it gave them.


(1) I adopted the special HBG immediately on my Commando who did Chapter XII when it came out, partly because I was concerned about how important it would end up being, and partly because I liked its appearance. My DvL Sorc set Kallig's sabre aside to use the special sabre - she(2) prefers the Kallig one for general use because it is curved in a way that matches the curve of her hip instead of sticking out and getting in the way of her hand as she runs.


(2) OK, I write it like this, but of course I really mean that I prefer it. The reason is basically true, though.

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I don't know why people are complaining so much about the weapon. All I can think is they told Satele to shove it and didn't see the reflect damage effect it was having. Was it actually bugged for some people? :confused:


No clue since it was sitting forgotten somewhere. Basically you totally owned Arcann with the shield so ... no weapon necessary.

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I did not figure out at first that I have to use those shields to beat him. After I figured that out, it was not hard to beat Arcann. Nevertheless, it was more of a challenge than previous boss fights I have encountered.


Btw, I did it with a sage, so other classes might have more trouble without the healing abilities.


Challenge? The yellow arrow pointed to the damn shield, pointed to the force manifests Arcann was creating. It was the lamest fight and near impossible to die. Like the fight with Revan in SoR.

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Not sure what your operative is like but mine can do healing just fine, thank you. She can hold her own in operations so not sure what you are talking about. Maybe its your gear.


Perhaps as I don't have operational level gear on her. Not sure what gear I have on her anymore but she's now damage as I needed that more than heals. I found heals to work well in pvp in 3.0 (haven't done any pvp recently) but in pve my lack of damage, specifically in the skytrooper constructor battle, was the most problematic.

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specifically in the skytrooper constructor battle, was the most problematic.

People keep saying that battle was hard. I really don't get it. OK, I've done it on a well 'ard gunnery commando with everything 216 or better, except one 194 relic, which I found heavy going because I was simultaneously learning the mechanics, and on a Lightning Sorc with 208 crystal gear, with a 216 relic and that same 194 relic that the commando had, who found it easier. In neither case was it hard, just heavy going. Stay focussed, ignore the mechanics (really: the mechanics just distract you from the true task of reducing the constructor to twisted wreckage), and spank and tank.

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