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How do you manage your abilities?


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I'm only a level 21 sentinel and I already have a ton of keybinds. At least it seems like a ton for me. 1-5, q,e,r,f and 6 keybinds on my Naga that will fill up soon. I'm reading that some people are working with 20+ keybinds. So how do you guys find room for all this stuff? Am I just suppose to prioritize? Or is it just one of these things that will seperate the best from the rest when it comes to this class.
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Prioritize. Take certain abilities you never use off your bars. Put your most often used abilities as the easiest to reach. For example my 1-5 are Strike, Slash, Zealous Strike, Overload Saber, and Master Strike. Cauterize is C. Force Leap is Shift 4.(my dot and gap closer on my WoW Warrior were C and Shift 4 so force of habit)


Then it just becomes practice and eventually, muscle memory.

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I'm only a level 21 sentinel and I already have a ton of keybinds. At least it seems like a ton for me. 1-5, q,e,r,f and 6 keybinds on my Naga that will fill up soon. I'm reading that some people are working with 20+ keybinds. So how do you guys find room for all this stuff? Am I just suppose to prioritize? Or is it just one of these things that will seperate the best from the rest when it comes to this class.


i manage them correctly

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I find keybinding very important for Old Republic in general. I've found that I don't use my mouse for combat any more. My keyboard is how I used to have it, but my numpad is now set up with my attacks and important commands. + sign for companion to attack a target.


With other goodies I'm still working into being natural I'm taking over the up down arrow area and the page up insert keys.


I'm still in the process of getting a comfortable map for me, but it seems a must to find a mapping system to make the attack options easy to access.

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I'm struggling with it a little bit, but then again I'm sort of new to the MMO genre and don't have any fancy keyboards or mice to utilize.


I probably need to rearrange into a more logical order, but right now I have most of my frequently used talents one 1 through = and then the situational stuff (Zen, Transcendence, Rebuke, Saber Ward, medpacs, leg sweep, throw, stasis) on a second bar below that.


Since I don't use the bottom bar a whole lot, I can either give a quick shift-button or usually I just reach up and click if I need it. Since most of them are long cooldown I don't have to worry about it too much.

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I'm using a razer naga. I use the 1-9 buttons for regular abilities, shift 1-9 for special abilities like master strike, dots, interrupts, slows etc and control 1-9 for buffs.


I'm also using a Naga, but I've created Macros that that cycle through abilities. For example, I have Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Strike, and Rebuke all bound to 1 key with a .1 second delay between each key press.


What that looks like:

Press Key:

Force Leap if you're out of range. Already in melee range then...

Zealous Strike. Is Zealous Strike down then...


Rebuke triggered when it's up.


Because of this, I only take 1 point in the talent that reduces Force Leaps minimum range. That way it doesn't trigger until I'm out of melee range.

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I am struggling with this still too. I'm only level 23 and cannot find a good key mapping yet. I have a Razer Naga and a Nostromo and still can't keep it all straight. I have played a lot of MMOs and this is by far the most difficulty that I have had mapping my keys.
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important combat skills - top center - 1 2 3 4 5 q e r f c x z

defensive/utility skills - bottom center - shift + " "

lesser used skills that need binds - right side - alt + " "

companion skills - left side - ctrl + " "


So that's 36 keyboard binds for myself, and I only use a couple of my companion's abilities on activation (e.g., CC)


Then 3 "convenience" binds on my mouse - autorun, mount, rest

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