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Support answer test


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So for over a month now i have been trying to get support to tell me why i am not getting my DvL rewards for the DvL event. I am stuck at the champion level even though i did all the work and quests to have completed both champion and eternal levels of the event and should be working on my legendary status. But alas i can NOT, becuz we cant get silly fp mission tracker fixed. And support thinks im buying that no player on any server is getting past the champion level so i should just sit back letting them NOT fix the issue.

Not getting my champion level pay out is stopping me from getting my eternal payout, both have been earned.

Also not getting my champion level payout means my 1-50 event toons have to progress with incomplete leveling armor even though i did all the work to have the full set.

I am sorry support a quick read of the forums lets me know you have been misleading me by the best case scenario, and str8 up lying to me in what i believe to be the reality of the situation.

Fix the dam event! or shut it down til it works, its not fair to force your paying clientele to suffer your poorly made work product with no regard for the reasonable expectation their subscription payments entitle them to and all while they are being pushed off and bull******* by cs' that wont even deal with them in reasonable good faith with an honest answer. Can you tell i am disgusted with the lack of integrity in your replies to me yet? I am NOT mad that the game has a glitch. The fact that it has a glitch and its stopping my event is only frustrating the part that pisses me off is being lied to and pushed off by cs.

Now then, can we your customers who pay their subs in good faith get an honest answer to a reasonable request for a realistic timeline for a fix for the event, as well as how you will make up this major hold up to your player base / paying customers who paid you in good faith reasonably expecting to receive a working product for their entertainment? Thank you in advance for your time and effort in this matter,

your gamer, the rage.

Edited by RaGiNDon
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On the face of it, this seems to be pretty simple. If you have been stuck for several weeks on getting completion of the Champion level, that level requires completion of Chapter 16 (only released for Early Access yesterday); and you cannot complete Eternal/Legendary until completing the Champion level. So your problem should be solved by completing Chapter 16. :)

From reading the forums I gather there is a bug with the Flashpoint Master achievement on Legendary but that doesn't seem to be the cause of your problem because you do not make specific mention of that. :p


If you have completed Chapter 16, done all of the Flashpoints in Solo or Tactical mode, completed 5 Alliance Alerts, and reached Valor Rank 5, all of those with a character created during the DvL event, then all of the requirements for Champion should be met. If it still is not working...

A CSR could probably take a look at your DvL Achievement List and tell you what, if anything, is missing. I cannot do that, so I have two choices - I can either assume that there is a bug that nobody I know has seen, which is causing you to not get credit for the completions (note, I do not include the bugged "Depths of Manaan" FP in that list, as there is a known reason and workaround for that one); or you have missed something from the Champion list (probably the aforementionned "Depths of Manaan" FP).

If you are seeing 135/135 completions on the Champion level and you are not getting credit, then that is definitely a problem... but it would really help the CSRs if you could take a deep breath, leave the anger at the door (difficult, I know, but while "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and complaints get peoples' attention, frustration also tends to get in the way of understanding the problem for the person trying to help you), and give a short but very detailed description of the problem:

"My DvL Champion level achievement list is showing 135/135 completions, I have gained the checkmark for each requirement, but I am still not getting credit for it.".

It is not as much fun as raging on the forums, but by giving them the information they need and none of the extra emotion, it is a lot easier to get to the root cause. Yes, it would be really nice if a CSR could take a wall of text and frustration, extract the necessary detail, and fix it. But they are human with a massive pile of tickets to deal with, so a wall of text like this one just gets a copy/paste response so they can meet their response time targets, and shuffle on to the next ticket.

And of course, I know from my customer service training that sometimes in order to get to the bottom of the problem so you can help the customer, sometimes you just have to let them rant and rave until they are calm enough to give you the information they need. So a really good CSR will know to just nod, take notes and get what information they can from the tirade, let the client vent, and then start asking questions once things start to calm down. Good luck finding one of those CSRs (and I mean anywhere, not just here).

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ok you mentioned the whole of my problem in the depths of manaan fp issue. that is my whole issue, i have completed that manaan mission 9 times and it wont give me the credit. you mention a work around could you link me? you are right, i am frustrated, i am frustrated becuz i am not getting str8 answers and have patiently filed reports and tickets and keep getting the whole line i mentioned above with no realistic fix in sight. But again you mentioned a work around that i have neither heard of or read about so plz a link???

As a rule i have not had many issues with cs they are generally very quick to fix things i have dealt with thus far. this is the first time i have experienced such from them, this is yet another reason i am frustrated i am accustomed to a certain level of expedience from the cs team here, as in the past i have received what i consider to be much better service then i have gotten in this issue esp if there is a work around for my issue and they have been just giving me the push off.

Edited by RaGiNDon
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The "solution" for Depths of Manaan is on the last boss - he has to die by direct damage from a player, and not from the fire. It is ok if he dies IN the fire or while on fire, as long as the final tick of damage that takes him down to 0 health is direct damage from a player or a companion.


I tested this today, ran the FP twice - the first time making sure that he died to fire, and I got no credit for the FP. I then ran it again, as far as possible with the identical run through, and made sure that the last tick of damage was me whacking him with my glowbat, and got credit.

I had planned for a couple more runs, because at the time I whacked him he was in the fire - I wanted to check to see if he had to be out of the fire or not on fire at the time when he died... as it happens, neither of those is the case - he was in the fire and about as on fire as he could be, but because the last hit was mine I got credit so could not really continue with the test - the only remaining possible wrinkle would be if my companion got the kill or, in the case of a Solo-mode run, the Combat Support Droid. However, guildies have assured me that they have received completion credit for kills made my the God-bot and also by a companion so those scenarios appear to work too.

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